

Research on the Patent’s Right-use and Abuse

【作者】 王恒坚

【导师】 李明;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 经济法, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 专利制度的创立是为了激励创新、保护发明,它运用法律的形式对发明创造进行确认和保护。可以说,专利权是以法律禁止性规范确立的私权,它的意义在于法律对专利权人的合理请求以积极的回应和维护,对侵犯他人专利权者予以严厉的惩罚。专利权人在正当行使专利权时可以排除其他一切人对其进行的干扰,但是任何私权在不当行使时便不再具有绝对的权威,而需要法律对其进行积极地介入和规范,使之符合社会的整体利益和秩序,专利权亦是如此。一直以来在专利权的正当利用与滥用之间存在着极为模糊的界限,一方面专利权在保护发明创造、促进科技进步方面仍然具有积极的意义,另一方面专利权常常被专利权人滥用,阻碍了知识的传播和科技的创新。由此,专利权的正当利用与滥用之间如何进行界定,并辅以什么样的法律理念来进行指导便具有了现实意义。专利权的产生经历了从“特权”到“财产权”的过程,其间专利制度制定所依据的价值理念也由完全保护专利权人的私权转变为兼顾专利权的社会价值。专利权可以首先看做是专利权人的财产权利,他所拥有的这一财产权利是他所能控制的,如同其他财产权利一样,他对其享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。但同样如同其他财产权利一样,专利权在利用的过程中不能损害社会的公序良俗,即只有在符合社会利益的基础上,专利权人才拥有排他的、独占的权利。但这只是社会在发展到一定阶段对所有财产权利予以限制的总体要求,至于细分到什么情况下专利权人可以不受限制的利用其专利权,是本文讨论的重点。超出这些情况,我们便有理由探讨专利权是否遭到专利权人的滥用,以及如何规制这些情况来消除这些不利影响。由于专利权具有扩张的性质,所以要对其利用范围进行具体限定。经历了数百年的发展,专利权不再是具有无限权威的私权,而是具有限定范围的私权,即专利权人在利用专利为其谋求利益时,他要面对的首先是社会利益,其次才是个体利益。专利权的正当利用是专利权人积极追求的结果,主要体现在专利权的权能上。一方面专利权人对专利权可为占有、使用、收益、处分之主动行为,是为积极权能;另一方面专利权人能够排斥他人对其行使专利权的干涉和妨碍,是为消极权能。专利权作为一种垄断性质的权利,实际上是一把双刃剑,如果将其滥用,它会产生其他垄断权力所不可比拟的隐蔽性,它会在看似合法的外衣下做出一系列阻碍科技进步、损害他人甚至公众利益的不法行为。专利制度发展至今,其保护客体呈现出不断扩大的趋势,专利权人也借此在不当扩展其专利权的权利范围以期得到更多的保护和更多的利益。如何对专利权滥用行为进行界定,如何对专利滥用行为进行法律控制是当今学术界讨论的热门话题,但专利权滥用行为的不断翻新却使得理论难以跟得上形势的发展,进而导致了法律规定的滞后。我国自80年代引入并确立专利制度,在保护范围、力度、层次上都有“攀高超标”的趋势,作为发展中国家,我们应该注重找出专利权的合理界限以维护专利权人利益与社会利益之间的平衡,改善专利权的立法,促进专利制度的健康蓬勃发展。

【Abstract】 The patent system was created to stimulate innovations and protect inventions, which use law to confirm the creation and protection.It can be said that the franchise is the privacy norms of law established on forbidden issues,its essential lays on protecting the reasonable request of a positive response and punishing patent infringement.Patents can get rid of other interference when they are in the use of patents properly,but in the improper exercise of any private rights,it doesn’t have the absolute authority and power any more,but need the active involvement and norms of law to make it compatible with the overall interests of society and order,is also the case with patents.In the legitimate use of patents between the abuse of very fuzzy boundaries,on the one hand,patents in the protection of inventions,and promote scientific and technological progress still has a positive meaning,on the other hand, patents are often abused patents,impede the the dissemination of knowledge and technology innovation.Thus,how to define law abuse or not,what kind of legal concepts should guide,has practical significance.Experienced the emergence of patents from the "privilege" to "property rights" of the process,during which the patent system is based on the value of the development of the concept of full protection by the private rights of patent holders into both the social value of patents.First of all patents can be seen as the property rights of the patentee,his possession of the property rights is beyond his control,like other property rights,he enjoys complete their possession,use,benefits and rights of action.However,as the same as other property rights,patents in the use of the process can not damage the public order and good social customs,that is,in the interest of the community,based on the patent owner exclusive,monopoly rights.But this is only the community to a certain stage in the development of property rights to be restricted to all the general requirements for the subdivision to the circumstances under which patent holders can be unrestricted use of its patents,is the focus of this paper.In excess of these cases,we have every reason to explore whether the patent has been abuse of patent holders and how these regulations to eliminate these negative effects.This is mainly related to an unlimited expansion of the franchise,as well as their understanding of the nature of the specific use of limited scope.In this mode,the patent is no longer a private right of unlimited authority,but has limited the scope of private rights,namely the use of patents in its pursuit of the interests of the patent,he has to face first of all,the interests of the community,The second is the individual interest.The legitimate use of patents is actively pursued by the patentee,mainly reflected in the power of the franchise.To sum up the franchise’s empowerment as a "line" and "cut" two-fold.Line refers to the patentee of the patent for the possession, use,income,sanctions acts of initiative is a positive power;ban refers to the patentee to exclude people on the exercise of patent interference and obstruction,is negative empowerment.This chapter is focused on the transfer of patent rights,licensing and patent-use choices,and include the patentee to stop the legitimate means of patent infringement.The nature of patents as a monopoly right,in fact,a double-edged sword,if its abuse,it will have a monopoly of power by other unparalleled concealment,it will be legitimate under the guise of seemingly made a series of in the way of technological progress,and harmful to others or even the wrongful act of the public interest.So far the development of the patent system,the protection of the object showing a growing trend,the patentee is also improper to expand the scope of its patent rights to protect its more and more interest.How to define patent abuse,how abuse of patent law to control the conduct of the discussion will be the focus of this chapter.This chapter under the new situation will be some new sort out patent abuse and arguments.Since the introduction of the 80’s and established the patent system to protect the scope,intensity,levels are "climbing over" trend,as a developing country,we should pay attention to find the reasonable limits of patent rights in order to protect the rights of man and society a balance between to improve the patent legislation,to promote the health of the patent system to flourish.

  • 【分类号】D923.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】168

