

The Relation between Culture and Style of Creation-On the Chair’s Styles under the Influence of the Traditional Chinese Culture

【作者】 包永江

【导师】 吕杰锋;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 现代椅子设计中,椅子的人机性是要考虑的核心内容之一。椅子的人机性也是现在比较受关注的课题。纵观中国从席地而坐的坐具到垂足而坐的椅子这数千年的历史发展过程,除了明式椅子有朴素的人机工学观念意外,其余基本上是近乎垂直的直背,坐上去并不舒服。是什么样的原因让人们宁愿放弃对于舒适性的追求这一人类的自然本性,论文经过分析、论证,得出的结论就是:形成中国椅子独特风格的原因就是受到传统中国文化的影响,儒家礼仪文化要求人们“正襟危坐”,以符合儒家“身直心正”的逻辑要求,法家为了维护统治的需要更进一步的将儒家的礼仪规范强化为必须遵守的等级关系,使得椅子成了身份、地位的象征。道家文化是儒、法文化的重要补充,塑造了中国椅子的内在气质,形态或优雅或稳重端庄,追求自然本色的纹理装饰,体现“天人合一”的思想。本篇论文运用分析综合法、归纳演绎法、系统研究法、比较类比法以及例证法,通过系统归纳中国几千年椅子风格的变化,按照时间、朝代顺序分明别类,分析风格背后的文化原因。同时着重对重要的风格特征的转变即由席地而坐到垂足而坐的转变背后的文化原因进行了详细的分析。查阅大量中外资料的基础上,采用一些史学上、社会学上的研究方法,从外族文化的深入、佛教、景教文化的影响等多个方面论证了文化在风格的转变过程中所起的作用。论文也将最能代表中国椅子的明式椅进行了着重分析,明式椅是中国传统文化的集大成者,具有重要的标本意义。在沿着中国椅子风格变化这条线进行论证研究的同时,为了更好完成对大课题,文化与风格之间关系的研究,与西方历史上的椅子风格变化进行了比较,研究了西方椅子风格变化背后的文化。并得出了西方的尤其是工业革命之后设计风格之所以多样,就是因为其国家众多,文化形态不一,不同文化下的设计业都呈现出自己的特点所造成的。而中国的情况是儒、法、道支撑起来的中国传统文化具有稳定性、传承性的特点,在全球来看中国文化也是唯一传承至今没有断裂的文化。这种稳定的文化使得中国传统椅子的风格发展同样呈现出稳定性的特征。本文研究成果:1、系统阐述文化与风格之间的关系。造物的文化与风格是基于导师吕杰锋副教授签约北京大学出版社的学术著作《造物艺术设计》的子课题,承接上一届许留军从人机工学角度来对椅子进行研究,本论文对椅子从文化角度切入进行研究,并承接杨婧的研究课题—《多元一体的设计文化在产品设计中的应用》。2、第一次从儒、法、道等传统文化角度分析其对中国椅子风格的影响,从文化角度解析很多椅子坐着并不舒服却坐了上千年的原因。3、从文化角度解答了中国椅子具有几千年一以贯之的继承性,而西方椅子形态、风格复杂多变的原因。对当今设计语境下文化的发展与选择提出了自己的见解,提出要建立自由的文化环境,使得设计可以吸取不同文化思想中的精华,促进设计风格的多样化发展,以满足人们的需求。4、理清不同文化间的交融与借鉴,为致力于设计出科学与人文相结合的设计提供理论参考。

【Abstract】 Ergonomics of chair is to be considered one of the core contents in modern chair design.The subject has attracted the concern of many people. Almost all of the traditional Chinese chairs are vertical chair backs except Ming-style chairs, Ming-style chairs have a simple concept of ergonomics, from sitting on the floor to sitting in the chairs through the past few thousands years of history. Almost all of the traditional Chinese chairs are not comfortable. What is the reason people would rather give up the pursuit for the comfort of the natural human nature.Through the analysis of the paper, argues that the conclusions are: The formation of a unique Chinese-style chair is impacted by traditional Chinese culture, Confucian culture etiquette requires that people "sit in a chair keeping shoulder vertical ", to comply with the logic of Confucian "body is vertical, people are upright " . Legalists make a chair became a symbol of status. Taoist shapes chair’s temperament, makes chair decorate using natural texture, to consistent with the idea of harmony between man and nature of Taoism.I analize the changes of traditional Chinese chair style systemlly, in accordance with the time sequence of distinct dynasties, the cultural reasons behind the style,this article used analysis and synthetic methods, induction and deduction methods, system study, analogy methods and exemplification method. At the same time this paper focuses on the important changes in the characteristics of the style that from sit on the floor to sit in the chairs,and analyses the cultural reasons behind the changes.This paper analyses the important role of culture such as buddhism ect. in the process of changes of styles accessing to a large number of Chinese and foreign information on the basis of the use of some of history, sociological research methods.This papers also analyzes Ming-style chairs, Ming-style chair is the embodiment of traditional Chinese culture and specimens that has important significance.The paper carries out studying along the changes of Chinese chair styles, in order to better complete the major issue, the relationship between culture and style of study, compared to western chair styles. At the same time the paper studies the culture behind the western chair style. Through research and the pape concluds that This article research results: The emergence of multi-style was impacted by multi-cultural. The characteristics of traditional Chinese chairs are stable under the influence of traditional Chinese culture. The results of research:1、Studying the relationship between style and culture systemlly. This paper is a subset of the tutor’s subject- an academic works signed Beijing University Press. This paper plays the role of connecting in our large academic group.2、The paper analizes creatively Chinese chair styles under the influence of traditional Chinese culture. The paper analizes that why the ancient Chinese people had been sitting in a chair that is not comfortable from a cultural perspective.3、The paper analizes that why the characteristics of traditional Chinese chairs are stable and the styles of western chairs are complexed and diverse from a cultural perspective. The author promotes the establishment of a free cultural environment. Different cultures learn from each other.We promote the diversification of designing styles to meet the people’s needs.4、The paper provides reference for the design. We hope to design a better works that combinate the science and humanities.

【关键词】 造物文化风格中国传统文化椅子
【Key words】 CreationCultureStyleTraditional Chinese culturechair
  • 【分类号】J525.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】447

