

The Study of Biological Effects and Bioremediation of Chlorella sp. to Water Contaminated by NiO Nanoparticles

【作者】 林正志

【导师】 冯威;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 生物物理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 纳米材料具有许多特性,且产量日益增加,人们担心纳米材料潜在的对环境和人体健康的有害影响最终是否会超过它带来的效益,因此需要对纳米材料的环境行为、生物效应进行研究和评价,并深入探讨其机理,以便能及早采取措施,使其潜在的对环境和健康的影响最小化。作为获得上述数据的基础研究,本文针对水生环境从以下几个方面进行了探索:(1)本文根据生物毒理学基本理论,将粒径20nm氧化镍纳米颗粒对小球藻的毒性定义为慢性3级/有害,且造成的是可恢复性损伤,低浓度氧化镍对小球藻生长有促进作用。(2)通过ICP-MS检测,得到了不同时间小球藻对氧化镍纳米颗粒的吸收效率;在发现氧化镍纳米颗粒与小球藻细胞作用后生成毒性更低的零价镍基础上,通过X-光电子能谱仪(XPS)检测分析了不同作用时间的Ni02p/Ni2+2p比率,分析发现48h前小球藻对氧化镍的修复主要是吸收作用,48h~72h发生的主要是转化作用。小球藻对氧化镍有很好的吸收和转化能力,吸收和转化率可分别达到84.73%和28.57%,但处理后的海水中镍元素含量仍高于中国(GB8978-1996)污水综合排放标准,需做进一步处理才能排放到环境中。小球藻对氧化镍的有效吸收和转化作用揭示了生物修复环境中氧化镍纳米颗粒污染的潜力。(3)为了进一步探讨小球藻对氧化镍纳米颗粒的生物修复机制,依据毒性实验和吸收转化实验结果,本文对比了72h前后受15mg/L氧化镍处理的小球藻与对照组小球藻蛋白质变化情况,发现了一些可能与转化相关的表达量上调和下调的蛋白质。

【Abstract】 The nanoparticles (NPs) display novel physical and chemical characteristics, nevertheless, with the rapid development of nanotechnology, there is a higher risk for people and environment. People began to worry that the risks of NPs in terms of their environmental impact may outweigh their benefits. So it’s urgent to study and estimate the behavior and biology effects of NPs, and to investigate the mechanisms. In this study, a series of ecotoxicological tests on NPs were designed and conducted as an initial step to address the potential aquatic environmental impacts of NPs. The main contents and results of the experiments were:(1) This paper based on the basic theory of the biological toxicology. Ecotoxicological tests on NiO NPs were designed. The toxicity is defined as chronic 3 / harmful by the EC50 value. The damages caused by NiO NPs are recoverable. NiO NPs in low concentration can promote the growth of Chlorella sp..(2)The concentration of Ni remained in sea-water is tested by ICP-MASS. On the basic of discory of Ni0 after NPs exposed to Chlorella sp., the Ni02p/Ni2+2p ratio in different time is analysed by XPS. The results are as follows: the main role of Chlorella sp. to NiO NPs is absorption before 48h, while between 48-72h is transformation. The absorption and transformation rate of NiO NPs by Chlorella sp. is 84.73% and 28.57%, which shows that Chlorella sp. can be used to deal with waste-water. The concentration of Ni is higher than the quality standard of waste-water, so it’s necessary to deal with the waste-water by more steps.(3) In order to study the biological repair mechanisms further, the paper compared the 2-D gels of protein of Chlorella sp. treted by 15mg/L NiO NPs with the control group at the time of 48h, 72h and 96h. Some up- or down-regulated protein spots were found, which may relate to reduction reaction.

  • 【分类号】TB383.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】235

