

The Study of the Audience Behavior Culture in Nationwide Volleyball League

【作者】 黄光辉

【导师】 李鹏;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 全国排球联赛不但是全国最大、最有影响力的排球赛事,而且其规模、专业水平和办赛水平也是世界上办的最好的排球联赛之一。随着全国排球联赛的开展,目前已备受人们的关注。研究全国排球联赛现场观众行为文化不仅可以推动群众排球运动的发展,而且对稳定和扩大全国排球联赛赛事具有重要的现实意义,既是“和谐体育”的需要,又是当前人们精神追求的需要。本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、观察法、逻辑分析法等方法,从文化学的角度对全国排球联赛现场观众的行为进行调查分析。结果表明:全国排球联赛现场观众,与以往的调研相比,女性观众首次超过男性观众;影响观众到联赛现场观看比赛的主观因素主要是“欣赏运动的美感”,客观因素主要是“空闲的时间”;有63%的观众对“球员不文明,使用侮辱性、攻击性语言或手势”有可能产生过激行为;受含蓄与内敛的传统文化影响,有51%的现场观众在比赛中出现不满场面时,选择“内心虽十分不满,但无具体行为”;现场观众的环保意识普遍较强,有74%的观众认为“乱丢垃圾”是不文明行为,并有高达93%的观众在赛场没有垃圾箱时选择“先带着,然后找垃圾箱扔掉”,但实地调研结果存在“光说不练”的尴尬局面;全国排球联赛部分主场的场馆室内广告、条幅等的布置都是在专家的指点下布设的,其具体摆设与色彩搭配都经过专家的严格审查,具备很高的布置水准。但观众对比赛局间节目安排有所期待,对座椅舒适度、服务人员态度、场馆环境普遍满意,少数有待改善;有高达93%的观众认为在联赛赛场安排志愿者比较重要;只有40%的观众觉得获得全国排球联赛时间、地点的信息比较容易,对全国排球联赛的宣传有待加强。通过对上述调查结果的分析,建议政府及相关部门努力实现社会公平,加强社会规范建设,规范运动员、教练员、裁判员、工作人员以及观众的赛场行为;通过学校教育、家庭教育提高人们对道德行为的认识,利用不同媒介扩大对排球基本知识、规则的普及与观赛礼仪的宣传,全面提升观众的道德意识与观赛行为水准;作为观众,应增强对排球竞赛规则的了解,提高对排球的观赏能力。用辩证的眼光看待比赛结果,合理发泄不满情绪;爱护比赛场馆,提高自身环保意识;建议联赛组织者精心打造联赛,利用多种途径大力宣传排球赛事;充分利用明星效应开发球市,努力提高联赛水平;采取套票、团体购票、学生打折票等灵活的购票方式与合理的赠票方式吸引更多的观众加入;强化联赛举办场馆的风险评估,更新场馆安保人员的工作理念;对比赛场馆精心设计,通过安排丰富多彩的娱乐节目满足人们的精神需求;正确引导观众文明观赛,加强球迷协会的协同作用并尝试引进奥运会志愿者制度;以网络、电视、报纸、手机等为平台加强与公众的交流,除了严格执行观众行为规范,还应本着“以人文本”提高对观众的服务质量;与此同时,加大对排球联赛观众行为文化的科研力度。

【Abstract】 Nationwide volleyball league is not only the largest and most influential volleyball toumament,but also one of the best volleyball league in size,professional level and sponsor level all over the world.With the nationwide volleyball league developing, currently the people have pay attention to it.The research of nationwide volleyball league of audience behavior culture can not only promote the development of mass volleyball,but also have the important realistic significance for stabling and expanding nationwide volleyball league tournament,which is the need to "harmony sports",and to the people’s spiritual pursuit.Using the methods of literature study,questionnaire and mathematical statistics, observation,logic analysis,from the perspective of culture,the article investigates for nationwide volleyball league of audience behavior.Results showed that compared with the previous survey,the number of female audience surpasses the male first time.The mainly subjective factor to affect the audience to watch the game is "enjoy sports beauty",and the objective factor is "free time".63%of audience might make aggressive behaviour for not civilized players,useing offensive gesture or language;Under the implicative and restrained traditional culture,51%of the audience choose "scenes with the mind,but no specific behavior"to dissatisfaction in competitions;Generally having strong awareness of environmental protection,74%of the audience think "littering" is rude behaviour,and 93%of the audience think if there is not dustbin,they will "bing,then throw it into dustbin",but the investigation shows that "it is easier said than done".Indoor advertisements and banners in part of home-venues of the nationwide volleyball league are arranged by the experts,who are also strict in its specific decoration arrangement and colour collocation.But the audience of the game between the Board look forward to programming,generally satisfied with the seat comfort, service attitude,the stadium environment,but few need to be improved;up to 93%of viewers think it is important to arrange volunteers in the league venues;only 40% audience feel it easy to gain the information of the National Volleyball League of time, place,the national volleyball league publicity needs to be strengthened.Through the analysis of the investigation results,I suggest that the Government and relevant departments strive to achieve social equity,strengthen social norms,and regulate behavior of the athletes,coaches,referees,staff and the stadium audience; through school and family education,raising awareness of morality acts,publicize for basic volleyball knowledge,the popularization rules,viewing etiquette by different media,enhance the moral consciousness and viewing audience behavior standards.As the audience,we should know of the rules of volleyball competition to improve the ability of watching volleyball.From the dialectical perspective,we treat the result of the competition,vent reasonably discontent,protect the venues,and improve their environmental protection consciousness.Suggestion:organizers of the league use multiple approaches to publicity of volleyball tournament;make full use of "star effect" to develop the volleyball,improve the level of orientated league;attract more audience to join by adopting flexible and reasonable methods such as package tickets,group tickets,students tickets etc, strengthen the risk consciousness of venues league,update the venue security personnel working ideas,design for venues,satisfy people’s spiritual needs through the arrangement of rich and colorful entertainment,correctly guide the audience to watch the competition in civilized way,make the fans association play a harmony role, try to introduce the Olympic volunteers system,communicate with the public in Internet, television,newspapers,mobile,except for strictly execute the audience behavior rules, and improve the people’s audience service quality according to "People-oriented". Meanwhile,enhance the research efforts of volleyball league audience behavior culture.

【关键词】 排球联赛观众行为文化
【Key words】 Volleyball leagueThe audienceBehavior culture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期

