

Analysis on Trudeau’s "Just Society"

【作者】 薛宁

【导师】 刘广太;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 加拿大是一个多民族、多种族的多元文化国家。在两大立国民族——英裔和法裔共同生活的广袤领土上,随着越来越多的其他族裔移民定居加拿大,民族和种族问题成为加拿大政治和社会生活中的一个十分棘手的问题。自上世纪四五十年代以来,法裔和英裔矛盾加剧,魁北克分离运动高涨;西方资本主义国家在经过战后的“黄金发展期”后出现滞胀现象。面临如此众多的问题,如何建立一个和谐的多元文化社会,是加拿大政治家亟待解决的重大问题。1968年皮埃尔·埃利奥特·特鲁多出任联邦政府总理,试图以“公正社会”蓝图来描绘加拿大的未来。本文拟就特鲁多任职16年中,在诸多领域围绕构建“公正社会”的重大政策的制定和实施来探讨其得失。本文主要由引言、正文和结语组成:引言,关于本文的选题意义和国内外研究动态。第一部分,特鲁多“公正社会”理念概述。这一部分重点介绍特鲁多的成长经历和“公正社会”理念的发展形成过程。第二部分,语言和文化政策。主要从《官方语言法案》和多元文化主义政策入手。《官方语言法案》提高了法语的地位,暂时缓和了法裔和英裔加拿大人之间的尖锐矛盾;特鲁多政府采用多元文化主义政策繁荣了加拿大的文化,同时又使各民族保持其独特的文化传统。第三部分,《权利和自由宪章》。《1982年宪法法》的颁布使加拿大拥有了第一部真正意义上的宪法,而《权利和自由宪章》的加入使公民的基本权利和自由得到法律上的确认。《权利和自由宪章》也成为宪法中最为重要的部分。第四部分,经济政策。以1975年的工资物价管制和1980年的国家能源计划为例,分析联邦政府是如何应对经济危机带来的通货膨胀和高失业问题的;特鲁多政府如何与阿尔伯达省政府就能源问题达成协议,避免国际油价对加拿大的冲击的。结语。对特鲁多“公正社会”纲领的实施加以总结,肯定特鲁多为加拿大作出的贡献,同时也指出其政策中的不足之处。

【Abstract】 Canada is a multi-race and multi-ethnic,multicultural country.At the two founding peoples--British Canadians and French Canadians living together on the vast territory,with more and more many other ethnic immigrants to settle in Canada,ethnic and racial problems had become a very difficult problem of Canada’s political and social life.French Canadians and English Canadians contradiction have aggravated since 19th 40-50,Quebec separation motions rised;The west capitalist nations entered low point in walking gradually by that the postwar“gold develops scheduled time”,and confronted with phenomenon of stagflation. Facing so many questions,it was a major problem that how to set up a harmonious multicultural society what Canadian politicians to be settled urgently.Pierre Elliott Trudeau appointed as Prime Minister 1968 and tried to describe the blueprint with“just society”for the future of Canada.In the limit of Trudeau who was in power 16 years,The main body of this paper discusses the gains and losses of major policy formulation and implementation around building a“just society”in many fields.This paper consists of preface、text and concluding remarks:Preface,the selected topic about the main body of this paper think and study development at home and abroad.PartⅠ,about“just society”summarizes of Trudeau.This part emphasises introduction of Trudeau grew up and“just society”idea how to forms and develops.PartⅡ,language and culture policy.Started with“Official language law”and multiculturalism policy.“Official language law”had improved French position,had relaxed fierce contradiction between the French Canadians and English Canadians;Trudeau government made Canadian culture prosperity and made every nation keep its distinctive culture at the same time;PartⅢ,Charter of Rights and Freedoms.Because of The Constitution Act of 1982, Canada had the first true sense of the Constitution,and Charter of Rights and Freedoms made citizens of fundamental rights and freedoms by law on the confirmation.Charter of Rights and Freedoms had become the most important part of the Constitution.PartⅣ,economic policy.Take Wage and Price Control in 1975 and National Energy Policy in 1980 for instance,analysing Federal government how to answer inflation that economic crisis brings about and high unemployment problem;How the Trudeau government reached an agreement with the Alberta provincial government with regard to sources of energy problem,avoiding the international oil price impingement to Canada.Concluding remarks.Summing up“just society”of Trudeau guiding principle putting into effect,affirm Trudeau what made contribution for Canada,and point out defects in policy at the same time.

【关键词】 特鲁多公正社会文化和语言经济宪法
【Key words】 Trudeaujust societyculture and languageeconomyconstitution

