

A Resource Allocation Method for Computational Grids Based on On-line Reverse Auction

【作者】 张超

【导师】 曲雯毓;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 网格系统被定义为下一代的计算平台,用来解决科学和工程领域的大型问题。网格的最终目标是实现网络虚拟环境上的资源共享和协同工作,消除资源孤岛。资源分配和任务调度是网格计算系统中的两个关键技术。在传统的计算系统中所使用的资源管理协议的前提是可以完全控制所有资源,所以它们不能被简单的应用于复杂的网格环境中。因此,我们需要一种新的资源分配方法。拍卖模型是解决网格资源分配难题的一个有效方法,因为它提供了一个分布式的结构,比其它经济模型容易实现,并且反映了资源所有者的自治权。网格资源的动态性要求资源所有者和网格用户通过某种机制在使用资源的数量和价格方面达成一致,拍卖模型提供了这种机制。但是,根据网格资源的自治性、动态性的特征,一些传统的拍卖协议在应用到网格环境中时存在一些瓶颈。在本文中,我们根据计算网格环境中资源的动态性特征以及利用经济机制进行网格资源管理的优越性,提出了一种基于在线反向拍卖机制的计算网格资源分配方法。在这种方法中,代理人利用前边投标价格的均值作为后一个投标的定价;并且代理人在接收到资源提供者的投标后,可以立即作出该资源提供者是否中标的决策并通知资源提供者,这样就避免了先进行投标的资源提供者多余的等待时间。然后,我们证明这种方法满足经济学中激励相容的要求,即网格资源提供者会为了自己利益的最大化而报出自己真实的估价。最后,利用网格仿真工具Gridsim对所提出的网格资源分配方法进行模拟,验证了算法的正确性及其性能。

【Abstract】 Grid systems are defined as next generation computing platforms for solving large scale problems in science and engineering.The final goal of Grid technology is to realize resource share and coordinating work in virtual network environment and eliminate the resource isolated island.Resource allocation and task scheduling are two key technologies in grid computing system.The resource management protocols used in traditional computing systems cannot be simply applied to complex Grid environments because they assume complete control over resources.Thus we need new resource allocation protocols.Auctioning models are a source of solutions to the challenge of resource allocation in Grid because they provide a decentralized structure,are easier to implement than other economic models and respect the autonomy of resource owners.The dynamic nature of the Grid requires mechanisms where resource users and owners can agree upon the amount of resources they will use and the price paid for them.Auctions allow owners and users to establish prices to resources in the Grid.However,there are some bottlenecks in traditional auction protocols applying in grid environment because of the autonomous and dynamic characteristics of grid resources.In this paper,an on-line reverse auction method of resource allocation for computational grids was proposed to solve the problem of resource management considering the autonomous and dynamic characteristics of computing resources in the computational grid environment and the advantages of economics mechanism.In this method,the current price can be set using former bids.And bidders arriving one by one the on-line buyer must be required to make a decision immediately about each bid as it is received.Then we prove that the algorithm is incentive compatible and simulate the auction protocol in Gridsim to evaluate the performance and accuracy of this method.


