

【作者】 吴宝树

【导师】 王洪军;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 专门史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 进士考试为唐代选拔了大批优秀人才,他们组成了开明进步的进士群体。在唐朝近三百年的历史中,进士是社会舞台上最有生机、最有活力的一个群体,深刻影响着唐代历史的发展。本文立足于社会文化发展的视角,对唐代进士群体的区域分布状况、阶层分布状况、仕宦状况、教育状况、婚姻状况进行了较为系统的阐释,力求在唐代社会历史发展的大背景下,给予唐代进士群体的社会状况以更为全面、更为明晰的展示。文章主要分为以下五部分:文章第一部分主要参照《登科记考》和《〈登科记考〉补正》所记唐代进士人员名单,详细考查其籍贯分布状况,得出有确切籍贯记载的唐代进士人数为846人,并以此为主要研究对象,运用数量统计方法,研究唐代进士群体的区域分布情况。研究发现,唐代进士在区域分布上存在着较为突出的不均衡现象,文章从政治、经济、文化教育等三方面着手,对造成这一现象产生的原因进行了剖析。文章第二部分主要考察了唐代进士的阶层分布状况,唐代进士科考试录取人员十分广泛,其中尤以士族子弟居多。唐代旧士族对于进士考试的态度经历了由抵制与排斥到渴慕与操纵的转变,并最终成为进士考试的一支重要力量。旧有的门阀观念不断被冲破,同时也实现了官僚系统的开放性和流动性,这有效地促进了唐代社会阶层的变动,加快了门阀政治向国家官僚制度的推移。文章第三部分是对唐代进士仕宦状况的具体探讨。唐代进士及第以后主要通过吏部铨选、制举、吏部科目选、使府辟署等四种渠道进入唐代统治阶层,待步入仕途以后,进士出身的官员在最高统治机构中的比重和地位逐步上升,并逐渐成为唐代高级官吏的主要来源,形成进士新贵阶层,他们把进士考试作为其世袭高官的工具,从而形成了一个新的官僚世袭方式。文章第四部分主要探讨了唐代进士的教育状况。唐代进士在及第以前,主要通过官学和私学两种渠道接受教育。随着进士科录取标准的变化,士子所习内容也有所变化,总的来说,唐代进士的知识结构是以儒学为主体,并兼采诗赋、文学。最后,文章进一步对唐代进士家庭的教育状况作了相关研究。文章第五部分是对唐代进士的婚姻状况研究。根据传世文献和墓志资料,对唐代进士的婚姻状况做了分类统计,进而对于唐代进士的婚姻对象、婚姻结构层次和婚姻特征进行了系统的阐述。

【Abstract】 Imperial Examination has selected a large number of outstanding talents for the Tang Dynasty,they formed a open-minded Chin-Shih Group.At nearly three hundred years histories of the Tang dynasty,Chin-Shih is the most vigorous and the most dynamic group in the social stage,had a profound impact on the history of the development of the Tang Dynasty.In this paper, based on the perspective of social and cultural development of the Tang Dynasty,had a more systematic explanation to the regional distribution status,the stratum distribution status,the official status,the educational status and marital status of the Chin-Shih Group of the Tang Dynasty.Made every effort under the historical development of society in the Tang Dynasty’s background,give a more comprehensive and more defined demonstration to the social status of the Chin-Shih Group of the Tang Dynasty.The article mainly divides into the following five parts:The first part refers to "Deng-Ke Ji Kao" and "<Deng-Ke Ji Kao> corrections"records the Tang Dynasty successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations personnel name list,has come to the exact origin of the Tang Dynasty recorded the number of 846 people,as the main study,use of the number of statistical methods to study the the regional distributi status of the Chin-Shih Group of the Tang Dynasty.The study found that the regional distribution of the Chin-Shih Group of the Tang Dynasty had a more prominent non-equilibrium situation,the article from the political,economic,cultural and educational aspects,carry on the analysis to the reason which caused this phenomenon produced.The second part mainly inspected the stratum distribution status of the Chin-Shih Group of the Tang Dynasty.Imperial Examination admit a wide range of staff,particularly the children of most gentry.Tang Dynasty Chin-Shih test for the old gentry of attitude experienced by the rejection and exclusion,then the longing for the change and manipulation,and finally become an important force in the Imperial Examination.The concepts of the Powerful Families have been break through,as well as implementation of the bureaucratic system of openness and mobility, which effectively promoted the change in the social strata in the Tang Dynasty,sped up the politics of Powerful Families to the national bureaucrat system’s passage.The third part has a concrete discussion.on the official status of the Chin-Shih Group of the Tang Dynasty.Scholars in the Tang Dynasty and later,mainly through the the board of personnel election,the system for example election,the board of personnel subjects election and the government office to ward off bureau to enter the Tang Dynasty ruling circles,after enter the official career,the proportion and the status of the Chin-Shih Group in the highest dominant organization had rises.Chin-Shih Group gradually become the main source of the senior officials in the Tang Dynasty,they formed a newly acquired wealth social stratum,,put the Imperial Examination as part of its hereditary high-ranking officials of the instrument,creating a new way of bureaucratic hereditary.The fourth part has mainly discussed on the educational status of the Chin-Shih Group of the Tang Dynasty.Before candidate in the imperial examinations,they mainly through official and private school education channels to acquire knowledge.Along with the Chin-Shih subject admission criterion’s change,the scholars practice content also have changed.Generally speaking, Chin-Shih’s knowledge structure is take Confucianism as a main body,and concurrently picks the poetry.Finally,the article has further done the related research to the the educational status of the Chin-Shih’s family.The fifth part is to the marital status of the Chin-Shih Group of the Tang Dynasty. According to the information with handed down literature and epitaphs,has made the classified statistics to the marital status of the Chin-Shih Group,which has carried a system’s elaboration on the marital object,the marital structure level and the marital characteristic of the Chin-Shih Group of the Tang Dynasty.

  • 【分类号】K242;D691.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】627
  • 攻读期成果

