

The Study of Foam Finishing Liquid and Foam Performance and Application in Production

【作者】 李永庚

【导师】 许海育;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织化学与染整工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 泡沫整理是20世纪70年代受中东石油危机的影响而在欧美迅速发展起来的一种低给液、少污染、高节能型染整加工技术。它是将气体通入含有表面活性剂的工作液中,通过泡沫发生器混合剪切后生成众多均匀而微小气泡组成的体积庞大的泡沫,然后以泡沫的形式被施加到织物上,使织物的带液率由传统的60%~80%下降到15%~30%,从而可节约烘燥能耗50%以上。20世纪80年代,我国曾掀起一波泡沫整理研究高潮,其相关技术成果先后被国内许多印染企业应用,加工各种织物近亿米,其产品质量经质量经检验合格后被投放到国内外市场。但是,由于受当时设备条件和技术水平等限制,此项技术没能得到持续发展和进一步推广应用。近年来,随着能源紧张和环境问题加剧,人们的环保意识大大增强,各印染企业在生产成本、能源消耗和废水排放等方面的压力倍增,在国家“十一五”规划提出的节能、降耗、减排等政策推动下,泡沫整理重新受到人们的重视和青睐。据悉,国内外一些科研单位和企业正在积极研究新的泡沫整理工艺和设备,并已取得可喜成绩。发泡原液的组成及其泡沫性能是泡沫整理技术的重要组成部分。本文根据新形势下生态环保的要求,对泡沫整理发泡原液的组成及其泡沫性能进行了系统研究。采用罗氏—迈尔斯(Ross-Miles)法和搅拌法发泡试验,筛选出两种符合当前生态环保和泡沫整理生产要求的发泡剂,即十二烷基硫酸钠(NaLS,阴离子型)和净洗剂JU(非离子型),并分析了发泡剂分子结构、质量浓度和阴/非离子发泡剂复配体系对发泡原液起泡性能和泡沫稳定性的影响;选择增粘效果显著的羟乙基纤维素(HEC)作泡沫稳定剂,探讨了HEC对NaLS发泡液体系的稳泡机理;考察了整理剂浓度、无机盐、环境温度、pH值等因素对泡沫整理发泡原液及泡沫稳定性的影响。另外,本文还探索了泡沫的衰变和稳定机理,并通过显微镜摄像分析泡沫尺寸分布情况,探讨了泡沫尺寸大小及分布均匀性对泡沫稳定性的影响。本文也研究了泡沫柔软、泡沫树脂、泡沫阻燃、泡沫抗紫外线整理和泡沫上浆增白等工艺的发泡原液组成、系统相容性和整理液中泡沫的稳定性;通过实验室手工施加泡沫进行整理与常规浸轧处理的比较,证明上述发泡原液及其泡沫性能符合加工要求,为生产应用提供了依据;本文通过到浙江某印染厂的生产应用试验,证实泡沫整理加工产品与常规整理加工产品的相关质量指标相同,但由于泡沫整理后织物带液率低而大大节约了烘干能源,同时还提高了劳动生产率,体现了泡沫整理工艺的优越性。

【Abstract】 Foam finishing is a low liquid rate,less pollution and high energy-saving dyeing and finishing technology.In the 1970s,with the outbreak of Middle East oil crisis,it developed rapidly in the industrialized countries in Europe and the United States.It is to pass the gas into the working fluid containing surfactants solution,after being cuted and mixed by the bubble generator, generate many small and uniform bubbles,and form a large bubble.And then,the bubbles are to be imposed onto fabrics.So that the up-take percentage from the traditional rate of 60%-80% downs to 15%-30%,thus saves drying energy more than 50%.In the 1980s,China ever appeared a wave of high tide on the research of foam finishing. Some of research achievements had ever been applied by many printing and dyeing enterprises. According to incomplete statistics,yield a variety of fabrics nearly 10 millions meters.The products were put into domestic and foreign markets after pass the quality inspection.However,at that time,as to low level of automation equipment and technical restrictions,the technology could not be continued to further promotion in the development and application.In recent years,with the energy crisis and environmental problems intensified,it has greatly enhanced people’s awareness of environmental protection.Simultaneously,all of the printing and dyeing enterprises have the double pressure in production costs,energy consumption and waste emissions.More importantly,promoted by the national "11th Five-Year Plan",proposed energy-saving,lower consumption,emission reduction policies,foam finishing regains people’s attention and favor.It is reported that,some domestic and foreign research institutes and enterprises are actively exploring new foam finishing technology and equipments,and so far,has made gratifying achievements. The composition of foam finishing solution and properties of foams is the key part of the foam finishing technology.According to the new situation of ecological environmental protection requirements,the composition of foam finishing solution and properties of foams were studied Systematically in this thesis.Using Ross-Miles foaming method and stiring foaming trial,two foaming agents suitable for foam finishing were selected.One was NaLS(anions),the other was detergent JU(non-ionic).HEC was elected as foam stabilizer and discussed the stability mechanism on the NaLS foaming Solution.Primary factors influencing foaming performance and stability of the system were analyzed,including the molecular structure and concentration of foaming agents,the complex of anionic/noninonic surfactant,finishing agents,inorganic salt, ambient temperature,pH value and so on.In addition,it also explored the decay of the bubble and stability mechanism in this paper.Through a microscope analysis of the bubble size distribution, discussed the impact of bubble size distribution and uniformity on the foam stability.The components and systematic compatibility and foam stability of foam finishing sulution in following technology:softening,resin finishing,fire-proofing,anti-UV finish,sizing and whitening finish,were researched.Foam was coated onto the fabrics by manual in the laboratory, by comparing the treated fabrics between foam finishing process and conventional padding process concerning the relevant physical performances and finishing results,it was proved that the foam finishing sulutions above were in line with the requirements of foam processing,and also provided a basis for the production in the future.By the production applications trial in a printing and dyeing mill in Zhejiang province,it was confirmed that foam finishing products have the same quality as conventional finishing products,as well as reflected the superiority of foam finishing process with low up-take,high-efficiency,great energy saving and excellent effects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

