

The Mongols’ Invasions and Zheng-luo’s Military Campagin in Ming Dynasty

【作者】 梁若愚

【导师】 汤开建;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 明代的西番诸卫,相当于现今青海省西宁市、甘青两省洮河中下游、湟水下游一带,以及甘肃省临潭、临夏、卓尼、岷县、宕昌、舟曲等县。自唐代以后,该地居住了大量藏族部落,彼此不相统一,加上汉族和其它族群,构成了该区的民族特色。自明朝建国伊始,明太祖便派兵占领西番诸卫,将之纳入版图之中,并透过卫所和土官制度管辖该区。自中叶以后,漠南蒙古人南下,进入河套、青海等地,形成所谓「套虏」和「海虏」的问题。嘉靖年间,蒙古土默特部的俺答汗率兵收服青海的亦卜剌、卜儿孩等部落,并留下部众定居,把青海变成了蒙古人的牧场,直接威胁西番诸卫内的番族。万历十六至十八年,火落赤、真相等份属俺答子孙、子侄辈的蒙古首领,杀死明朝军官,大掠河州、洮州等地,震动明朝,明朝遂于是年派遣郑洛经略七镇。郑洛赴任后,致力吸纳番族归附,利用他们的力量来对抗蒙古入侵势力,成功把火落赤等人驱趕,捍衛了明朝在西番諸衛的管治。自此以后,蒙古人虽然偶尔入边,但是得力于番族的支持,该区局势相对地稳定下来,直至明朝灭亡为止。

【Abstract】 There are many Tibetan tribes living in Shannxi,Gansu and Qinghai in the northwest of China.Their history could be referred back to the Tang Dynasty in the 8th century.Although some of the Tibetan leaders founded their short-lived independent political powers during the Northern Song Dynasty,they were dispersed and were later under the control by the central government.At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty,the Tibetan tribes rapidly appealed to the new reign,and stationed at the frontier areas as defender.This relatively peaceful situation was disrupted by the Mongols in the 15th century.Due to the chaotic situation caused by war,some Mongolian leader escaped to Qinghai and eventually controlled the Tibetan tribes with their strong and experienced military strength.They even had conflicts with the Ming army.In 1590, Zheng-luo,as the highest regional commandant in Shannxi,Gansu and Qinghai,came to Qinghai and expelled the Mongolian from the area together with the Tibetan tribes.And finally the region became stable again until the collapse of the Ming Dynasty.

【关键词】 明朝西番诸卫蒙古郑洛
【Key words】 Ming DynastyGarrisonsTibetan tribesMongolsZheng-luo
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】344

