

Research and Design of the Embedded HMI Configuration Software

【作者】 龚宇洁

【导师】 李方敏;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机软,硬件技术的发展,嵌入式HMI越来越多的运用于工业控制领域。HMI组态软件为工程技术人员提供了一种搭积木的方式来制作工业控制界面。它将监控现场环境中的各种控制设备抽象为基本图形元素和部件,通过组态建立它们之间的控制关系,形成简洁、直观的人机交互界面。本设计将HMI组态软件分为两个部分,PC作为上位机运行上位机组态软件,完成监控窗口的绘制;嵌入式设备作为下位机运行下位机作态软件,重现监控窗口,并实现监控功能。组态的思想与面向对象技术的思维方式是一致的,设计模式是根据面向对象的封装性、继承性和多态性来实现的,用于解决面向对象设计中遇到的问题,在软件设计过程中合理利用设计模式可以提高软件开发效率及其质量。本文的主要工作和创新点主要包括以下几个方面:第一,在借鉴传统组态软件设计思想的基础上提出嵌入式HMI的设计,分析嵌入式HMI的软硬件体系结构,选择合适的开发平台。对嵌入式HMI组态软件进行需求分析,合理的划分功能模块。并从上位机组态软件和下位机组态软件两个方面详细的介绍了设计方法。第二,嵌入式系统的RAM和文件存储空间有限,根据功能要求以及效率方面的考虑,定义了配置文件的存储格式,使该文件读取解析方便,节省存储空间,解决嵌入式人机界面的组态信息转换问题。同时还阐述了配置文件生成和解析的具体实现方法。第三,本文不仅从理论上研究了设计模式选取和应用的方法,并在具体设计中根据实际情况,按照这种方法选择使用了适当的设计模式,从而提高软件的开发效率,可扩展性和灵活性。最后,利用一个应用对实例对嵌入式HMI的各项功能进行的测试,结果表明该系统的运行达到了预期目标。

【Abstract】 With the development of technology of computer software and hardware, embedded HMI is used in the field of industrial control more and more. HMI configuration software provides a way of architecture in a building block for engineers and technicians to product the scene control process and control interface. A variety of control objects of control system are abstracted in several types of basic graphic elements and components. Configuration software can help us to establish the relationship between them to form a simple, intuitive man-machine interface.HMI configuration software is divided into two parts, PC Configuration Software (PCCS) and Embedded Configuration Software (ECS) . PCCS is used to edit configuration control interface, running on PC, and the ECS redraw the control interface and achieve monitoring, running on embedded device.Such a configuration idea is the same with the concept of object-oriented technology, design patterns based on encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism of object-oriented. It can help us to solve problems of object-oriented design. The use of design patterns can improve the efficiency and quality of software development.The main work and innovation of the paper reflects in the following aspects:First, design concept of Embedded HMI is proposed, based on the traditional configuration software. The architecture of the embedded HMI hardware and software is analysised, choosing a suitable development platform. Functional requirements of the embedded HMI configuration software are Analysised, dividing function modules reasonable. The design methods of PCCS and ECS are detailed.Second, the embedded system’s RAM and file storage space is limited. According to the functional requirements and efficiency considerations, configuration file format is defined to made it easy to read, saving storage space, solving the embedded configuration information’ s conversion of embedded HMI.Third, not only the theory how to select and apply design patterns is stuied, but also use the appropriate design patterns in the specific design in accordance with the actual situation and selection method in order to improve software development efficiency, scalability and flexibility.Finally, Embedded HMI functions are tested by application. The results show that the running of the system achieved the desired objective.


