

Research on Village Land Use Planning in the Process of New Country Construction

【作者】 郭欢欢

【导师】 张安明;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是农业大国,土地是农业和农民的生命线,三农问题主要是土地问题。解决好土地的利用与管理,使土地真正能够为农民带来增收、给农业带来增产、改变农村落后面貌,三农问题就会得到根本解决。新农村建设是我国在新世纪落实科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会的重大战略部署。然而在新农村建设过程中出现了诸如建设用地增加等很多问题,影响了新农村建设的质量。为配合新农村建设的顺利开展,加强农村土地的管理,许多地区开始探索村级土地利用规划。本文希望通过对村级土地利用规划研究,有助于村级土地利用规划编制工作的全面展开,并运用于实践去指导农村土地的集约节约利用、农村土地整理规划、村级产业规划及新农村建设规划等工作。本研究的研究意义在于:有利于新农村建设规划的编制;有利于“十分珍惜和合理利用土地,切实保护耕地”国策的贯彻;有利十“三农”问题的解决;指导土地利用开发整理规划的编制。本文在借鉴国内外关于农村地区和村级土地利用优化模式研究的相关理论和方法的基础上,分析了村级土地利用规划的内涵、特点、规划目标和规划阶段等,并选取多目标规划模型和层次分析法作为村级土地利用结构优化的方法,最后以梁平县梁山镇清都村为例,对村级土地利用规划进行了实证研究。本文共分为六个部分:第一部分,绪论。着重介绍了本研究的选题背景、研究目的和意义、国内外相关研究和研究内容、方法及技术路线。第二部分,村级土地利用规划的理论构架。主要包括村级土地利用规划的内涵、特点、规划目标和规划阶段。第三部分,新农村土地利用规划的方法研究。首先对村级土地利用的特点进行了研究,在此基础上选择多目标规划模型和层次分析法作为土地利用结构优化的方法。并对村级土地利用布局的原则和方法进行了详细阐述。第四部分,实证研究。以梁平县梁山镇清都村为例,首先对该村的自然经济现状进行了阐述和一定的分析,然后对预测了各业用地的目标值,再次构建了清都村土地利用结构优化模型,最后得到该村的土地利用优化结构和布局,并进行了预期效益分析。第五部分,规划实施的保障措施及建议。为了保证村级土地利用规划的顺利实施,本文从组织管理模式、规划的刚性和弹性以及政策管理措施方面进行了论述。第六部分,结论和讨论。汇总本文的所有研究成果,并对以后的研究方向和注意的问题作了总结。

【Abstract】 Our country is a big agricultural country,and land is the living basis for agriculture and farmers.The essence of Issues of agriculture,farmer and rural area is land use contradiction.Resolving the land use and manage,leading the land make contribution to farmers’ income,agricultural harvest and country’s aspect,then the Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area will be totally resolved.New country construction is an important deployment in carrying out scientific outlook on development in new century and construction socialism harmony society.But there are many problems in the process of new country construction such as the increase of construction land,which affect the quality of new country construction.In order to help the new country construction and reinforce the manage of rural land,many areas began to carry out village land use planning.We wish that researching on village land use planning will be benefit to weaving village land use planning,directing the economical and intensive use of rural land,rural land consolidation planning,village industrial planning and new country construction planning.The significance of this paper is assisting weaving village land use planning; assisting the policy of "cherishing and rational using land,protecting plowland"; benefit to the resovling of Issues of agriculture,farmer and rural area;benefit to the weaving village land use consolidation planning.Based on the theory and research method concerning the rural and village land use in the internal and external country,this paper analyzed the meaning,character, planning aim and the phase of planning.Then it chose the multi-targets model and AHP as the mainly method for optimizing land use structure,qingdu village in liangshan town liangping county as example.There are six chapter in this paper:The first chapter,introduction.It introduced the research background,research target and significance,the relational research in the internal and external country, research content,method and technical process.The second chapter,the theory frame of village land use planning.Including the meaning,character,planning aim and the phase of planning.The third chapter,the method research of village land use planning.First,it analyzed the character of village land use,then chose the multi-target and AHP as the mainly method for optimizing land use structure.And it introduced the principle and method of village land use location.The forth chapter,example research.It chose qingdu village in liangshan town liangping county.First,it introduced and analyzed the natural and ecnomic condition of qingdu.then it forecasted the aim of every kind of land use and constructed the model of optimizing land use structure.It got the optimizing land use structure and distribution and analyzed the prospective benefit at last.The fifth chapter,the measure and advice for the planning carried into execution. In order to assure the practice of the village land use planning,this paper introduced the measure of tissue,the rigidity and elastic of planning and policy.The sixth chapter,result and argumentation.It gathered the researh conclusion and introduced the researh orientation in future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】883

