

【作者】 王贞

【导师】 徐正;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 竹子是我国自然界中极其平常的一种植物,而历代文人墨客无不钟情于它,中国的老百姓也与它结下了不解之缘。劳动人民在长期的劳动和文化活动中,把竹子的生物形态特征总结升华成了一种做人的精神风貌和道德规范,并逐渐形成了竹子文化。正是由于竹子这种虚心有节,不媚不谄、坚韧挺拔的特性,常被人誉以“君子”之称,并把这种“君子”品行作为修身养性和人生价值取向的标准。竹子文化是我国博大精深民族传统文化中的重要组成部分,其丰富独特的精神内涵,深刻地影响着中国人的审美意识和论理道德,对中国民族传统文化的发展和中国文人思想有着重要影响,这种现象在宋元文人画中表现得尤为明显。历代文人墨卿为何对竹子如此钟情、偏爱,甚至以竹自喻,常以竹子的特征比喻人的高尚品格?竹子文化为何深远地影响着我国的审美情趣和中国人的人生价值取向?竹子文化对我国传统文化有何影响?这都是需要我们认真思考的课题,只有在对民族传统文化深入领会和掌握的基础上,才能更好的继承民族传统文化中的精髓和实质,才能有所创新和发展。目前国内涉及竹子文化和对我国竹画艺术研究的文献十分丰富,但大都是对单幅作品,或某一作者的作品进行分析与研究,在竹子文化对我国审美情趣影响方面的论述不够系统,以及在竹子文化对我国古代文人思想和文人画影响方面的研究更为缺乏。本文通过对竹文化的历史渊源,文人墨竹画的诞生及发展过程,宋元文人思想、文人画现状及风格的剖析,采用对部分绘画作品及相关理论的解析、比较等方法,给竹文化对宋元文人思想和文人画的深远影响,勾画出一较清晰的轮廓。围绕这个主题,我们开始对竹文化进行相关研究。首先以北宋集政治家、书法家、诗人、画家于一身的文同专攻墨竹为线索,从文同的生平、竹子情结、墨竹艺术成就等方面,论述了竹文化对宋代文人思想及文人画的积极作用。然后,从竹文化的历史渊源、墨竹画的诞生及其发展两方面,相互验证出竹文化作为我国民族传统文化中重要一部分的博大精深,及其对我国传统审美观念和人价值观潜移默化的影响。最后从宋元时代背景、文人思想现状文人画风格等方面分析的基础上,进一步确定竹文化对宋元文人思想和文人画的深远影响。以文同、苏轼、赵孟頫、“元四家”中的吴镇、倪瓒、王蒙几位代表画家的艺术经历和墨竹艺术风格的形成过程为事实依据,分别验证了竹文化对宋元文人思想、文人画这两个方面的影响,从而论证了竹文化对宋元文人画有着重要而深刻的影响这一观点。

【Abstract】 The bamboo is in our country nature the extremely ordinary one kind of plant,but all previous dynasties writer literati is deeply in love all in it,China’s common people also had the indissoluble bond with it..The working people in the long-term work and the cultural event,sublimated bamboo’s biological shape characteristic summary one kind of personhood’s spiritual outlook and the moral rule,and has formed the bamboo culture gradually.Is precisely because bamboo this kind has the festival modestly,does not flatter the flattery,the tenacious tall and straight characteristic,often by the person reputation by "the gentleman" the name,and "the gentleman" the conduct achievement cultivates the mind this kind grows the soul with the life value orientation standard.The bamboo culture is in our country broad and profound national tradition culture important component, its rich unique energetic connotation,is affecting Chinese’s esthetic consciousness and the logic morals profoundly,has the material effect to China national tradition culture’s development with the Chinese writer thought that this kind of phenomenon displays obviously in a Song Yuan painting.Why are all previous dynasties writer Mexico ministers so deeply in love to the bamboo,are partial,even from explains by the bamboo,often by bamboo’s characteristic analogy person’s noble moral character? Why is the bamboo culture affecting our country’s esthetic appeal and Chinese’s life value orientation profoundly? The bamboo culture has what influence to our country traditional culture? This is the topic which needs us to ponder earnestly,only then,in comprehends in thoroughly the foundation which to the national tradition culture and grasps,can better inherit in the national tradition culture the essence and the essence,can have the innovation and the development.At present domestic involves the bamboo culture and is very rich to our country bamboo picture art research literature,but is to mostly the single width work,or some author’s work carries on the analysis and the research,in the bamboo culture to our country esthetic appeal influence aspect’s elaboration insufficient system,as well as ancient times the writer thought and the painting influence aspect’s research was more deficient in the bamboo culture to our country.This article through to the bamboo culture’s historical origin,the writer black bamboo picture’s birth and the developing process,Song Yuan the writer thought that the painting present situation and the style analysis, uses to partial methods and so on pictorial representation and correlation theories analysis,comparison,for the bamboo the culture to Song Yuan the writer thought and the painting profound influence,outlines a clear outline.Regarding this subject,we start to the bamboo culture to conduct the related research.First take the Northern Song Dynasty collection statesman,the calligrapher,the poet,the painter studies the black bamboo in body’s Wen Tong as the clue,from article with aspects and so on biography,bamboo complex,black bamboo art achievement,elaborated the bamboo culture to the Song Dynasty writer thought and the painting positive role.Then,from the bamboo culture’s historical origin,the black bamboo picture’s birth and develops two aspects,confirms the bamboo culture to take in mutually our country national tradition culture important part of broad and profound,and our country tradition esthetic idea and the person values influence subtly influence. Finally in foundation which from the Song Yuan time background,aspects and so on writer thought present situation painting style analyzes,further determines the bamboo culture to Song Yuan the writer thought and the painting profound influence.Take Wen Tong,Su Shi,Zhao Meng fu,"Yuan four" Wu Zhen,Ni Zan, Representative Wang Meng several painter’s artistic experience and the black bamboo artistic style’s forming process as the fact basis,has confirmed the bamboo culture separately to Song Yuan the writer thought that the painting these two aspect influence,thus proved the bamboo culture to have important and profound influence this viewpoint to a Song Yuan painting.


