

Study on the Developmental Strategy of "Taiyuan Economic Circle"

【作者】 杨晶晶

【导师】 靳共元;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 政治经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和区域一体化的不断演进,构建经济圈或城市群的区域经济发展模式正逐步成为全球经济发展的重要特征。中国区域经济的走向也日益呈现这一要求,目前已逐步建立起长三角、珠三角、京津冀三大经济圈,汇集了我国经济发展的核心力量。在中部崛起的大背景下,其他五省也纷纷建立了各自的经济圈或城市群,山西省也不失时机地提出构建“大太原经济圈”的发展战略思想。本文采用理论分析和实证分析相结合方法,对“大太原经济圈”的必要性、可行性、发展战略选择、建设中的难点问题及对策进行了系统的研究,旨在为“大太原经济圈”的区域经济发展提供有用的理论观点和政策建议。围绕这一目的,本文从以下五个部分来展开论述:第一部分是对经济圈的相关理论进行简要说明,主要包括区位、比较优势、区域协同发展以及产业结构、空间结构等方面的理论,并介绍了目前国内外经济圈的发展现状;第二部分阐明了“大太原经济圈”理念提出的必要性,认为它的构建不仅是为了支撑和引领山西经济的发展,更是为了发挥“承东启西”的作用,使中部地区乃至全国的经济发展得到充足的能源保障,并从自然、经济、社会等多个角度对其发展的可行性进行探讨;在此基础上,第三部分对区域发展的模式选择提出了政策性建议,即发展以高科技和新型材料为主的工业园区,并着力发展区域四大优势产业集群;第四部分具体分析了在建设“大太原经济圈”的过程中出现的行政区划、产业结构、空间结构等方面的难点问题;最后一部分针对第四部分中强调的难点问题提出相应的解决对策,认为发展“大太原经济圈”在短期内应避开行政区上的合并,实行经济一体化战略,同时对区域经济结构进行合理地调整与优化。通过全方位的阐述和论证,本文从整体上对“大太原经济圈”发展战略做一个较详细的研究。相对于其他学者的研究,本文在确定区域优势产业集群、选择区域主导产业等方面更具有系统性和全面性。本文还从交易费用、外部性、协同效应等经济学角度对构建产业集群的战略做了理论分析,并用区域优势、产业关联度、收入弹性、生产率上升率、环境等五个基准指标对“大太原经济圈”进行区域主导产业选择提出了政策性的建议。“大太原经济圈”的建立既涉及到经济学等多方面的理论问题,但更是一个和社会实践相关的现实问题,不仅涉及到经济发展布局还要触及行政区划、利益分配、文化传统等多方面的内容。本文比较多地在发展经济学和区域经济的框架里讨论了工业园区和优势产业集群问题,其他方面涉及相对较少。作者将在以后的研究中继续补充和完善这些内容。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic globalization and regional integration, economic circle or urban agglomeration, this new mode of regional economic development is gradually becoming an important characteristic in global economic development. This trend of China’s regional economy also shows the growing demand. Nowadays, China has gradually established three large economic circles; they bring together the core of China’s economic development. Against the background of the rise of Central China, the governments have also built their own economic circle or urban agglomeration in the other five provinces. Therefore, the government in Shanxi poses to establish the strategic thinking.Through the method of theoretical and empirical analysis, this paper analyses the necessity, feasibility,trend and difficulties of“Taiyuan economic circle”in order to provide theoretical points and policy recommendations for regional economic development. Around this purpose, this paper is divided into five sections to elaborate.The first section introduces the main theories about economic circles, such as the theories of location, comparative advantage, regional joint development, industrial structure and spatial structure, and then explains the general situations of domestic and international economic circles.The second section analyses the necessity of“Taiyuan economic circle”, it thinks that the construction of this concept is not only to support and guide the economic development of Shanxi Province, but also to give full play to“a connecting link between east and west”and make the economic development of central region even the whole country gain adequate energy security. Then, it studies the feasibility from the natural, economic and social point.On this basis, the third section brings forward some policy recommendations, such as the establishment of industrial estates and industrial clusters.The fourth section focuses on the issues of regional development from the administrative division, industrial structure and spatial structure. For the issues of the fourth section, the last section makes appropriate countermeasures, it considers that the development of“Taiyuan economic circle”should avoid the merger of administrative region, carry out the strategy of economic integration. At the same time, it adjusts and optimizes the economic structure.Through this demonstration, it does more detailed research for the developmental strategy of“Taiyuan economic circle”in the mass.Compared to the research of other scholars, this paper has comprehensive, theory and practicality on the identification of regional superior industrial clusters and the selection of regional major industries. And it brings to construct industrial clusters from the economic angles of transaction costs, exterior, joint effect, and select major industries from the five standards of regional advantage, industry association, income elasticity, rate of increase in productivity, environment. However, it only poses industrial estates and industrial clusters, this makes the angle restrictive, and its depth is inadequate on the adjustment and optimization of regional economic structure. The author hopes to supply and perfect this paper in the future.


