

The Research on the Subject of "the Gentleman Does Not Meet" of West Han Dynasty Literature

【作者】 孙保珍

【导师】 王长华;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “士不遇”作为中国古代文学恒久而普遍的主题之一,肇始于先秦,彰显于两汉,贯穿于中国古代文学的始终。作为中国古代文学的一个传统主题,“士不遇”历来受到人们的广泛关注。但对于西汉文学中“士不遇”主题的研究还有待深入。本文在前人研究的基础上,试图对西汉文学中的“士不遇”主题作一个系统而全面的研究。全文主体部分共分四章。第一章主要对于汉武帝之前即从西汉建国至汉武帝即位之前这段历史时期内的“士不遇”主题的创作情况进行探讨。其中分析了中央士人与藩国士人的以“不遇”为主题的创作,并对于此期士人慨叹自己“不遇”的原因进行了说明。第二章主要论述汉武帝时期的“士不遇”主题的创作情况。论文按照创作者身份的不同进行简单的归类,结合创作者的人生行迹分别论述他们的以“士不遇”为主题的创作。在分析单篇作品的基础上,总结出了汉武帝时期“士不遇”主题的总体特征,并对其形成的原因,从社会历史文化方面进行了深入的分析。第三章主要探讨武帝以后即从汉昭帝即位至西汉末这一段历史时期内的“士不遇”主题的创作情况。在对以“士不遇”为主题的作品进行深入、细致分析的基础上,总结出此期“士不遇”创作与前期相比所表现出的新变。对于这种新变产生的原因,论文从社会、政治、文化、社会思潮诸方面进行了分析。第四章主要探讨“士不遇”这一主题类型在西汉得以凸显的原因以及西汉文学中“士不遇”情感的表达方式。论文从两方面分析了“士不遇”主题凸显于西汉文坛的原因。总体上来说,身处于汉代却有着战国士人的人格理想,这种主观理想与客观历史形势的冲突是西汉士人慨叹“不遇”的根源所在。考察西汉时期以“士不遇”为主题的创作,士人表达自己的“不遇”情怀的形式是多种多样的,总体上可以分为四类:1、直抒胸臆;2、借人抒怀;3、设客难己;4、寓情景物。论文在这种简单分类的基础上进一步分析了各种表达方式的特点。

【Abstract】 "The gentleman does not meet",as one of permanent and universal subjects of the Chinese ancient literature,initiated in pre-Qin,showed in Lianghan,passed through the Chinese ancient literature throughout.As a traditional subject of the Chinese ancient literature,"The gentleman does not meet" always receives people’s widespread attention.However,to the subject "The gentleman does not meet" in the West Han Dynasty,depth studies have to research.Basing on the fruit of the predecessor,this article attempts to make a systematic and comprehensive research on the subject of"The gentleman does not meet" of the West Han Dynasty literature.The full text is divided into four chapters.The first chapter mainly probes into the creation of the subject of "the gentleman not to meet",before the Emperor Wu of Han,namely from the West Han’s foundation to the period that before the Emperor Wu of Han haired the seat.And it has analyzed the creation of the subject which is about the central gentleman and the vassal state gentleman and has explained the reason why the gentleman signed.The second chapter mainly elaborates the creation of the subject of"the gentleman not to meet" during the Emperor Wu of Han.The paper carries on the simple classification according to the different creators’ status,elaborates the creation of the creators,unifying the creators’ lives.Basing on the analysis of the single work,we summarized the overall characteristics of the subject of the Emperor Wu of Han,and deeply analyzed the reason from the social history culture aspect.The third chapter mainly discusses the creation of the subject of "the gentleman not to meet",after the time when the emperor of Zhao of Han haired the seat to the end of the West Han Dynasty.On the basis of the in-depth analysis of the work about the subject of "The gentleman does not meet",it sums up the new changes during this period of the subject.To the reason which produced the new changes,this article analyzes from various aspects,such as society,polity,culture,social ideological trend.The fourth chapter mainly explores the reason why "the gentleman does not meet" as a subject type was highlighted in the West Hart Dynasty,as well as the emotion turn of expression.About the former,the paper analyzes from two aspects.On the whole,the gentleman persons living in the Han Dynasty while lingering in the Warring States Period,the conflict between the ideal of subjective with the objective Historical situation is the root why they sighed.Exploring the works of the subject of "the gentleman does not meet",the expression forms are varied.On the whole,it may divides into four kinds:1.expresses the feeling straight;2,expresses feeling taking advantage of the human;3,supposes guest difficult oneself;4,lodges the sentiment scenery.The paper has further analyzed each form’s characteristics on the basis of the classification.


