

【作者】 武文玉

【导师】 徐瑞;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 面对日益激烈的社会竞争,巨大的社会压力,我国教师出现职业倦怠的可能性大大增加。职业倦怠这一概念最早是由美国临床心理学家弗洛伊登伯格提出,最早是用来指服务性行业的工作人员由于工作时间过长、压力过大,而造成的情绪和人际关系长期处于紧张的状态下,由此引起的一系列生理和心理的消极状况。国外对教师职业倦怠的研究主要是从心理学和社会学两种视角对职业倦怠进行研究,假设教师职业倦怠是因为教师面对与教育者角色有关的过度压力而造成的。最早有关职业倦怠的量表是1981年编制成功的马斯拉切职业倦怠评估量表(MBI),该量表主要将职业倦怠分为三个心理学维度:疲劳、缺乏个性成就感和人格解体。此外,切多林将职业倦怠分为五个发展阶段:身体、智力、社会、心理情感和精神。心理学家可能导致职业倦怠的人格和个体因素主要有三种:神经质和性格内向的人、温顺的人和有民主思想的人、A型性格的人和外控型的人。社会学家则认为教师职业倦怠主要是由于期望与现实的反差、以及各种社会学因素导致的。相对于国外对教师职业倦怠的研究,国内的研究还是一个年轻的领域,在很多的研究方面还没有很好的完善与深入。借鉴对职业倦怠概念的界定,参考已有的对教师职业倦怠的研究和分类,研究者认为教师职业倦怠是指教师不能顺利应对工作压力时的一种极端心理反应,是由于教育工作过程中缺乏足够的缓冲资源,教师长期处于高水平的工作压力之下而出现的情感、态度和行为的衰竭状态。我国现阶段的职业倦怠比较严重,教师职业倦怠对教师自身的心理和生理健康、学校的教学质量和竞争能力以及学生的身心健康发展和受教育的权利都产生了巨大的危害。我国的教师职业倦怠主要是由于教师工作压力过大、学校组织局限性限制教师教学自主权、紧张的人际关系以及学校为教师提供的支持性资源不足等社会原因而导致的。而帮助教师摆脱职业倦怠的困扰就必须尊重和满足教师的合理要求、帮助教师建立起和谐的人际关系、学校为教师提供充足的支持性资源、尊重教师的教学自主性、建立灵活多样的教师评价体系

【Abstract】 In the face of increasingly fierce competition in modern society and enormous social pressure, the possibility of the presence of job burnout in our country has greatly increased.The concept of burnout was first used by a clinical psychologist in the United States,whose name is Freudenberger.The word was first used to refer to negative physical and psychological situation caused by long-term emotional and interpersonal tense of the staff in the service industry who work for excessively long hours and have too much stress.In the foreign country,the research of teachers’ burnout is from two perspectives:the psychology and sociology perspectives.Their assumption is that the teachers’ burnout is caused by the excessive stress of the teachers’ role as the educator.The first scale relating to occupational burnout is the Maslach Burnout Inventory(MBI) made in 1981,the scale was mainly be divided into three psychological dimensions:fatigue,lack of personality and a sense of achievement,depersonalization.In addition,the burnout is divided into five stages of development by Cedoling such as physical,mental,social,psychological emotional and spiritual. Psychologists hold that there are three main factors may lead to burnout:the people of neuroticistic and introvert,the people who are gentle and have the ideas of democracy,A-type personality and the people who are external control.Sociologists believe that teachers’ burnout is mainly because of the contrast between expectations and reality,and a variety of sociological factors.In relation to teachers’ burnout of foreign study,home study is a young field of research which is not perfect in many aspects.Reference to the definition of the concept of teachers’ burnout and to the teaching the study and classification of teachers’ burnout,the researchers think teachers’ burnout is an extreme psychological reaction when they can’t successfully deal with the stress from work.At the time, it is the failure status of feelings,attitudes and behavior caused by the lack of sufficient buffer resources in education and a high level of long-term under the pressure of the job.Teachers’ burnout is more and more serious at this stage.Teachers’ burnout has resulted in enormous harm in their own psychological and physical health,the quality of teaching in schools, as well as the physical and mental health of students and the right of education.Teachers’ burnout in our country is mainly caused by social reasons as work pressure of teachers,limitations of the autonomy on school teachers,the interpersonal tensions as well as lack of resources which are supported by school for teachers.And helping teachers get rid of burnout,we must respect teachers and meet the reasonable demands of teachers,and also help teachers establish harmonious interpersonal relationships.Schools must supply adequate support resources for teachers,respect the autonomy of teachers,and set up a flexible evaluation system for teachers.


