

The Usage-based English Vocabulary Learning Strategy

【作者】 安礼艳

【导师】 匡芳涛;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 词汇是描述事物,行动和想法的语言基石。没有基本的词汇,人类就不能表达思想,所以犹如细胞组成人体一样,词汇对语言构建有着至关重要的作用。而在英语词汇的学习和运用中,学习者面临“地道”英语的困惑。让人不解的是:说母语的人为什么常常从很多合乎语法规范的范围内选择出特定的单词来表达一定的概念,而其他单词所表达的意义虽十分相似但明显不符合母语规范?为解决这一英语教学和英语语言学研究长期面临的问题,本文提出了一种有效的词汇学习策略——基于用法模型构建的英语词汇学习策略。Langacker于1987年在其专著Foundations of Cognitive Grammar,vol.1:Theoretical Prerequisites提出了“基于用法”这一术语,旨在说明突出用法事件的认知语法理论。Langacker于1999年重申在基于用法模型中,强调语言系统的具体使用和使用者对这一使用的认识。这一模型是语言结构的建构图示和语言结构的不可还原性的研究(Langacker,1999:91)。在基于用法模型引入语言研究后,学者们认为语言结构起源于语言使用。此外,Tomasello(2003)年提出的基于用法的语言习得理论认为,语言具有边用边学的特性,个人的语言能力来源于记忆中的语言使用和在使用过程中不断规范化后的语句。大体上,当前大多数对基于用法模型的研究都致力于其对语言结构与语言习得的研究。而对于语言学习策略,特别是词汇学习策略的研究却很少。由于语言的基于用法模型和词汇学习策略都应受到重视,本论文就其相关性进行了深入挖掘,试图建立完整的基于用法模型建构的词汇学习策略理论,并将其运作模式应用于高中英语教学以验证这一策略的有效性。本研究由五个部分组成。第一章简要阐述本研究的意义和研究目的。第二章是文献综述,首先回顾有关词汇知识和词汇学习策略方面的研究,通过评论以往的词汇学习策略不足,引出基于用法模型的词汇学习策略研究。通过回顾语言的基于用法模型研究,特别是Evans的词汇概念与认知模型理论(2006)和Tomasello的基于用法的语言习得理论(2003),可以看出语言结构和语言习得与“基于用法模型”的理论原则密切相关,这一模型对词汇的研究不仅具有理论意义也有实践意义。在一定程度上,基于用法模型影响词汇概念的形成和词汇习得,为基于用法模型构建的词汇学习策略的研究提供了理论基础。在前人的研究基础上,第三章提出基于用法的词汇学习策略理论(UVLS理论)。本章首先描述‘用法事件’或‘典型例子’这一核心概念,其次讨论基于用法的词汇知识构建包括词形,词义和语言使用三方面,论述词形源于或生成于词的具体使用实践,和词义来源于词的具体使用事件两个理论基础。然后总结UVLS理论的三项原则:词频和产出性,固化,自下而上。最后设计UVLS培训的具体运作模式。第四章是基于用法模型构建的词汇学习策略的实证研究。为验证上述词汇学习模式,作者开展了一系列实验研究。实验假设共包括三个方面的内容:基于用法模型构建的词汇学习策略有助于学习者的接受性词汇知识习得;基于用法模型构建的词汇学习策略有助于学习者的产出性词汇知识习得;基于用法模型构建的词汇学习策略有助于学习者的接受性和产出性词汇知识习得。首先,作者通过问卷调查获知目前师生认为最有效的词汇学习策略是“在上下文中学单词”,然后分别以该策略和基于用法构建的词汇学习策略对控制组和实验组传授目标词汇。通过间隔两周的两次试验后测结果的数据统计对比分析,实验组的接受性和产出性词汇知识测试成绩明显高于控制组。因此可以得出基于用法模型构建的词汇学习策略是当前我国高中英语词汇学习的有效策略的结论。同时这些实验结果从不同角度再次印证了基于用法模型构建的英语词汇学习策略的理论基础。第五章总结全文,并指出本研究的局限性和今后研究方向。

