

【作者】 包晓东

【导师】 胥洪泉;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 《倚声初集》是清代最早编选的词选之一,由邹祗谟与王士祯共同编选,是明清之际一部汇合众流、备陈诸体的重要词选,对清词中兴起了积极的推动作用。作为一部词选本来看,它的主要功绩在于搜罗保存一代文献,具有弥足珍贵的文献价值。《倚声初集》客观地评价明词,肯定明词的历史地位。其所选词作基本上是文坛风貌的真实记录,真切地再现了明清之际词学发展的历史。在对明代词学继承与批判基础之上,鉴于明词创作的一些弊端,《倚声初集》在词学理论与创作实践方面进行了批评与建构,对清初词学发展与词风变化有着重要的意义。第一章介绍《倚声初集》的编选情况,从编选背景,编选目的,编选内容以及编选特色四方面进行探讨。其中编选特色这一节是重点,指出《倚声初集》具有强烈的中兴意识和地域群体性特色。第二章着重研究《倚声初集》与明代词学之间的关系,从保存明代词学文献和客观评价明词两个方面来探讨《倚声初集》的价值。《倚声初集》的编选者将明清之际的词学发展视为一个整体,在明清之际词学的演进与发展中,探讨明代后期词的意义。第三章探讨《倚声初集》与清代词学之间的关系,从保存清词文献和建构清代词学两方面谈起。建构清代词学主要是指在词学理论上强调寄托,词的师法上提倡南北宋词并重,词的创作上强调长调创作以及推崇清越词风。这一章是重点,论述了《倚声初集》在清词史的地位,指出其具有承前启后,继往开来的作用。

【Abstract】 Yi Sheng Chu Ji is one of the earliest Ci collection in Qing Dynasty,collected by Zou Dimo and Wang Shizhen.It contains many styles and brought the prosperity of Ci. As a collection work,its value lies in preserving the writings of its contemporary.The authors of Yi Sheng Chu Ji took the development of Ci between the Ming-Qing dynasties as integrity.They explored the significance of Ci during its progression and development.They notified the revival of Ci in Qing Dynasty actually began in the years of Jiajing.Yi Sheng Chu Ji objectively evaluated Ci of Ming Dynasty and affirmed its historic meaning.Most of the Ci from this collection shows the real picture of literary world at that time and represents the development of Ci between the Ming-Qing Dynasty.Yi Sheng Chu Ji does not just praise the structures but also points out some malpractice of Ci creation.It makes some critical comments on the theory and practice of Ci and it means a lot to the development and style diversion in the early Qing Dynasty.In Chapter One,the paper focuses on how Yi Sheng Chu Ji came to the world,from its background,its contents and features,paving the way for the following study.The Chapter Two mainly states the relationship between Yi Sheng Chu Ji and Ci from Ming Dynasty.It approaches the great value of Yi Sheng Chu Ji from two aspects: preserving and objectively judging Ci from Ming Dynasty.The Chapter Three discusses the relationship between Yi Sbeng Chu Ji and Ci from Qing Dynasty.This is the key part of this paper.The importance of Yi Sheng Chu Ji among Ci of Qing Dynasty is high lightened.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】178

