

Research and Design of Prepayment Vending System

【作者】 郭亮

【导师】 杜谦;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 预付费技术旨在解决水、电、气、热等公共事业收费难的问题,经过近几年的发展,其技术水平不断提高,已逐渐产品化,并形成了一个新兴产业。预付费电能表的出现不但实现了用电收费的自动化,而且还改变了先用电后收费的不合理状况,使得电力部门能预先收取部分费用,有利于公共事业的发展。但随着产品的普及推广,系统防攻击、防跟踪等数据安全性能始终是一个突出的技术问题,如果这个问题解决不好,存在技术隐患,就有可能给电力部门造成严重的经济损失,产生不良的社会影响。数据安全是所有IC卡预付费产品系统的关键技术问题,但目前市场上的众多预付费产品系统的数据安全都不够理想,为此我们从电能表内部软件设计,IC卡密码安全、卡上数据加密和数据校验、数据库安全等几个方面进行研究,提出一套综合数据安全方案,能有效防止系统数据遭受被动攻击和主动攻击。本文在对IC卡预付费产品系统进行总体介绍的基础上,着重论述了该系统的软件设计部分,即IC卡预付费售电管理系统。详细介绍了作为传输载体IC卡的特点,通过深入研究IC卡密码安全技术,提出了一种采用DES算法产生中间密码供IC卡携带,预付费售电系统数据库和电能表RAM中存储伪密码,由中间密码和伪密码进行运算得到IC卡密码的方法保证IC卡密码的安全,通过一系列加密处理,对IC卡内的数据进行了有效保护。在软件设计上,采用了结构化系统分析的方法,完成了对整个预付费售电系统的研究、设计与实现。论文分为两部分:前一部分在介绍预付费电能表的国家标准和技术指标后,简单介绍预付费电能表的硬件及软件实现,后一部分介绍了IC卡预付费售电系统的设计与实现过程。采用关系数据库SQL Server 2000为后台数据库,VS2005为开发平台,面向对象的编程开发语言C#.NET开发出一套基于Web的预付费售电管理系统,实现利用IC卡对电能表进行预售电和管理的功能,提供了友好的用户界面、清晰的菜单窗口和强大的管理功能。

【Abstract】 Prepayment technology is used to solve the difficulty in collecting the fee of the public services,such as water,electricity,gas and heat.The level of this technique has been improved constantly in the past few years,it has produced gradually,and has formed a new industry.The appearance of prepayment meter not only realized the charge automation of used electricity,but also changed in electricity charges after the first of the unreasonable situation,made the electricity department can get part of the pre-charge and is conducive to the development of public utilities.But with the popularity of the promotion of products,systems attack prevention,anti-tracking performance of data security has always been an outstanding technical issue,if this issue is not resolved well and there exist technical problems,it is likely to cause the power sector to serious economic losses and make a negative impact on society.Data security is the most important technique problem of all the IC card prepayment product systems,but the majority of the IC card prepayment product systems on the current market haven’t solved the data security problem perfectly.In this paper several topics are investigated:internal software design of the electric meter,the password security of the IC card,encrypting and checking the data on the IC card,the security of the database,and a novel comprehensive data security design scheme is proposed,so that damages by passive and active attacks can been avoided.The paper mainly dissertates with the software of the system—IC card prepayment management system,after briefly introducing the whole IC card prepayment products system,and detailed introduces the character of IC card. Through deep research in IC card password security technology,a method is proposed in this paper which use DES algorithm to generate a middle-code, prepayment vending system database and ammeter RAM store pseudo-code,then get Card code by operating on middle-code and pseudo-code to insure the security of the code of IC card;meanwhile,the step of data-encrypting would make the data of IC card much safer.By the means of the structural system analysis,the research,design and realization of the whole prepayment vending system is completed successfully. The paper can be divided into two parts:the former part introduces the national standards and technical indicators of prepayment meter,a brief introduction of the prepayment meter’s hardware and software.The later part introduces the design and realization of the IC card prepayment vending system.It is based on relative database SQL Server 2000,and uses VS2005 as the platform of development.The object-oriented programming language C#.NET develops a Web-based prepayment vending system,which will realize the use of IC cards for pre-sale of electric energy meter and management functions,and friendly user interface,fresh menu window, strong control function are also provided to user.

【关键词】 电能表预付费系统IC卡数据安全
【Key words】 Electric meterPrepayment systemIC CardData security

