

Ease and Delicacy

【作者】 马晓

【导师】 孙先科;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 学术界对汪曾祺文学成就的研究主要集中其作品自身的审美价值,以及其生发出来的对传统文学继承的意味上。近年来,人们对汪曾祺的研究几乎都停留在对其作品艺术风格的分析上,较少深入他的心灵深处,只探求其作品风格的形成的原因,只看其表而未进其里,并没有充分分析汪曾祺作品形成的内在和外在的原因,而且对作品的内在气质也谈论不多,更不用说文学之于汪曾祺、以及汪曾祺之于文学之间的内在关联。笔者认为,对汪曾祺的研究应当从审美风格、作品创作技巧等文学文本意蕴的审视,延伸到对作家心灵、涵养、自身性格和创作习惯等文化性格上的探究,进而扩展到文学本体领域之中,这无疑能丰富我们对作家作品的阐释。下面我拟就汪曾祺文化性格的形成,及其文化性格在其作品中的审美表现和意义作系统的论述,寻求对汪曾祺本人及其作品的一点新的认识。本论文由引言、正文和结语三部分组成。引言主要说明学术界对汪曾祺研究的现状,以及本篇论文的出发点。论文主体部分详细论证汪曾祺文化性格形成的根源和汪曾祺文化性格对其小说创作的影响。主体分为三个部分。第一部分主要探究汪曾祺的闲散与精致,以及对其文化性格内在的美和善的总体论述。第二部分探讨关于汪曾祺文化性格形成的主要渊源,从小时候在士大夫、富绅家庭受到的隐士之风,到中学时代受归有光等晚明小品文的影响,再到西南联大7年受现代西方文论和现代主义意识流文学的影响,最后是进入到新中国之后的社会主义文学对其文化性格形成的影响。从外在环境和内在人生成长上探讨其文化性格形成的外在环境和内在心理因素。第三部分着重强调文化性格对其当代文学创作中的影响,从文学主题的选择、文学叙述方式、文本形式、语言风格等几个方面分析文化性格对其创作上的影响。结语部分在正文基础的上,纠正时下对汪曾祺的研究的不足,强调汪曾祺对中国当代文学的影响力,突出研究文学风格的形成不应避开作家个人的文化性格。

【Abstract】 The main part of academic circles about Wang Zengqi literature accomplishment focus on the aesthetic meanings of the articles and the flavors from the literature tradition .Recently, the studs of Wang Zengqi always stay in the analysis of his artistic style, less interesting in his internal and external cause which forms his woks. Not to mention the internal qualities of Wang Zengqi and the relationship between literature and Wang Zengqi. In my opinion, the study of Wang Zengqi should be extended from the aesthetic style and artistic technics to his cultural character such as his spirit and quality. And it also should be extended to the bady field of literature. This will enrich the understanding of Wang Zengqi and his works. The following discussion will focus on the forming and presentation of his cultural character. I believe this will be a new viewpoint to the study of cultural character..The thesis is composed of preface, text and concluding remarks. The preface explains the current academic studies of Wang Zengqi and starting point to this composition, which can be expressed as the cultural character of Wang Zengqi and it’s impact on his novel creation. The main body of this composition is consisted of three parts.The first part will totally analysize the cultural character of Wang Zengqi and the beauty and kindness among delicacy and unusedness.The second part will search the forming of Wang Zengqi’s cultural character. At here, we will see that from childhood’s gentry family impacts to middle school’s effects of light essay of Gui Youguang, and to the period of seven years in west-south united university, also to the new china’s impacts, all present the development of his cultural character.Part III is emphasizes the effects of his cultural character literature creation. Tihs may be arranged from the thess-slscting to language style and article forms etc.The final saying emphasizes Wang Zengqi’s influence on mordent Chinese literature, which based on the main text. At all, we should pay enough attentions to the cultural character of the writer.

【关键词】 汪曾祺文化性格闲散精致散文体小说
【Key words】 Wang ZengqiCultural characterUnusednessDelicacyProsaism novel
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】256

