

A Study on the Exploitation of Ethnic Ecological Moral Education Resources in Southwest Minority Regions

【作者】 王付欣

【导师】 易连云;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,全球生态危机日益严重,人类陷入了前所未有的生存和发展的困境。究其原因,是人类无限制地征服和改造自然,导致其与自然的疏离与对立,并为此付出了沉重的环境代价。为了人类的共同未来和经济社会的持续发展,人们不得不重新认识和评价自己的行为及其后果,意识到应该调整自己与自然的关系,重建人与生态环境的新秩序,切实为地球上的存在物着想,真正用道德约束自己对自然的行为。由此,生态道德应运而生,生态道德教育也成为21世纪德育的重要课题。中国西南民族地区具有独特的自然天地系统和人类文明系统,生活于此的少数民族传统文化中蕴含着丰富而优秀传统生态德育资源,它是当地少数民族共同具有的,过去发生的、一以贯之的、在现实生活中仍发生作用的,进入教育者的视野,有可能被恰当而充分地运用于教育活动中,并且对培养人处理与自然关系的生态道德认知、情感、意志和行为起积极作用的物质形态、价值形态和制度形态要素的总称。开发西南民族地区少数民族优秀生态德育资源,可以为生态道德教育的内容体系和实施途径提供有利视角,为德育创新与和谐德育体系构建贡献力量,进而推动西南民族地区生态文明和和谐社会构建的进程。西南民族地区生态德育资源的类型涵盖物质形态、价值形态和制度形态三个层面,这是本文研究的重点所在。物质形态层面的生态德育资源主要体现在西南民族地区少数民族的生产方式和生活方式中。西南民族地区少数民族的生产方式主要有畜牧经济文化类型和农耕经济文化类型两大类,农耕经济文化类型又主要分为山林刀耕火种型和丘陵稻作型。畜牧经济文化类型中蕴含的优秀传统生态德育资源主要体现在游牧方式、牲畜选择与数量控制、人与牲畜和谐共处等方面;农耕经济文化类型中山林刀耕火种型蕴含的优秀传统生态德育资源主要体现在土地轮歇轮种,丘陵稻作型蕴含的优秀传统生态德育资源主要体现在重视水资源和施肥方式。西南民族地区少数民族生活方式中的传统生态德育资源,主要体现在饮食习惯和住宅建筑中。饮食文化中的生态德育资源体现在食物索取有节制、燃料处理方式独特、保持饮食用水清洁等方面,居住文化中的生态德育资源体现在建筑选择和周边环境等方面。价值形态层面的生态德育资源主要体现在西南民族地区少数民族的神话史诗、原始崇拜和宗教信仰中。西南民族地区少数民族的神话和史诗中的生态德育资源体现在它们猜测和描述了自然的形成和人类的来源,讴歌了自然化育人类的恩德和人类对自然的感激之情;西南民族地区少数民族的原始崇拜分为自然崇拜和图腾崇拜,自然崇拜和图腾崇拜都存在植物崇拜、动物崇拜、天地崇拜等多种现象和形式,主观上有意无意的意识,客观上起到调节人与自然关系的作用;西南民族地区少数民族的宗教信仰分为本土宗教和外来宗教,本土宗教如藏族苯教、纳西族东巴教、白族本主崇拜等都有敬畏自然、祭祀自然的戒律和准则,外来宗教中佛教禁止杀生、道教主张道法自然、基督教发展出生态人道主义、伊斯兰教用“中道”方法处理人与自然的关系,都主张尊重自然、善待自然、保护自然,蕴含着丰富的生态德育资源。制度形态层面的生态德育资源主要体现在西南民族地区少数民族的习惯法、禁忌和节日礼俗中。西南民族地区少数民族的习惯法在当地普遍存在,如苗族、布依族和水族的“议榔规约”、侗族的“款约”、仫佬族的“会款”、瑶族的“石牌律”等,作为一种规范少数民族成员行为方式的手段,习惯法中涵盖了诸多对保护山林、草场、动植物、水源等生态环境的规定,是维系少数民族自然秩序的价值准则。西南民族地区少数民族的禁忌表现在植物禁忌、动物禁忌、天地及山水禁忌等方面,对协调人与自然的关系、保护自然环境和维护生态平衡起着积极的作用。西南民族地区少数民族的节日中蕴含着丰富而深刻的生态德育资源,起到涵养山林、保护水土和保护动植物的作用;生育礼俗和丧葬礼俗体现出其对植物和动物的崇拜和保护。同时,从西南民族地区少数民族生态德育资源的类型可看出其特征主要体现在适应性、实用性和淳朴性三方面。纵观当前西南民族地区少数民族传统生态德育资源的现状,发展不容乐观。近年来,随着生产力水平的提高和生活水平的改善,西南民族地区少数民族的观念在发生变化,传统的生产生活方式在发生改变,一些有利于生态平衡和自然保护的优秀传统生态德育资源被忽视、流失,这不得不引起我们的思考与重视。西南民族地区少数民族优秀传统生态德育资源的开发,必须遵循开放性、生活性和经济性等原则。在具体的开发策略上,首先要树立西南民族地区少数民族优秀传统生态德育资源开发的意识,增强责任感,提高敏锐性和自觉性;其次要培养西南民族地区少数民族优秀传统生态德育资源开发的主体,把当地人民培养成具有生态道德的文化主体,民族地区学校教育在其中担负着重要的职责;最后,要实现西南民族地区少数民族优秀传统生态德育资源向学校课程资源有效转化,同学校的教育教学联系起来,从而实现其最大价值,发挥更大功能。

