

A Case Study of DHFV Collocational Errors in the Compositions by Non-English Majors in a Chinese University

【作者】 周述敏

【导师】 李力;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 外国语言学与应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 作为语言的重要组成部分,搭配在语言学习中起着至关重要的作用。对于搭配的重要性,最突出的原因是因为它是词与词结合的一种方式,而这种方式又是语言运用的基础。搭配是操母语者语言能力的重要方面,这点已经在外语及二语教学中取得广泛共识。搭配的学习,不仅能扩大词汇量,还能提高语言运用的流利程度。搭配还是交际能力的一部分。虽然搭配如此重要,却未在中国的英语教学中得到足够的重视。中学教师在引导学生注意搭配方面要积极一些,因为这是高考的内容之一。而到了大学,教师不再重视搭配等词汇方面,更多的是注重文章整体的理解、文章结构、文体、写作手法等。即便学生在课堂上在搭配方面犯了错误,教师也很少纠正,似乎相信学生能自己发现错误一样。这就成为导致学生搭配错误的原因之一。在学生方面,单词的记忆是基于单词本身及其中文意思上。他们将词汇看作是由一个个单词个体组成的,忽略了单个单词和与之共现的其它单词的联系。可以看出,教师的教学方法和学生的学习方法都存在问题。因此,了解中国英语学习者搭配的使用情况及引起搭配错误的原因变得尤为必要。由于搭配的种类繁多,逐一研究是不可能也不必要的。本文只选取了其中的一种,即虚化高频动词搭配作为研究对象,因为这类搭配非常典型且容易被忽略。本研究收集了西南大学200名非英语专业学生二年级学生的作文。被试来自四个不同的专业,具有相似的教育背景。通过统计分析发现虚化高频动词被广泛使用于被试的作文中,此类语误也较为频繁,这说明被试掌握虚化高频动词搭配的情况不容乐观。通过对被试的访谈,本研究揭示了被试对自己使用的搭配的确定性以及使用特定搭配的原因。结果表明,绝大多数被试对使用虚化高频动词搭配呈现过度自信的情形,而造成虚化高频动词搭配语误的最主要原因是过度泛化。为帮助学生避免此类语误的产生,教师、学生和有关教育部门应各尽其职。教师应努力提高学生虚化高频动词搭配的意识,将语料库运用到教学中,并积极追求专业化发展提高自身英语水平。学生应改变英语学习方式,有意识地运用相应的学习策略。有关教育部门应为教师提供更多进一步学习和培训的机会,引进更多国外的优秀资源。本文共分为六个部分。第一章作为引言主要介绍了本文的来源,研究目的以及研究意义。第二章回顾了关于搭配和虚化动词的理论和实证研究。第三章提出假设及研究问题,并介绍了被试、研究方法及使用手段。第四章作为最核心的部分描述了被试虚化高频动词的使用情况,他们所犯语误的特点以及导致语误的原因。第五章针对被试的语误,对今后的教学提出了相应的建议。第六章是对全文的总结并对今后的进一步研究提供参考意见。

【Abstract】 As a major part of a language,collocation plays an important role in language learning.The most obvious reason for its importance is because the way words combine in collocations which are fundamental to all language use.Collocation is an important part of native speakers’ language competence,and their inclusion in foreign and second language teaching is widely acknowledged today.Learning collocations,apart from increasing the mental lexicon,leads to an increase in fluency.Collocation is also part of communicative competence.However,with such significance,it has not gained enough attention in English teaching in China.Middle school teachers are comparatively more active in encouraging students noticing collocation,because it is an inevitable part in the college entrance examination.When it comes to English teaching in college,teachers no longer focus on collocation but structures,styles,or techniques of the texts.What’s more,they seldom point out students’ collocational errors in class,as if believing that students themselves will recognize them.This,later,becomes one cause for students’ collocational errors.What’s more,learners tend to memorize a word by means of equivalence in their mother tongue.They consider vocabulary as a unit of individual words,and neglect their connection with the words co-occurring with them.We can draw the conclusion that both teachers’ teaching methods and students’ learning strategy are problematic.It is urgent to have a general understanding of the status quo of Chinese English learners’ use of collocations,and causes for their collocational errors.As there are many different types of collocations in English,it is unnecessary and impossible for us to investigate all of them. Delexicalized high frequency verb collocations which are a very typical kind and often neglected,become the focus of this thesis.The present study started with investigation of delexicalized high frequency verb (DHFV) collocational errors in compositions of non-English majors in Southwest University.200 sophomore non-English majors from four schools(School of Law,School of Chinese,School of Resources and Environment,School of Engineering and Technology) were included to be the subjects.Through statistic analysis,it was found that DHFV collocations were widely used in the subjects’ compositions,and errors of this kind were made rather frequently,which meant that the status quo of the subjects’ use of DHFV collocations was unsatisfying.The subjects were also interviewed to reveal their certainty of the rightness of collocations they use,and the reason why they used certain collocations. Results showed that the most of the subjects were over-confident of themselves in DHFV collocation use,and over-generalization was the major cause for their DHFV collocational errors.Under such circumstances,teachers,students,and relevant education department can do their own duty to avoid such kind of errors.Teachers should try their best to raise students’ awareness of DHFV collocations,apply corpus in English teaching,and pursuit professional development.Students should change their way of learning,and try to use some learning strategies consciously.Relevant education department should provide English teachers with opportunities of teacher training,and import more foreign collocation resources.This thesis consists of six parts.Chapter one serves as an introduction to the study, which describes the origin,purpose,and significance of the study.Chapter two reviews the theoretical and empirical research literature relevant to both collocations and delexicalized verbs,and introduces some theoretical basis to guide the study.Chapter three is a brief account of the methodology of this thesis,including the hypothesis and research questions, the subjects and instruments being used.Chapter four is the body part of this thesis.It describes how non-English majors are using DHFVs,what the characteristics of errors made in their compositions are,and what the causes of their errors are.In chapter five, pedagogical suggestions for English teaching and learning are proposed based on the students’ errors and the causes for the errors.Chapter six is a conclusion of the whole thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】205

