

Bugs in Amber

【作者】 郑文静

【导师】 罗益民;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 库尔特·冯内古特(1922-2007)是当代美国文学领域中公认的一位重要人物。其代表作《五号屠场》(1969)的发表引起了广泛的影响,也是冯内古特在小说创作上第一部获得大众及评论界广泛称赞的作品。而《五号屠场》及其创作前后的《上帝保佑你,罗斯瓦特先生》(1965)、《冠军的早餐》(1973)成为了冯内古特文学创作生涯中重要标识。本文旨在分析冯内古特在其不惑之年创作的这三部作品中主人公的疯癫,通过主题研究,探讨冯内古特的文学创作目的及其欲反映的社会现实。论文由五章组成。第一章简要介绍了冯内古特的《上帝保佑你,罗斯瓦特先生》、《五号屠场》和《冠军的早餐》中的疯癫,并分析了国外对这三部作品中疯癫的研究现状。第二章讨论了《上帝保佑你,罗斯瓦特先生》中爱略特·罗斯瓦特的疯癫。文章指出爱略特的疯癫成为了躲避金本位社会价值观的藏身处,而作者冯内古特则通过爱略特的疯癫展示了他关于社会的资本体系的思考。这也是他身为一位作家所背负的使命。第三章中分析了《五号屠场》和比利·皮尔格里姆的创作实际出自于作者对二战的感受。小说中比利凭借星球Tralfamadore的世界观来逃避战争记忆——也是作者本人欲摆脱的梦魇。比利的疯癫实际上是冯内古特表达的对战争机器的一种反叛,也是作者就其职责所做的一份社会贡献。《冠军的早餐》中的杜维·胡佛的疯癫及特劳特对其作品的反思是第四章主要论述的内容。本文指出特劳特作为作者的第二自我实际上影射了冯内古特在文学创作上的彷徨。即成模式的金本位、战争机器和语言结构分别成为了爱略特、比利和杜维疯癫的前因。而三个主人公以疯癫来达到反叛社会机器的目的。本文以研究三部作品中主人公疯癫的共性及由疯癫引出的特劳特对自己作品的反思作为切入点,认为不惑之年的作者冯内古特欲通过对这三位主人公来表达自己创作的动机、目的和一位作家背负的社会责任感,从而坚定自己继续作为一位作家的信念。通过对冯内古特这三部作品中疯癫的分析,本文作者认为,冯内古特在小说中利用所创作人物对自己的创作生涯进行了内省。而这一内省过程,从某种程度来说,表达了冯内古特作为作家的一种独特人文思想。

【Abstract】 Kurt Vonnegut Jr.(1922-2007) is an important yet disputed author in the contemporary American literature.Rising to fame with the publication of Slaughterhouse-Five(1969),Vonnegut became a well-known and widely read writer.In some schools,Slaughterhouse-Five has even become one of the compulsory reading materials.Yet after this achievement,in his 40s,Vonnegut came to his crossroad of literary creation.The present thesis focuses on the madness in God Bless You,Mr.Rosewater(1965), Slaughterhouse-Five(1969),and Breakfast of Champions(1973),which were written in Vonnegut’s 40s,trying to explore the motivation and purpose of Vonnegut’s literary creation during the first decade of fame he has gained after war.The thesis includes five chapters.The first chapter is an introduction of Vonnegut and his novels God Bless You,Mr.Rosewater, Slaughterhouse-Five,and Breakfast of Champions.A general survey of the previous research on madness of the three novels is also included.Chapter two surveys the reasons of Eliot Rosewater’s madness in God Bless You,Mr. Rosewater and how his madness acts as a refuge from sanity.The impact of money,of different values father and son holds,compels Eliot to take madness as a cave of his identity.And the inquiry about the social injustice of economic systems has been one of Vonnegut’s concerns on both society and his own early profession as a writer.The third part studies Vonnegut’s trauma in WWII,definitely a motivation that causes his writing of Billy Pilgrim and Slaughterhouse-Five,in which Billy constantly evades the war machine utilizing the Tralfamadorian whimsy.Until Vonnegut has found some way to achieve an "equilibrium" based on the belief that people can successfully resist becoming appendages to machines,can Billy traps his way out from his haunted memory for the author himself.The machine of words printed as the idea to be planted in readers goes to be the major concern of chapter four,in which Kilgore Trout is viewed as an alter-ego of Vonnegut,who,in his late 40s,comes across his major crises in spiritual evolution.Apparently,Dwayne Hoover’s madness in Breakfast of Champions is an alarm to warn Trout of his career—to be a responsible author for the world.So does Vonnegut contemplate his purpose of literary creation.Hence there comes the conclusion as the last chapter of the thesis:the exercise of madness in the novels Vonnegut wrote in his 40s represents the author’s plight in his writing career;and madness of the protagonists in these three novels represents his progress of surpassing his past and looking forward to the future.By analyzing madness of these three novels,the thesis proves that taking the responsibility as a writer,Vonnegut introspects his work via his characters’ madness,which,to some extent,shows Vonnegut’s humanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【下载频次】187

