

Character of Contemporary Realism

【作者】 田敬红

【导师】 邱正伦;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 美术学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文研究的重心是现实主义的当代性,马一丹只是一个个案。针对传统现实主义的局限性、边缘化以及当代艺术的发展困境,笔者力图从马一丹的油画艺术风格研究切入,对现实主义在当代的生存状况和品格特征进行分析和阐释。笔者认为,现实主义的当代品格就是现实主义精神的当代性特征在艺术中的具体体现,其研究价值在于揭示现实主义在当代存在的必然性和合理性,为当代艺术的发展提供新思路。现实主义的核心是现实主义精神,而不是具体的风格和流派。只有当现实主义作为一种语言形态的时候,现实主义才是一种艺术表现手段,或者一种艺术创作方法。现实主义作为一种创作方法,并不是有了现实主义流派后才产生的,历史上许多艺术流派、许多艺术作品,所表现出的人们当时对现实世界的认识、思考和表现,都具有现实主义精神。现实主义作为风格流派会变化、会消失,但现实主义精神具有稳定性和永恒性。要重振现实主义精神,必须重新解读现实主义,并且应从艺术表现形式这个精神载体着手。本文将努力思考和面对现实主义的当代困惑:到底什么是现实主义?现实主义是不是已经过时?现实主义有没有当代化的可能?我们需要什么样的现实主义?当代现实主义有什么新的特点?是不是所有具有现实批判精神的都可以称为现实主义?这一系列问题在将研究过程中一一得到解决。整个研究立足传统文化根脉,从风格学的角度出发,对马一丹的艺术风格进行现实主义定位,探讨马一丹油画的艺术特色,并在个性特征中寻找、总结和归纳现实主义的当代品格特点。“壮士横刀”是本文对马一丹现实主义风格的形象化总结。通过研究,笔者得出以下几个结论:一、马一丹是一位彻底的现实主义者,其彻底性表现在对现实的体察、关注、思考和批判上;二、马一丹油画的艺术风格为“写意的表现性现实主义”。其中“写意”和“表现性”只是现实主义前面的修饰语,并非炮制的一个新流派,而是对马一丹创作方法与形式表现的相对客观的综合描述。马一丹油画艺术具有伦理、审美、创新和自由四个方面的价值追求;三、马一丹现实主义油画风格不仅具有当代化的可能性,而且其活力正是通过其当代性表现出来。本文从精神内涵和形式表现两个方面对马一丹现实主义风格的当代性进行阐释。马一丹油画艺术风格的“当代性”本质上展示了一种时代精神,体现了他对中国文化命运的关注。从表现特征上看它飞越了西方主义的制约、摆脱了传统艺术类别、质材和技法的限制、打破了题材的当代图像化范式,用自己的艺术语言完成了中与西、传统和现代相结合的本土艺术道路探索。文中还对马一丹油画艺术“当代性”的美学特征进行了分析;四、研究以点带面、由表及里,现实主义的当代性品格被归纳为多元化与开放性、直面现实问题、致力文化保护与民族文艺复兴、从人文情怀走向人本主义四大特点,该结论是整个研究的归结点。在具体的研究过程中,第一章从马一丹的艺术观念和家学师承关系入手,理清马一丹艺术成长的文化环境;第二章涉及马一丹油画风格的现实主义定位理由、成因、特点和价值,是本文的关键章节;第三章着力探讨马一丹现实主义油画风格的当代性。本文在分析马一丹艺术风格的同时,又用“风格”论来回观照当代现实主义艺术家群体的创作特点和这个时代艺术的特点,这是第四章现实主义当代品格的内容。笔者认为当代艺术应该“和而不同”,认为当今现实的最大问题是信仰丧失和精神危机,这便是现实主义产生的深层原因。在研究中发现,致力文化保护和民族文艺复兴已成为当代现实主义者的共识,现实主义艺术的关注视野也已经从“人道主义”的问寒问暖转向“人本主义”需求的自我实现。本文坚守艺术批评立场,因此在主观上难免情绪化,不过这恰好可以避免由“上帝的话语”带来的保守和无所作为。马一丹现实主义油画逐渐成为一种艺术现象,它的发现和重视,体现了时代对价值观念偏离的修正,指斥和批评了“当代艺术”的平面化和空洞性,并启发当代艺术重新回归到对现实生活本质的关注上来,以反映这个时代的精神风貌和审美取向。

