

Research of Driver’s Fatigue State Detection Method Based on Video

【作者】 薄瑜

【导师】 毕胜;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 驾驶员疲劳驾驶是引发交通事故的一个重要原因,因此,如何有效的监测和防止疲劳驾驶,对于减少交通事故有着十分重要的实用意义。驾驶员在车辆行驶过程中是否疲劳可以从眼睛的睁开程度反映出来,利用驾驶员眼睛的睁开程度来判断其疲劳状况是一种可行的方法。因此,如何快速、准确地确定驾驶员眼睛的睁开程度进而得到疲劳状态是本文研究的主要目标。论文主要包括以下三个方面:1.针对驾驶室内比较特定的背景环境,采用减背景的方法检测包含人脸区域的运动目标。本文主要考虑光线变化对运动目标检测效果的影响,提出了应对光线渐变和光线突变两种情形的背景更新策略。进一步采用椭圆拟合的方法定位人脸区域,并进行人脸区域验证。上述方法在定位人脸时简单、快速、准确。2.在人脸定位的基础上,采用对称变换的方法先定位眉心,进而粗定位人眼,然后采用积分投影的方法进行人眼精确定位。对于戴眼镜、眼睛半睁半闭、有复杂背景、侧面、两眼连线与水平线有一定夹角的人脸图像,这种方法都可快速、准确地定位人眼,检测准确率高。3.采用霍夫变换及Daugman算子提取出人眼黑眼球的轮廓,再求出轮廓内黑眼球面积与整个轮廓包围面积比值,由该比值确定人眼的睁开程度;参考PERCLOS提出POFECT检测驾驶疲劳的方法,应用该方法判定驾驶员是否疲劳。本文采用MATLAB语言进行仿真,实现了算法的各项功能,并进行了相关的实验。实验结果达到了预定目标,证明了所研究算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 Drivering fatigue is a major factor for traffic accidents.So,how to effectivly monitor and prevent of drivering fatigue is significant to reduce traffic accident.In the course of driving,whether fatigue or not can be reflected in driver eyes open degree,the use of their eyes open degree to determine status of driver fatigue is an efficent solution. How to detect the eyes’ open degree fast,real-time,accurately is the main research objective in this paper.The paper includes the following three aspects:Firstly,under the special circumstance of the operator cabin,the motion object including the driver’s face is detected by the method of background subtraction.The illuminance variation which affects the detection of the motion target is mainly considered in this paper.A new background updating method is proposed to solve the problem of the illuminance changing which takes place slowly or quickly.The face is located by ellipse fitting,and then the result is checked by the face’s intensity character. The method described above can locate the face concisely,quickly and accurately.Secondly,According to the result of face location,symmetry transform is used to search the glabellum and locate the eyes roughly.Then the method of integral projection is used to accurately locate the driver’s eyes.In the case of the driver wearing glasses, the eyes semi-open,complex background existing and the head rotating,the method in this paper can locate the eyes quickly and accurately and the detection accuracy is high.Thirdly,Hough transform and Daugman operator are used to extract the outline of the eyeball,then,the ratio between the area of the eyeball and the area in the outline is computed,the ratio can show the open degree of eyes.Finally,the proposed algorithm is combined with the POFECT method to decide whether the driver is fatigued.The algorithm’s simulation and relevant experiments are processed in the MATLAB environment.Experimental results show that the predetermined target is achieved and the algorithm presented in this paper is effective.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】185