【Abstract】 At present,the worldwide ecological crisis is becoming increasingly severe, bringing the humankind into an unprecedented predicament of survive and development. The root cause of this issue is the unlimited conquering and remaking nature by the human race which have cost us dear.This profound experience makes people reconsider and reassess their conduct and its consequence,realizing that we should considering for other living beings and built a new relationship between humanity and nature by morally constraining.Therefore,the Ecological Moral emerges as the times require and the Ecological Moral Education has become one of the major subjects in moral education in the 21st century.The Southwest minority region in China owns a special natural and cultural system and there exist a multitude of valuable ecological moral educational resources in the traditional culture of the ethnic groups living here.They are the consistent functioning material,value and system shared by the local ethnic groups and play a positive role in people’s cognition,emotion,determination and behavior of ecological morality,which are exploited and fully applied by educators.Exploiting these resources can provide a valuable perspective for Ecological Moral Education in terms of the contents and implementation and contribute to the innovation and constuction of Moral Education, thus,advocating the process of Ecological Civilization and the construction of a harmonious society in the Southwest minority region. The key to this study lies in the type of the ecological moral educational resources, which are shown in three different levels including the material level,the ideological level and the systematic level.The ecological moral educational resources in the material level can be found in the daily life and production of the ethnic groups in the Southwest region.The stockbreeding and farming are the two basic lifestyles of the ethnic groups.Forest slash-and-burn cultivation and hill rice growing are the two main ways of farming and the valuable traditional ecological moral educational resources enbodied in this culture are the rotating growing,the awareness of water conservation and the fertilization methods while the methods of nomads,the way of livestock choosing and birth control and their harmonious coexist with people constitue the enbodiments of the valuable traditional ecological moral educational resources of stockbreeding culture.Meanwhile,the dinning habit and residential constructions are also good instructive sources which are demonstrated in their lifestyle.These minorities have a temporate eating habit and they keep the drinking water clean,moreover,they have a special way of fuel treatment.In the term of constructive culture,they also preserve a distinguished tradition of construction and choosing their neighbourhood environment.The ecological moral educational resources in the ideological level can be found in legends,epics,primitive worship and religious believes.The southwest ethnic peple make an assumption and desciption of the formation of nature and the evolution of mankind expressing their appreciation of nature.They worship for nature and totem, manifested by the worship for plantation,animal and the heaven,which accommodate the relationship between the nature and them consiously and unsiously.The religious believes in this region are originated from both domestic religion and exotic religion.The domestic religion like Tibetan,Naxi and Bai ethnic minority groups,have the rules and regulations of nature-awe,nature-worship while Budism forbids killing,Taoism adovats abiding by the law of nature,Christianity develops the ecological humanism and Islamism keep a harmonious relationship with nature in the "moderate" way.Despite their different advocations,they all maintain to repect,well-treat and protect the nature and demonstrate affluent ecological moral educational resources. The ecological moral educational resources in the systematic level are generally shown in the unwritten regulations,taboos,retuals and tradions.For example,the "Yilang" of Miao,"Kuan" of Dong,"Hui" of Yaolao,"Shipai" of Yao,etc..Functioning as a way to regulate the social members,they are all commonplace in the unwritten regulations in the Southwest minority society.What is worth mentioning is that many of these regulations and traditons are designed to protect their forest,grass land,animals, plantations and water resources,to name but a few.They are the benchmark of nature-human relationship.The taboos of Southwest minority groups are multifarious, overall,there are four categories including the taboos about plants,animals,heaven and earth,and mountain and waters.They also exert a positive influence on the ecosystem. Other ecological moral educational resources can be exploited from their festival,funeral and bearing and reering traditions as well.There are three key features of these ecological moral educational resources.They are adaptability,practicality and simplicity.However,the prospect of these resources are not so inspiring as their functions.In recent years,with the unprecedented speed of productivity and development of living standard,the concept and lifestyle of the minorty people are altering at the same time. Some valuable ecological moral educational resources are neglected and disappear in some way,to which we should pay great attention.When exploiting the ecological moral educational resources,three rules should be followed:Openness,Livelihood and Economy.There are three exploitation strategies. First and foremost,the priority should be given to elevate the awareness,sense of duty and increase the enthusiasm of the ethnic groups to protect and exploite their ecological moral educational resources.Further,we shoud attach great importance of ecological education.Last but not least,the curriculum of ecological education should be planned and carried out in schools,in this way,the maximum value of ecological moral educational resources can be realized and their functions can be fulfilled as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期

