

Study on Innovational Mode of Chinese Car Enterprises Strategic Alliance Oriented

【作者】 张引

【导师】 喻金田;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 创新工程与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车产业是我国的支柱产业,而轿车作为目前需求应用量最大的产业,又对国民经济的发展具有举足轻重的作用。从1984年北京吉普的成立至今,我国汽车工业的发展已走过了20个春秋,在这20多年里,我国轿车行业也经历了翻天覆地地变化。轿车核心技术能力的缺失一度制约了轿车企业的生产和发展,随着改革开发和政府政策导向的改变,我国轿车产业走上了与跨国汽车企业合资引进技术资金的战略联盟发展道路。本文试图通过对战略联盟到导向下的中国轿车产业发展进行研究从而发现我国轿车企业创新发展的模式并对其进行研究,以期对中国轿车企业的发展提供一些帮助。本文首先从战略联盟的发展史和理论基础来源的相关研究的回顾开始,加以对轿车创新研究的综述,了解现有的针对轿车产业创新研究的几大研究方向所在。在文献综述的基础上,本文从企业创新发展的模式及其选择方式入手,探讨了企业创新发展的三大模式,通过分析各种模式的优劣势以得到选择模式的依据要素。接下来,本文从战略联盟的角度回顾中国轿车产业的发展历程,在分析了解中国轿车产业进行战略联盟的动因后,对战略联盟在轿车产业发展中发挥的作用进行具体分析研究,也看到了由此给中国轿车产业发展带来的问题。随后,在第四章中国轿车企业创新发展模式中,笔者对我国轿车企业的创新模式进行了定义,提出了该模式的五大发展阶段,通过对各大阶段的发展进行分析后指出我国轿车产业仍处于该模式的第四阶段,还未完全进入第五阶段。最后,笔者将一汽-大众作为案例分析对前面的理论进行论证,即在分析一汽-大众的联盟发展历程基础上,对代表其创新能力的两大因素进行剖析,验证了笔者先前的论断。以战略联盟背景下的中国轿车企业作为研究对象,本文在战略管理、技术创新管理等相关理论的基础上,通过对国内主要轿车生产厂商的数据分析,得出了我国轿车产业的联盟创新发展模式,并结合实际企业进行论证,以期为中国轿车企业的发展提供一定的借鉴和帮助。

【Abstract】 The automobile industry is a pillar industry in our country,and as the most needed industry,the car industry plays an important role in the national economic development.From the establishment of Beijing Jeep in 1984 to now,our automobile industry has passed twenty years,and during these 20 years,our car industry also changed a lot.At one time,lack of core technical capacity has restricted the production and development of cars,accompanied by Reform and Opening-up and the change of governmental policy,our car industry took the strategic alliance road by joint ventures with multinational automobile enterprises to bring in technology and funds.The article tries to work on the strategic alliance oriented Chinese car industry development to find out the innovational mode of our car industry,hoping to provide some help to the development of Chinese car industry.Firstly,the article started with the story of strategic alliance and theories based on,combined with the overview of the research on the car innovation to understand the different attitudes towards innovational research of car industry.Based on the literature review,the text proceed with innovational development modes of enterprises and its selection to discuss three kinds of innovational development modes. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the modes to find out the determined factors in selecting the modes.Then the article recalled the course of the car industry development from the perspective of strategic alliances in China, followed by the analysis of strategic alliance motivation in Chinese car industry to do specific research on the role the strategic alliance played in the car industry.At the same time,the text pointed out the problem brought by the alliance.Subsequently,the writer defined the innovational mode of our car industry in chapter four and indicated the five developmental periods of the mode.Through demonstrating these five periods, the writer approved that our car industry has stayed in the fourth step,but not in the step five.At last,the writer chose Faw-Volkswagen as a case to demonstrate the prior analysis.This means in order to prove the prior analysis,the writer worked on the basis of Faw-Volkswagen’s developmental story to examine the two factors which representing its innovational capacity.Taking China’s auto enterprises as the objects of study against the backdrop of strategic alliances,this dissertation/paper/thesis gives out the innovative development mode in the alliances of China’s auto industry,through the analysis of the data from some major auto enterprises based on the theories of strategic management and technical innovation management,and demonstrates with the situation of actual enterprises,in order to provide some reference and assistance for China’s auto enterprises.

【关键词】 战略联盟轿车企业创新模式
【Key words】 Stragetic allianceCar enterpriseInnovational mode

