

Effect of Exercise and Drugs on Biomechanical Properties of the Bone on SD Female Rats

【作者】 魏兆松

【导师】 张健; 卜淑敏;

【作者基本信息】 首都体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:随着年龄的老化,妇女由于雌激素的分泌减少而导致骨的性能降低已经引起的人们充分重视。本文采用去卵巢大鼠模型,观察运动和雌激素对由于老年化而导致的激素减少造成的骨质疏松症预防和治疗的作用。为老年妇女选择适度的运动和药物疗法提供理论上的参考。方法:将三月龄SD雌性大鼠60只,随机分成二大组手术组和假手术组:手术静止组10只(OVX)、手术给药组10只(OVX+ES)、手术给药运动组10只(OVX+ES+EX)、手术运动组10只(OVX+EX)和假手术运动组10只(SHAM+EX)、假手术静止组10只(SHAM)。手术组为双侧去除卵巢,假手术组在卵巢附近去除与卵巢体积大小相当的脂肪。在手术一周后,运动组均采用小动物跑台(型号:DSPT—202型小动物跑台)每天进行一个小时的运动强度为18米/分的跑步练习。跑台为水平状态,运动频率为每周6天的跑步练习。给药组所给的药物为17--β雌二醇,剂量未5ug/200g体重。注射时间安排采用每周1、3、5。运动组先进行5天逐渐加大运动量的预备训练,学习在跑台上跑步运动,直至符合实验的要求。用水合氯醛麻醉并用电子天平称量出大鼠的体重。对所有的大鼠进行股动脉放血处死并取下大鼠的后下肢左、右胫骨、股骨和第四腰椎骨,去除干净附着的结缔组织。把胫骨按编号放置在摄氏60度的实验室烤箱烤12个小时后取出。用电子分析天平称量所有胫骨的质量。再用游标卡尺测出大鼠胫骨的长度。计算出左右胫骨质量的平均值和大鼠质量比值乘以100---胫骨和体重的质量指数。对股骨和腰椎骨进行浸有pbs溶液的纱布包裹后放在-20摄氏度的冰箱里保存。然后在实验室常温下解冻至室温时,用骨密度仪测量右侧股骨和第四腰椎骨的骨密度后,测量出第四要椎骨的几何数据。用万能材料试验机进行股骨的三点弯曲实验和腰椎骨的压缩实验。对断裂的股骨用胶水粘合,用牙科锯在断裂处平整地锯断后,使用游标卡尺测出股骨的内外径,并计算出截面惯性矩。最后计算出骨材料力学指标。数理统计采用SPSS12.0进行单因素方差分析。结果:本实验条件下,去除卵巢的大鼠其骨骼的几何尺寸、骨密度和力学指标值与假手术组比较均有显著性差异(P<0.01)。进行了药物和运动干预的去卵巢大鼠与SHAM+EX比较,其骨密度指标、骨的生物力学指标没有显著性的变化。说明药物加运动对预防由于雌激素的缺乏而导致的骨质疏松是有效果的。但是这种效果不是单纯由药物和运动所引起。因为手术药物组和OVX+EX的去卵巢大鼠,尽管其力学指标值和骨密度与去势组静止组的大鼠比较有加强的变化(P<0.01或P<0.05),但是其与手术运动加药物组的去卵巢大鼠比较也有显著性的变化(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:17--β雌二醇和跑步运动对改善去势大鼠的胫骨长度和胫骨与体重质量指数有意义。但是17--β雌二醇加跑步运动对改善这两个指标无协同作用。17--β雌二醇加跑步运动对改善去势大鼠股骨和第四腰椎骨骨密度效果明显;单纯给予17--β雌二醇、单纯的跑步对改善骨量的丢失也有显著性。但不如药物加运动的作用显著。单纯的17--β雌二醇、跑步运动对改善大鼠股骨和第四腰椎骨生物力学指标有一定的作用;但是17--β雌二醇加跑步运动的协同作用对改善去势大鼠骨骼生物力学指标效果更明显。实验的结果提示我们在预防和治疗由于老年化引起的骨质疏松,单纯的药物与运动干预,不如两者共同协同作用效果显著

