

【作者】 赵晗

【导师】 李宝杰;

【作者基本信息】 西安音乐学院 , 音乐编辑学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “期刊”作为人类文明史上最重要的传媒形式之一,它的历史作用不容置疑。而在20世纪30年代的中国,期刊作为整个出版事业中的“一枝独秀”,它所承担的社会责任和呈现出的文化价值就更加应该得到我们的关注。《音乐教育》作为我国解放前办刊时间最长、内容最丰富的音乐期刊,它的存在为我们留下了许多研究的课题:作为传播媒介、作为音乐教材、作为历史的记录者、作为交流平台……《音乐教育》既是音乐文化发展的旁观者又是参与者,不仅影响了昨天也启示着今人。民国以前,音乐在我国不被重视的现实毋庸置疑。20世纪初,随着海外留学人才的陆续归国,音乐才被知识分子阶层赋予了振兴民族的光荣使命。然而,在普通民众心目中,音乐始终摆脱不了“街头卖艺”、“下九流”的旧时阴影。再加上政局的动荡和物质的匮乏,使得普通大众对音乐的追求几乎成了一种奢求。如同其它音乐期刊一样,《音乐教育》始终将引导民众正确对待音乐的社会价值作为自己的任务之一,《音乐的社会作用》《女性与音乐》《我们为什么要研究音乐》《音乐,一切人的艺术》等都对音乐的社会作用进行了深入、透彻的分析,体现了期刊作为舆论导向的社会价值。《音乐教育》之所以能够成功的主要原因之一就是由于有了缪天瑞、程懋筠、萧而化、李元庆这些优秀的主创人员的耕耘。是他们扎实的专业素养使得《音乐教育》迈上了一个又一个学术的阶梯;是他们强烈的社会责任感使《音乐教育》始终坚守着自己的目标;是他们认真严谨的工作作风使《音乐教育》成为值得教育工作者信赖的良师益友;是他们清晰、开阔的办刊思路使《音乐教育》蜚声海内外,受到广泛赞誉;是他们刚正不阿的学术立场吸引了众多优秀音乐家为之撰文……今天,当我们手捧厚厚的五卷《音乐教育》时,我们不应该忘记他们曾流下的汗水。

【Abstract】 "Journal" the history of human civilization as the most important form of media, no doubt about its historical role. And 30s in the 20th century in China, Journal of the publishing industry as a whole the "thriving", it kind of social responsibility and show more of the cultural values should be our concern. "Music Education" as the longest running of our liberation, as the richest music journals, its existence has left many of our study: as the mass media, as a music teaching, as a recorder of history, as the exchange of platform ... ... "music education" is a music and cultural development of the spectator and a participant, not only affected the modern revelation yesterday.In the past, music in our country were not taken seriously doubt the reality. The early 20th century, along with personnel studying abroad have returned, music class intellectuals were given the mission of revitalizing the nation’s glory. However, in the eyes of ordinary people, music has always been and could not shake off "street show", "extremely poor under the" shadow of the old. In addition, the volatile political situation and the lack of material, making the general public for the pursuit of music has become almost a luxury. Like other music journals, the "music education" has always been a correct attitude toward the people will lead the social value of music as one of the tasks of their own, "the social role of music" "Women and Music," "Why do we want to study music" "music, all the people The Art of "all the social role of music in-depth, thorough analysis, reflects the journal of public opinion as a social value."Music Education" The reason why the success of one of the main reasons is because of Tin Shui Miao, Cheng maoyun,of the Xiao, LI Yuan-qing these excellent work of the cast members. Is a solid professional who makes "music education" one after another onto the academic ladder; is their strong sense of social responsibility so that "music education" always stick to their goals; is seriously strict work style of "music education "Educators should be trusted as a mentor; is clear, open line of thought running the" music education "reputation at home and abroad, received wide acclaim; the academic integrity of their position has attracted many outstanding musicians, was the author ... ... today When we holding thick V "music education", we should not forget that they had shed sweat.

  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】141

