

The Influence of Venturing to Northeast China on the Formation of Liaoning Dialects

【作者】 孙红艳

【导师】 高廉平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 清朝入主北京后,辽宁(东北)地区人烟稀少,土地肥沃,资源丰富;山东地区连年灾荒,连接东北地区交通便利,清朝中后期形成闯关东的高潮。民国年间,移民高潮继续向前发展。据移民过程专家估算,清代二百多年间,山东移民最多,约在七百万至八百万人之间。民国年间,山东移民东北三省的总人数达1800多万人,留住东北790多万人。大规模并相对集中的移民必然会使方言之间产生某种程度的接触、交融和影响。在汉语的影响下,乾隆中期、道光年间,盛京和吉林地区相继出现了汉语代替满语的趋势。山东方言和辽宁方言相比较而言,语音方面有诸多的相似之处:山东方言声母的数量一般多于辽宁方言;韵母的数量相差不大;从声调的角度来讲,山东方言有简化的趋势,有9个烟台型的三声调方言点,辽宁也有四个相同类型的三调方言点。山东方言一般有22到31个声母,辽宁方言一般19到23个;辽宁方言和山东的胶东方言日母字大多丢失[z]声母,读为零声母;“蟹止山臻”四摄合口端系字韵母在两种方言中大都丢失[u]介音。词汇方面,《俚语证古》中抽取的55个胶东方言特征词,仍活跃于现胶东地区,并广泛使用于现辽宁方言中,这是对辽宁方言和山东方言之间关系的补充和深化。这诸多的迹象证明了山东方言与辽宁方言之间密切的关系:清代初期,山东胶东半岛的移民带来的胶东方言奠定了辽东半岛方言形成的基础;清代中后期至民国期间,闯关东移民掀起的高潮,奠定了山东方言在辽宁中西部(东北)方言的形成过程中基础的辐射性作用,因而辽宁中西部(东北)方言当形成于清末至上个世纪前叶。

【Abstract】 After the Qing Dynasty invaded Beijing,Liaoning(Northeast China) regions were sparsely populated with fertile land and rich resources.The areas of Shandong,though inflicted by years of famine,were convenient to connect the Northeast China,thus formed the climax of venturing to Northeast China in the later part of the Qing Dynasty. In the years of the Republic of China,the climax of immigration continued to move forward.According to the estimation made by the expert of the migration process, during the 200 years of the Qing Dynasty,the largest amount of immigrants in Northeastern China is from Shandong.It is about seven million to eight million people in between.In the years of the Republic of China,among the three northeastern provinces,immigrants from Shandong accounted for more than 1800 million and more than 790 million people retained in the Northeast China.And the relative concentration of large-scale immigration is bound to make a certain degree of contact,integration and impact between different dialects.Under the influence of the Chinese,in the years of mid-Qianlong and Daoguang,Shengjing and Jilin had gradually immerged trends of Chinese language replacing Man language.In the comparison between Shandong dialects and Liaoning dialects,the phonetic has a lot of similarities:The number of initial in Shandong dialects is in general more than the one in Liaoning dialects.The number of final is more or less the same.From the perspective of tone,there is a trend to simplify in Shandong dialects.There are nine Yantai-based three-tone dialects areas.There are also four three-tone dialects areas of the same type in Liaoning.Shandong dialects generally have 22 to 31 initials and Liaoning dialects have 19 to 23.The "Ri" initial words in the Liaoning and Shandong dialects almost lost their initials,reading the zero-initial.The Xie;zhi;Shan and Zhen groups medial-u in Duan groups of the two dialects also almost lost the medial-u.From the perspective of vocabulary,55 featured words of Jiaodong dialects extracted from the "Ancient Slang Evidence" are still actively used in the region of Jiaodong and are also widely used in Liaoning dialects.This is the complement and deepening of the relationship between dialects of Liaoning and Shandong.These pieces of evidence prove that there is a close relationship between dialects of Shandong and Liaoning.In the early Qing Dynasty,the Jiaodong dialects brought by the immigrants from Jiaodong Peninsula laid the foundation of the Liaodong Peninsula dialects.In the middle and late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China,the highest immigration wave made by those venturing to Northeast China has made Shangdong dialets a basic and radiative function in the formation of the dialets of the central and western in Liaoning(Northeast China). Thus the central and western Liaoning(Northeast China) dialects should be formed in the late Qing Dynasty to the first half of the last century.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】838

