

Study on Liquid-Liquid Equilibriums of Multicomponents Containing One Newly Utilized Petrol Additive

【作者】 曹晨雨

【导师】 陈瑶;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 应用化学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 醚类,酯类,醇类等汽油抗爆添加剂不仅可以提高汽油的辛烷值,防止汽缸中的爆震,而且此类添加剂的加入可以限制汽油中烯烃,芳香烃的含量从而减轻汽油燃烧所带来的环境污染。碳酸二甲酯(DMC)由于诸方面的优点而被认作是新型汽油抗爆添加剂,然而DMC加入汽油后汽油与水的溶解行为和汽油可能对水体造成的影响有待考查。本论文分析研究了两个三元体系和四个四元体系在常压下,298K时的液液相平衡数据。三元体系分别为水—异丙醇—碳酸二甲酯,水—碳酸二甲酯—正辛烷。四元体系分别为:水—异丙醇—碳酸二甲酯—异辛烷,水—异丙醇—碳酸二甲酯—正庚烷,水—异丙醇—碳酸二甲酯—甲苯,水—异丙醇—碳酸二甲酯—正辛烷。四个四元体系都同时含有水,异丙醇和DMC,而且还含有汽油组分的典型代表物,因此实验结果可以表明DMC与异丙醇同时加入汽油后汽油与水的溶解行为,为考察DMC与异丙醇混和用作汽油抗爆添加剂的可行性提供理论依据。将实验测定的液液相平衡数据与文献报道的相应的数据进行了比较,比较得出:DMC与异丙醇组合使用作为汽油抗爆添加剂要优于DMC与甲醇或乙醇组合使用。从防止水进入到汽油中的方面考虑,DMC与异丙醇组合使用作为汽油抗爆添加剂要优于MTBE或DIPE与异丙醇组合使用;而从减轻汽油对水体的污染方面考虑,DMC与异丙醇组合使用则不如MTBE或DIPE与异丙醇组合使用。液液相平衡数据使用了Modified UNIQUAC模型和Extended UNIQUAC模型计算,提供了重要的化工分离数据。计算表明,Modified UNIQUAC模型比Extended UNIQUAC模型能更成功的关联所测体系的液液相平衡。所以可以应用Modified UNIQUAC模型推算多元组分体系的液液相平衡,为化工分离服务。

【Abstract】 Adding anti-knocking additives as ethers,esters and alcohols etc to gasoline can not only enhance the octane rating of gasoline to prevent knocking in cylinder,but reduce the content of alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline which arouse environmental pollution.Dimethyl carbonate(DMC) is considered as a newly utilized anti-knocking additive in gasoline due to its virtues.However,it has to be investigated that the dissolution between gasoline and water as well as the effect of gasoline on water when DMC is added to gasoline.This paper investigated liquid-liquid equilibriums of two ternary systems and four quaternary systems at 298K and atmospheric pressure.The ternary systems are water+2-propanol+DMC,water+ DMC+octane,and the quaternary systems are water+2-propanol+DMC+ isooctane,water+2-propanol+DMC+heptane,water+2-propanol+DMC+ toluene,water+2-propanol+DMC+octane.The four quaternary systems all contain water,2-propanol and DMC,and also contain typical gasoline components,so experimental result can indicate the dissolution between gasoline and water when both DMC and 2-propanol are added to gasoline,and then the conclusion can be drawn that whether it is feasible to use both DMC and 2-propanol as anti-knocking additives.The experimental liquid-liquid equilibrium data is compared with the corresponding data from literature,and the comparison shows that:it is better to use DMC and 2-propanol as anti-knocking additives than to use DMC and methanol/ethanol;it is better to use DMC and 2-propanol as anti-knocking additives than to use MTBE/DIPE and 2-propanol considering preventing water from entering gasoline,and it is better to use MTBE/DIPE and 2-propanol as anti-knocking additives than to use DMC and 2-propanol considering the pollution of water from gasoline.The experimental liquid-liquid equilibrium data is calculated by Modified UNIQUAC model and Extended UNIQUAC model,providing important separating process data.The calculation shows that the experimental liquid-liquid equilibrium data can be correlated better by Modified UNIQUAC model than Extended UNIQUAC model.So Modified UNIQUAC model can be used to calculate liquid-liquid equilibriums of multicomponent systems in separating process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