【Abstract】 In this paper,the limitations of traditional realism,marginalization,as well as the development of the plight of contemporary art,trying to Dan from Ma’s research into the artistic style of painting,the realism of the living conditions in contemporary features and character analysis and interpretation.This article holds that realism is the core of the spirit of realism,rather than a specific style and genre.Character of contemporary realism is realism in the character of contemporary art in the specific embodiment of the value of their research is revealed again in the contemporary realism of the inevitability and necessity to expand the living space of realism.Mainstream in order to revive the spirit of realism,realism must be re-interpreted.Only when the spirit of realism into a language forms,the "realism" was used as a means of artistic expression,or a method of artistic creation.It is the body form of realism,but also the implementation of research material to the media.This paper will try to think and solve the puzzles of contemporary realism:What on earth realism is? Realism is not outdated? Is there any realistic possibility of contemporary? We need what kind of realism? Contemporary realism what new features? And so on.In this paper,based on the cultural roots,from the point of view of learning styles to explore the paintings of Ma Yidan artistic characteristics and personality traits to find and summarize the character of contemporary realism."Knife-wielding hero " is this article on Ma Yidan figurative realism style summary.Through research,I draw the following conclusions:First,Ma Yidan artistic painting style as "impressionistic realism of the performance" of "impressionistic" and "Performance" is the qualifier in front of realism,not to create a new The school,rather than more rigid theory of Eastern and Western art together,but Ma Yidan a form of creative methods and the relative performance of a comprehensive description of the objective.Found in the study,Ma Yidan canvas art with ethics,aesthetics,innovation and freedom to pursue the value of four;ⅡMa Yidan realism with contemporary painting style is not only the possibility and its vitality is through its "contemporary" in demonstrated.Ma Yidan contemporary realism style of this article from the spirit of the performance of content and form to explain the two aspects.His oil paintings the art of "contemporary" in nature display a spirit of the times,reflecting his concern about the fate of Chinese culture.Looking it over from the characteristics of the West and the constraints of traditional arts from the category of material limitations and techniques, breaking the image of the contemporary subject matter paradigm,with its own artistic language was completed with the West,traditional and modern with combination of road to explore local arts.The article also Ma Yidan canvas art "contemporary" of the aesthetic characteristics of the analysis;Ⅲ,the contemporary character of realism has been divided into the pluralism and openness,to face reality,to cultural preservation and national renaissance,thoughts and feelings towards people from the humanities four aspects of this doctrine,the conclusion is summed up the whole point of the study.In the specific course of the study,the first chapter from The Art of Ma Yidan concepts and start to learn the relationship between teachers and sort of a Ma Yidan growing arts and cultural environment;ChapterⅡdeals with Ma Yidan realism style oil paintings positioning reasons,causes,characteristics and value The key sections of this article;explored in ChapterⅢfocus on realism Ma Yidan contemporary style of painting.This article is the analysis of a horse at the same time Dan artistic style and use of"style" on the back and forth realistic View of contemporary artists throughout the creative community characteristics and the characteristics of the art of this era,this is the fourth chapter of contemporary realism and the content of character.I believe that contemporary art should be "and different",that the reality of today’s biggest problem is the loss of faith and spiritual crisis,this is the realism of the underlying causes have.In the study found that the nation is committed to cultural preservation and the Renaissance has become the consensus of contemporary realists,their artistic vision has also been concern about the "humanitarian" care to "humanist" self-actualization needs.Adhere to the position of art criticism in this article,and therefore inevitably subjective emotional,but it just could have been avoided by "God’s words," brought about by conservative and do nothing.Ma Yidan realism oil paintings gradually become a phenomenon,and its importance to discover and embody the values of the times of departure from the amendment,the accusations and criticisms of the "contemporary art" and an empty plane,and inspired by contemporary art back to the reality concerned about the nature of living up to reflect the spirit of the age and aesthetic orientation.

【关键词】 现实主义艺术风格当代性
【Key words】 RealismArtistic styleContemporar
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】J213.05
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】341

