

The Analysis of Tutor’s Function in Guiding the Public Opinion in College Students’ Association

【作者】 涂钢

【导师】 张举玺;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 新闻学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济持续快速的增长和综合国力的日渐提升,社会形势稳定,高校的思想政治教育越来越为党和政府重视。2004年中共中央、国务院发布的《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》,以纲领性文件的形式要求以人为本加强和改进大学生思想政治教育,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人。高校的思想政治教育处在经济基础增强和国家政策支持的双重有利条件下,不但纳入了素质教育、心理健康教育、职业观教育等新鲜元素,教育形式也更加多样化,除了结合政治理论课以及各学科教学来进行教育外,开辟社会实践、校园文化、网络阵地以及党团组织建设等领域,也被作为大学生思想政治教育的有效途径。高校社团也被视为加强学生思想政治教育的有效途径之一。本论题探讨的就是辅导员根据自己的角色特点,利用传播技巧,加强高校社团内的舆论引导,改进高校社团的思想政治教育局面,从而促进高校思想政治教育效果的提升。本论文主体分为三个部分:一、舆论引导的概念,及其与高校思想政治教育的关系。舆论引导是大众传播的一个重要社会功能。作为一种社会控制行为,它可以影响社会舆论,引导社会公众的意向,控制人们的思想行为,使他们按照权力部门或社会管理者的意图从事社会活动。把高校的思想政治教育放在传播学语境下考察,就是一种典型的传播活动,而高校内部舆论直接关系到这种传播活动效果的好坏。高校社团的小舆论圈是整个高校舆论环境的缩影,所以加强了高校社团内的舆论引导,对于改善高校舆论环境,进而改进高校的思想政治教育效果都非常有必要。二、高校社团和辅导员的现状,及其在传播学语境下的特征。高校社团作为一种大学生群众性组织,在传播学语境下属于高校内非正式组织,它的自我塑造、自我管理、自我服务特性使它能够成为思想政治教育的一块重要阵地。把它与党支部、班级等正式组织的思想政治教育实践结合起来,就可以开拓新形势下高校思想政治教育的有效途径。辅导员作为高校思想政治教育最前沿的践行者,在传播学语境下担当着传播活动的传播者、把关人和意见领袖的角色。在加强高校社团思想政治教育的方式探讨中,辅导员在社团内的有效舆论引导应该是一种最直接、最具可预见性的实现途径。三、辅导员在高校社团中开展舆论引导的方法。以利用传播技巧的方式在高校社团内加强舆论引导,辅导员首先要注意五个原则:注重非权力性影响力、注重及时性、注重整合性、注重针对性、注重交互性;这与长期以来辅导员与社团分属于两条并行的工作线路,和大学生对传统意义上的思想政治教育方式抱有固定成见有关。把高校社团内的舆论引导作为一种说服性传播活动,可以采取一面提示和两面提示、诉诸理性和诉诸感情、明示结论和寓观点于材料之中、恐惧诉求等传播技巧;同时还要重视社团中的学生意见领袖的作用,并注重对他们进行培养。最后,论文简要阐述了加强辅导员的舆论引导对于改善高校社团思想政治教育环境的意义。

【Abstract】 With the steady and speedy development of the economy and the daily enhancement of our country’s comprehensive power, college ideological and political education is gaining increasing attention of our Party and government. Suggestions on Further Strengthen and Improve College Students’ Ideological and Political Education was issued by the State Council in 2004, a programmatic document which requires the improvement and strengthening of college students’ ideological and political education based on human-orientation, aiming at turning out qualified constructors and successors of socialism that all-round developed in morality, intelligence and physics. Nowadays, College students’ ideological and political education is under the favorable condition of strong economic base and state policy support. It not only contains novel elements such as quality education, phychological health education, occupation view education,ect.but also adopts a variety of educational forms. Besides political theory course and other courses, there are also other forms like social practice, campus culture, internet base, Communist Party and Youth League organization. These fields also become effective ways of college ideological and political education.College association is also regarded as one of the effective ways of strengthening college ideological and political education. This paper explores tutor’s function in guiding the public opinion of college students’ association and improve its ideological and political education situation by making use of communication skills according to the characteristics of his role. In that way the political and ideological education in the whole college will be enhanced.The body consists of three parts.Part one. The concept of public opinion guidance and its relationship with college ideological and political education.Public opinion guidance is an important social function in mass communication. As a behavior of social control, it can influence social public opinion, guide social mass intention, control people’s mind and behavior, make them act according to the intention of power department or social manager. If discussed under the context of communication studies, college ideological and political education is a typical communication activity, and the public opinion in college directly relate to its effect. The public opinion circle in college associaiton is the miniature of the public opinion environment in the whole college. In that sense, strengthening the guidance of the public opinion in college students’ associaiton is very necessary to the improvement of of college public opinion environment and the effect of college ideological and political education.Part two. The existing condition of college association and tutor, and their characteristics under the communication studies context.As a mass organization of college students, college association is an informal group within compus under the communication context. It has the characteristics of self formation, self management and self-service, which make it an important field of ideological and political education. Its combinition with the ideological and political education practice of the formal organization like Party branch and class will be an effective way to enhance college ideological and political education under new circumstances.Standing at the forward position in practising college ideological and political education, tutor plays the important role in carrying out, checking communication activity. He is also the view leader in the communication context. In the discussion of strengthening college association ideological and political education, turtor’s effective guidance of public opinion is the most direct and predictable channel.Part three. Tutor’s method in guiding the public opinion in college association.In guiding the public opinion in college association by way of communication skills, tutor should firstly emphysize five principles: non-power influence, timely, integrigy, aim, interplay. Because for a long time tutor and association belong to two parallel workline, and college students have set prejudice on the traditional iedological and political education.Viewing the guidance on public opinion of college association as a activity of persuation, we can adopt communication skills such as one-side hint and two-side hint, resort to reason and resort to feeling, showing the conclusion and show view in material, resort to terror, ect. At the same time, the function of student view leader in association should also be emphasized and they should be well trained.At last, this paper briefly set forth the significance of strengthening tutor’s guidance in improving political and ideological education environment in college association.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】670