【Abstract】 Objective:with aging, people, especially women aroused much attention by the reduction of osseous performance which because of the estrogenic decrease. This thesis tries to use the older female rats SD to simulate on the condition of non-ovary and to make research using the interference of moments and medicines, which aim at discussing moments’and drugs’function to prevent and treat osteoporosis which result from hormone decrease because of aging as well as make the academic reference for women’s choices to moderate athletics and medicines.Methods:to group randomly 60 female rats SD who 3 months old into the operation group and fake group, I divide the operation group into the operation stillness team of 10 rats (OVX), the operation giving-medicine stillness team of 10 rats (OVX+ES), the operation giving-medicine moment team of 10 rats (OVX+ES+EX), the operation pure action team of 10 rats (OVX+ES), the fake operation action team of 10 rats (SHAM+EX), the fake operation stillness team of 10 rats(SHAM). The operation group is that ovary-removed on both sides, the fake operation group is that remove ovary-size fats near ovary. one weeks latter, the moment groups all utilize the machine of little animal running platform (model: DSPT—202) to run an hour daily that 18m/min. The running platform take on the level circumstance and the frequency is 6 days one week. The medicines to the giving-medicine group is 17—βestradiol which dosage is 5ug/200g weight. The time to inject is Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The moment group carries through the preliminary training that is increasing intensity to study run at the running platform until measure up to requires. To hocus rats with Hydration of acetaldehyde and measure its weight, kill all rats by bleed at the femoral and take their right and left shankbones of back crura and thighbone、the fourth lumbar vertebra, then remove the clear connective tissue. After that, lay the shankbone into the experiment oven which temperature is 60 degree Celsius by number and take them out 12 hours latter. Then measure all shankones’masses by electronic analytical balance and measure their lengths by vernier caliper, then calculate the average of the right and left shankbones and the ratio of the rats’masses which multiply 100----the index of them. Then bandage the thighbones and lumbar spine bones with the gauze that is penetrated solution pbs, and reserve within the icebox which is -20 degree Celsius, as melt toward the room temperature under the normal temperature, then after measure the masses of right thighbone and the fourth lumbar vertebra by DEXA, measure the geometry data of the fourth lumbar vertebra, using the universal testing machine to carry out the three-points-bend experiment over the femoral and the condensing test of the lumbar bone. And paste in the rupturing thighbone with adhesive, after saw evenly the rupturing place by dental saw, to measure the femoral inner and outer lengths with vernier caliper and calculate the sectional moment of inertia, lastly calculate the indicators of bone material mechanics. Mathematical Statistics adopts SPSS12.0 to carry out the analysis of variance in single factor.Results:according to this experiment, the ovary-removed rats’skeletal geometry, bone mineral density and mechanical index value took place the tendency to descend(P<0.01) in comparison with the fake operation group. The indicators of bone mineral density and the bone biomechanical indicators of ovary-removed rats who experienced the interference of medicines and movements had not change dramatically in comparison with the fake operation group, which meant medicines and movements work to prevent osteoporosis leading by the lack of estrogen, but the effect was not alone. Because the ovary-removed rats of the operation-medicine group and operation-movement group had changed dramatically compared with ones of the operation-movement-medicine group( (P<0.01 or P<0.05), despite its mechanical index and bone mineral density values had a little diversification compared with the emasculation group and stillness group( (P<0.01 or P<0.05). The fake operation group is to research whether the normal surgery lead to the change of skeletal dynamo data of rats. the ovary-removed operation lead to the change of skeletal dynamo data of rats. The above-mentioned results revealed that the estrogen on emasculation rat bone morphology, bone mineral density and bone biomechanical has a certain therapeutic effect. By the same reason, running matters to enhance the bone masses, and running blending with 17—βestradiol have the coordinating effect to treat the rats who suffer from osteoporosis. Key word: exercise and drug, drug, exercise, rag, bone mineral density, femur, lumbar spine bone, tibia, mechanical indicator.Conclusion:17-βestrodiol and running can improve length of the tibia and index of the mass.But 17-βestrodiol plus running can not develop them each other.17-βostradiol plus running in effect improve BMD of the thighbone and vertebra of the emasculated rats.Only 17-βestrodiol only running also improve BMD .But less notable than drugs plus running.Only17-βestrodiol only running improve biomechanical index of the thighbone and lumbar bone partly.But 17-βostrodiol plus running can in effect improve the biomechanical index of them.Experimental results show esteoporosis was prevented and cured when agedness came in,intervenor of only drugs and running was less effective than intervernor drugs plus running.

【关键词】 运动加药物药物运动大鼠骨密度股骨腰椎骨胫骨力学指标
【Key words】 drug and exercisedrugexerciseratsBMDthighbonevertebratibiabiomechanical Properties
  • 【分类号】R580
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】61

