

A Study on the Rural Tourism of Lang Fang

【作者】 杨凤霞

【导师】 赵彦民;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 乡村旅游也有人称为农业生态旅游或绿色旅游。近年来,乡村旅游呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势,成为世界旅游行业的一枝新秀。我国的乡村旅游以及对乡村旅游的研究起步较晚,发展迅速。随着乡村旅游年的启动以及“新农村、新旅游、新体验、新风尚”、“魅力乡村、活力城市、和谐中国”等宣传活动的深入,我国的乡村旅游市场得到大力发展,成为国内旅游的主要支撑。廊坊地处京、津两大城市之间,距京津半小时车程,距最近的空港、海港1小时车程,丰富而独特的旅游资源和深邃的文化内涵催生的一批现代旅游精品,如会展、温泉、高尔夫、购物、休学、生态、民俗等,倍受游人青睐。廊坊提出打造“京津第一休闲空间”的总体概念,以“一线三城九大特色十大景点”为支撑的旅游经济迅猛发展,吸引了京津两地的游客。廊坊市的乡村旅游方兴未艾,对调整本地区农业产业结构,发展农村经济,缩小城乡差别,促进新农村建设等方面,都发挥了重要作用。但是,在对乡村旅游的认识、开发、经营、管理和研究还处在较低水平,乡村旅游的市场还很弱小。廊坊市如何发挥毗邻京津的区位优势,挖掘区域内丰富的旅游资源,提高对乡村旅游的认识,引导和扶持乡村旅游健康发展,借发展乡村旅游之势,促进本地区农村经济和农村面貌的根本改观,正是本文研究的目的所在。本文以最新的统计数据、最新的政策文件为基础,通过实地调查、文献研究、横向比较等方法,在掌握大量第一手资料的情况下,运用综合分析、统计等计算方法,更新了廊坊市乡村旅游的基本数据,弄清了廊坊市乡村旅游在整个旅游业中所占的份额以及对GDP的贡献率,填补了廊坊市在乡村旅游研究方面的空白。通过对廊坊市旅游资源的调查和对乡村旅游市场的分析,梳理出制约廊坊市乡村旅游健康发展的“瓶颈”,提出了建设性思路和对策。主要成果和见解如下:1、全面透视了廊坊市的旅游资源,分析了廊坊市独特的区位优势和人才科技优势,阐明了廊坊市发展乡村旅游的有利条件。2、通过对廊坊市乡村旅游最新资料、数据的综合分析,得出了廊坊市乡村旅游的基本数据,为廊坊市发展乡村旅游提供了可靠的数据支撑。3、在乡村旅游的管理方面,通过实行准入许可制度,推进规范化、标准化经营,致力于营造和谐景区。4、在乡村旅游的发展方面,通过创新发展模式,拓宽筹资渠道,大力发展旅游项目,使发展乡村旅游与新农村建设有机结合起来。5、在乡村旅游的开发的宣传方面,通过挖掘文化内涵,借鉴国外经验,开发特色产品,充分发挥廊坊市的区位优势,科学整合乡村旅游产品,多措并举加大舆论宣传力度,推动廊坊市乡村旅游经济的快速发展

【Abstract】 AbstractRural tourism can also be called Agritourisme or Green tourism.In recent years,rural tourism which has become a new field of the tourism in the world becomes more and more popular.Although the research on this field has been started in late years,it has developed rapidly.With the launch of the rural tourism and the "new countryside,new tourism,new experience,new trend," "charming villages,vibrant cities,a harmonious China" activities have been taken in-depth.The market of the rural tourism in our country has developed and expanded has become the important part of tourism in china.Lang fang is located between Beijing and Tianjin,which is only one hour-drive from the nearest airport,harbor.Lang fang has rich and unique tourism resources and deep cultural connotation of the birth of a group of modern tourist products that are much favored by the visitors,such as the Convention and Exhibition,hot springs,golf,shopping,school,ecology, folklore and so on,Lang fang proposed to create "the first Beijing-Tianjin leisure space," the overall concept of "first-line features three nine Top Ten Attractions City" for supporting the rapid development of the tourist economy,attracting tourists from both Beijing and Tianjin.The Prosperity rural tourism of Lang fang are playing the vital role in adjusting the local agriculture structure,developing the rural economy,reducing the city and countryside disparity,and promoting the new rural reconstruction,but we have a superficial understanding to the development,the management,and the research of rural tourism.The rural tourism market is very small.How to play the regional advantages,and tap the region rich in tourism resources,improve understanding of rural tourism,guide and support the healthy development of rural tourism,rural tourism through the development of a tendency to promote the rural economy in this region and the rural landscape fundamentally changed,it is the purpose of this paper.With the latest statistics,the latest policy document for the foundation;field surveys; literature research and methods such as horizontal comparison,the availability of substantial first-hand information,the use of comprehensive analysis,statistics calculation method to update the Lang fang rural tourism data,to ascertain the Lang fang City;Rural tourism in the entire share of the tourism industry as well as the contribution rate of GDP,to fill the Lang fang City in the rural tourism research gaps.Through investigating the tourism resources and analyzing the rural tourism market,this article gives some suggestions for how to promote the Lang fang rural tourism healthy development.The main achievement and the opinion are as follows:1、The article has comprehensive perspectived Lang fang tourism resources,has analyzed the Lang fang unique geographical superiority and the talented person,science and technology superiority,has expounded the advantages of developing the rural tourism in Lang fang.2、Through analyzing the newest material and the data of Lang fang rural tourism,has obtained the Lang fang city rural tourism master data,to provide the reliable data function for the development of the rural tourism.3、In the rural tourism management aspect,through implements enters the permit system,the advancement standardization,the standardized management,devote to build the harmonious scenic area.4、In the rural tourism development aspect,through the innovation development pattern,open up the finance channel,vigorously develop the tourism project,cause to develop the rural tourism and the new rural reconstruction organic synthesis.5、In the rural tourism propaganda aspect,through the excavation culture connotation,model overseas experience,develop characteristic product,fully display Lang fang geographical superiority,conform rural tourism product scientifically,increase the propaganda dynamics, impels the Lang fang tourism economy fast develop.

【关键词】 乡村旅游对策廊坊市
【Key words】 rural tourismcountermeasureLang fang city
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】579

