

The Investigation of Nano-Film Prepared by Pulse Cathode Arc Discharge

【作者】 刘娜

【导师】 施芸城;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 等离子体物理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 电弧离子镀是把真空电弧用于电弧蒸发源的镀膜技术。脉冲偏压电弧离子镀技术是90年代来发展起来的一项技术。脉冲偏压的引入尽管只是偏压形式的改变,但是却带来了直流偏压工艺所不具有的新的功能特点,而这些特点对于薄模质量、性能乃至沉积机制都有可能产生很大的影响。本文从阴极真空电弧的发展和机理、电弧离子镀技术与脉冲偏压电弧离子镀技术的发展现状说起,着重研究了两种方式触发脉冲阴极弧放电法低真空下制备碳氮膜性质及其影响成膜质量的因素。所使用的镀膜装置为实验室自行搭建。装置使用的高压脉冲大电流电源主要由高压直流电源、脉冲成形线(LC网络)、电子开关(SCR)、等离子体负载等构成。实验过程中发现,单纯用大电流电源很难产生弧放电,因此设计了两套简单的触发电路,对碳棒电极和放电外壳加以电压。直流辉光触发下所加直流电压在0~215V,高压点火器触发电压为5kv和15kv。产生高密度的等离子体在两电极之间放电,由此引发碳氮等离子体拉弧放电,最后沉积在衬底上。在设计放电触发电路过程中,推导得到放电电压与电流的关系U=U0e-t/τ,时间常数τ=RC。选用的滤波电容为450V/1000 u F,通过计算知选择1000Ω的放电电阻较为适合。采用直流辉光放电触发和高压点火的方式触发脉冲阴极弧放电,制备出较光滑、均匀、致密的碳氮纳米薄膜及具有球形的大颗粒。扫描电镜、电子能谱分析结果表明,直流辉光放电触发下,形成的薄膜颗粒较大,大颗粒的主要成分为碳。在高压点火的方式触发下,放电电压低,放电距离较远时,得到的为石墨颗粒形成的碳膜,而当放电电压与距离比较适中时,可以得到碳氮纳米膜。理论分析表明,随着放电距离的延长,溅射粒子在沉积过程中的碰撞次数增多,对衬底的冲击效应较弱,随放电电压增高,得到的溅射颗粒越大。理论分析与实验结果相一致。另外,对形成球形的大颗粒做了形貌、成分测试,发现其主要成分为碳。在薄膜形成的过程中,有诸多因素影响着成膜的质量,比如偏压、气体流量、气压大小、磁过滤等。为了有效控制成膜的质量,本文分别从理论和实验上分析了偏压对形成薄膜的影响。另外,作为对磁过滤的前期研究,文中用运用Matlab软件,采用有限元分析法的方法对等离子体所处的螺线管、磁场与带电粒子进行模拟,发现了磁过滤对大颗粒的过滤作用显著。为了将脉冲阴极弧放电和磁控溅射法制备的薄膜质量加以比较,本文采用SBC-12小型直流溅射仪在载波片上制备出了不同厚度的金纳米薄膜。利用光栅光谱仪分析其可见光波段透过率及吸收度光谱曲线,实验中金纳米薄膜吸收峰出现蓝移、线型展宽与金薄膜表面粒子成椭球状、较小的尺寸及尺寸分布范围较宽有很大的关系。

【Abstract】 Arc ion plating is coating technology which uses vacuum arc to arc evaporation source.Pulse bias arc ion plating technology is a technology developed in the 90’s. Despite the introduction of the pulse bias is bias in the form of change,but it brought the new features that DC bias does’t have the technology,which may have a huge impact on thin film’s quality,performance and even deposition mechanism.This article introduces the development of the mechanism of the cathodic vacuum arc and the development of arc ion plating technology and bias pulse arc ion plating technology.And study the films’characters prepared by the two triggering methods under low vacuum and the factors impacting on the quality of film.The device used for the coating film set up in our laboratory.The high-voltage pulse-current power which the device used is mainly made of high voltage direct current power,pulse forming lines(LC network),electronic switches(SCR),plasma load etc.Experiments found that it is difficult to produce high-current power arc discharge simply by the high-voltage pulse-current power.So the two simple sets of trigger circuit are designed,which add voltage to carbon electrode and the discharge shell,the DC voltage is 0~215V under the DC glow trigger,high-voltage ignition trigger is 5kv and 15kv.The plasma of high density discharges between two electrodes,which lead to carbon and nitrogen plasma arc discharge,deposit on the substrate in the final.In the process of designing discharge trigger circuit,the relationship between discharge voltage and current is available,U = U0e-t/τ, time constantτ= RC.The selection of filter capacitor is 450V/1000uF,the choice of 1,000Ωdischarge resistance is more appropriate by calculating.Pulse cathode arc discharge triggered by DC glow and the ignition of high pressure,prepared smooth,uniform,dense carbon nitrogen nano-thin film and large spherical particles.Scanning electron microscope,electron spectroscopy analysis show that under the triggering of the DC glow discharge particles of thin film are larger,the main ingredients of the particles are carbon.In a way of the ignition of high pressure,low-voltage discharge,long discharge distance,the obtained film is mainly made of graphite particles,and when the voltage discharge and distance are relatively modest,CN film can be obtained.Theoretical analysis shows that the number of collision in the course of particles sputtering deposition increases with the extension of the discharge distance,the impact effect on the substrate the weaker.And with the higher voltage discharge,sputtering of the larger particles become biggger. Theoretical analysis agrees with experimental results.In addition,the test of spberical particles’ shape and composition has done,and find that the main ingredients are carbon.In the forming process of the film,there are many factors that affect the quality of the film,such as bias,the gas flow,pressure and magnetic filter.In order to effectively control the quality of the film,the paper analyses the effect on the formation of the film from experiment and theory.In addition,as the pre-study of the magnetic filter,Matlab software is used.Solenoid’s magnetic field around plasma and charged particle are simulated by using finite element analysis method,and discover magnetic filtering effect is Significantly.In order to compare quality of thin film with the mathod of pulse cathode arc discharge and magnetron sputtering,the different thickness gold nano-thin films are prepared by using SBC-12 mini-DC sputtering instrument.Grating spectrometer analyses its transmission and absorption spectra curve of visible light,that gold films appear blue shift and linetype spreading has relations with surface particles’ ellipsoid shape,smaller size and wide range of size distribution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期

