

Research on Strategy about Cultivating the Concept of Sustainable Consumption within College Students

【作者】 廖恩浩

【导师】 周鸿;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 高等教育学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 大学生消费行为是其价值观的重要体现。在经济全球化和“消费的需要,决定着生产”的大背景下,大学生作为接受高等教育、决定国家未来发展命运的消费群体,其消费行为合理与否对整个国家、社会都有深刻的影响。培养大学生的可持续消费观念,构建大学生可持续消费行为的引导和教育机制,不仅有助于培养当代大学生正确的价值观,而且对于提高大学生思想政治教育工作的针对性和实效性,对于促进全社会可持续消费风尚的形成,对于建设资源节约型、环境友好型的和谐社会都具有重要的意义。因此,引导大学生树立可持续消费观念应该成为高等教育的重要内容,成为大学生思想道德建设的重要途径,相关的研究也可以纳入高等教育内容研究的范畴。本文试图在“为什么要培养大学生的可持续消费观念”及“如何培养大学生可持续消费观念”的问题上做一些有益的探索。本文主要论述了大学生可持续消费观念培养的意义,对可持续消费观念进行了界定:可持续消费观念即指主体适度消费、绿色消费和注重精神消费相统一的观念。分析了大学生可持续消费观念的特殊性:大学生消费内容和方式的多元性;消费水平的差异性;大学生消费观念的辐射性、导向性;以及消费观念的自主性、易变性和可塑性。调查了当前大学生可持续消费观念培养存在的主要问题:高校重视不够,没有进行系统的消费观念教育;培养缺乏针对性、系统性。最后,梳理了国内外培养可持续消费观念的实践经验,提出了大学生可持续消费观念的培养策略构想:将大学生可持续消费观念培养纳入思想政治教育之中;加强理论研究和教育:宣传,构建一支培养消费观念的专兼职教师队伍,提高教育者进行可持续消费教育的水平;编写有关可持续消费知识的教材,挖掘培养的课程载体和活动载体;制定合理的培养评价指标等。

【Abstract】 Consumption behavior of college students is an important manifestation of their values.With economic globalization and at the background of "consumer’s needs determine the production",the reasonability of consumption behavior of higher educated college students,is to decide the fate of the country’s future development and will have a profound impact on the whole country and society.Establishing the concept of sustainable consumption in the brain of college students,building an educational mechanism designed to guide college students to sustainable consumption behavior,will not only help to cultivate right values of contemporary college students,but also improve the pertinency and effectiveness of the ideological and political education work in college.Furthermore,for the promotion of the formation of sustainable consumption habits in the whole society,and for the construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society of harmony,it will certainly have special significance.Therefore,to guide college students to establish the concept of sustainable consumption should become an important aspect of higher education,and become a crucial way to the ideological and moral construction of college students, consequently,the study of the relevant content can be included in the study of higher education.In this dissertation,on the questions of "why we should educate college students with the concept of sustainable consumption" and "how to cultivate the concept of sustainable consumption in college",an attempt has been done to do some useful exploration. This dissertation mainly discusses the meaning of cultivating concept of sustainable consumption in college students,defines the concept of sustainable consumption:a concept of consumption which focuses more on spiritual and cultural consumption,combined with moderate consumption and green consumption. Besides,analysis of the specificity of sustainable-consumption education in college and investigation about the main problems of the current education about sustainable consumption in college are also included.Finally,summing up and considering domestic and foreign practical experiences of education towards sustainable consumption,a strategy on cultivating the concept of sustainable consumption within college students has been proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】G645.5;G641
  • 【下载频次】223

