

Study on the Duty of Notification of Marine Double Insurance

【作者】 游蔡墨

【导师】 韩立新;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 海上重复保险法律制度是保险法体系中一个重要组成部分。但是学界和实务界对该法律制度的研究和适用没有形成统一的认识。随着我国海上保险业务的不断拓展,重复保险相关问题同益凸显。虽然《中华人民共和国保险法》已经经历了2002年和2009年两次修改,但是重复保险制度的构建仍然存在缺漏,并且滞后于国际立法。鉴于此,笔者就该制度借鉴国外立法例和学说,并结合国内研究成果进行比较分析,进而提出个人的立法建议,揣以简陋,以求抛砖引玉。本文正文部分共由三章组成。第1章是对海上重复保险的界定。本章主要论述了海上重复保险的概念及其构成要件,并提出较为完整的重复保险概念。在此基础上,讨论了海上重复保险易混淆的三层效力,试图厘清它们之间的关系,并指出通过区分投保人主观善意和恶意来判断海上重复保险合同效力的做法没有实际意义。第2章通过海上重复保险通知义务与保险合同告知义务以及与附随义务的比较分析,探讨了该义务的性质,提出通知义务人应为被保险人,并且在通知义务履行时间上仅需在被保险人提赔时到保险人理赔前即可。第3章主要是违反通知义务的民事责任分析。本章在分析了违反该义务的民事责任为违约责任的前提下,得出违反海上重复保险通知义务的责任形式应为损害赔偿。最后,建议下次修改保险法律时进一步完善被保险人违反重复保险通知义务法律后果的规定。

【Abstract】 Marine double insurance system is an important part of the insurance law system.But the academic and judicial community have not formed a general awareness of the system. With the continuing development of marine insurance buziness,issues on double insurance are becoming more and more noteworthy.Although insurance law has been revised respectively in 2002 and 2009,the gaps and omissions of double insurance still exist,and it lags behind international legislation.In the view of the above phenomena,using the experience of foreign legislation cases and theory,the author will come up with his legislative advices with the help of comparative analysis to domestic research achievments.This thesis is composed of three chapters except the introduction and conclusion.ChapterⅠgives the concept on the marine double insurance.The thesis expounds the definition and its conditions,and points out a more comprehensive concept of double insurance.Based on the above work,discussing three confusing legal effect of marine double insurance,the thesis tries to rationalize their relationship and points out that it does not make sense that judging the legel effect of marine double insurance contract throngh distinguishing between the insured’s good faith and bad faith.ChapterⅡinquires into the nature of marine insurance notification duty through comparative analysis to the insurance contract obligation to inform and collateral obligation, and points out that the insured should burden the notification duty and the period to perform it is between claim and settlement.ChapterⅢmakes a research on the civil responsibility of breaching the duty of notification.After elaborating that the civil responsibility is liability for breach,this chapter draws a conclusion that the form of legal liability for breaching the duty should be principle of indemnity.Ultimately,the author proposes that the insurance law ought to perfect the legal effect of breaching the double insurance duty of notification by the insured during the next revision.

  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【下载频次】110