【Abstract】 Words are the building blocks of a language since they label objects,actions,ideas without which people cannot convey the intended meaning,so vocabulary serves as a basic constructing element of language,which appears to be as significant as cells for human body.As far as English vocabulary learning and use are concerned,learners may face the puzzle of native like selection.The puzzle is out of many grammatically possible ways of expressing a given conceptualization,why do native speakers of a language so frequently select a particular word——to the extent that others,though apparently quite similar in meaning,will sound distinctly non-native like? To solve this enduring question confronting both English language pedagogy and linguistic study,this thesis is intended to develop an effective vocabulary learning strategy——the usage-based English vocabulary learning strategy.As the core concept in this thesis,the usage-based model deserves a brief introduction. Ronald Langacker who first introduces the term "usage-based" in his book Foundations of Cognitive Grammar,vol.1:Theoretical Prerequisites(1987) seeks to highlight his theory of cognitive grammar with emphasis on the usage events.In a usage-based model, substantial importance is given to the actual use of the linguistic system and a speaker’s knowledge of the use.It is "a non-reductive approach to linguistic structure that employs fully articulated schemas"(Langacker,1999:91).After the usage-based model is introduced into language research,theorists believe that language structure emerges from its actual use or usage events.Furthermore,usage-based theories of language acquisition (Tomasello,2003) hold that we learn a language while using it,and an individual’s linguistic competence emerges from the memories of the utterances in their history of language use and the abstraction of regularities within them.On the whole,most present works on the usage-based model make contribution to language structure and language acquisition,few of them provide a profound thus satisfactory account of language learning strategy,especially vocabulary learning strategy.In debt to the attention that the usage-based models of language and vocabulary learning strategies deserves,the present thesis aims at digging deep into this issue.It attempts to develop a complete theory of Usage-based Vocabulary Learning Strategy(or the UVLS theory) that is based on usage events,presents operating models for a usage-based vocabulary learning strategy and examines its effectiveness in senior middle school in China.The thesis is composed of five chapters.Chapter One briefly states the significance and objectives of the study.Chapter Two reviews the previous researches on vocabulary knowledge and learning strategies.The assumptions and inadequacies of previous vocabulary learning strategy are discussed,and thus a new approach,the usage-based approach is introduced.Through the researches on usage-based models of language are reviewed,especially Evans’ theory of lexical concept and cognitive models(2006) and Tomasello’s usage-based language acquisition theory(2003),it is a fact that language structure and language acquisition are closely connected with or assisted by the ideas and the specific principles in usage-based model.As for vocabulary research,the implications are not only theoretical,but also practical.To a certain degree,the usage-based model influences the integration of lexical concept and vocabulary acquisition,thus the investigation to the usage-based vocabulary learning strategy is practical to language learners.Based on the previous researchers’ investigations,Chapter Three presents a theory of Usage-based Vocabulary Learning Strategy(or the UVLS theory).In this chapter,the core conception of usage event or exemplar is first described.Then the usage-based vocabulary knowledge concerning form,meaning and use is discussed.As a matter of fact,there are two major points.One is that vocabulary forms emerge or generate from language use,and the other is that word meaning is in its use.And then the three principles of UVLS theory are observed:the frequency and productivity,the entrenchment and the bottom-up characters of vocabulary learning.At last an operating model for the UVLS training is developed.In order to testify the newly built model,the author conducts an experiment research. Chapter Four is devoted to the methodological discussion of the research.Hypotheses concern three aspects——The UVLS can promote the receptive vocabulary knowledge of the learner subjects in the experimental group;The UVLS can promote the productive vocabulary knowledge of the learner subjects in the experimental group;The UVLS can promote both the receptive and the productive vocabulary knowledge of the learner subjects in the experimental group.The research is conducted as follows:firstly, questionnaires are distributed to learner and teacher subjects to investigate the most effective learning strategy used at present.Secondly,the same English teacher gives instructions on the same target words to the two groups of learners applying "learning in context",the most effective learning strategy assumed by investigation in control group and the UVLS in experimental group.Lastly,posttests are conducted with an interval of two weeks in between.Through the statistical analysis of the data,the experimental group outperforms the control group in the receptive and the productive vocabulary knowledge posttests.It is safe to conclude that the UVLS is an effective strategy for senior middle school students in China.Meanwhile,these findings can be explained with theories embedded in the new model.The last chapter summarizes the major points of this thesis and emphasizes the pedagogical enlightenment,and suggestions for future study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】327

