

Research on Hubei Province Carrying on Industrial Transference of Processing Trade

【作者】 乔伟丽

【导师】 凌丹;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 国际贸易学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,湖北不断推进对外开放,加工贸易得到了迅猛发展。湖北加工贸易对推动省外贸进出口和工业化发展,拉动国民经济增长,促进吸引外资力度,增加就业,提高加工制造能力和水平,带动产业结构调整起到了重要作用,因而继续推动加工贸易发展成为省政府的长期政策。随着世界和东南沿海地区产业转移浪潮的兴起,加工贸易由东南沿海开放地区转移到中西部较落后地区,是加工贸易在我国持续发展的需要,也是我国经济进一步发展的需要。中西部地区加工贸易迎来了难得的发展机遇。顺应国家“中西部大开发”和“中部崛起”的经济发展战略,湖北作为居中独厚的中部大省,正在抓住机遇承接加工贸易产业转移。系统深入地研究这一问题对于湖北对外贸易的长远发展,对于湖北经济长期、持续稳定的增长都具有重要意义。本文综合运用加工贸易和产业转移等相关理论,采用理论研究与实证研究相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,分析湖北加工贸易的现状特点和对经济的促进作用,探讨湖北承接加工贸易产业转移的基本原则、典型模式和运行机制,并对湖北省承接加工贸易产业转移提出了相应对策建议。文章的导论部分首先介绍本文选题的背景、目的和意义。第二章综合运用加工贸易理论和产业转移理论探讨了区域承接加工贸易产业转移的机理;第三章分析湖北加工贸易发展现状及问题,并就加工贸易对经济增长的贡献进行了定量分析,说明加工贸易总体正向拉动经济增长;第四章针对湖北省实际,对于其承接加工贸易产业转移进行了SWOT分析;第五章和第六章是本文的核心部分,第五章在探讨承接加工贸易产业转移基本原则的基础上,阐释了名牌产品生产扩展型、零部件或初级产品生产基地型、优势资源联合开发型等三种承接模式,以及承接工作的运行机制:市场配置资源为基础,政府搭建承接平台,企业为主体,生产要素为载体,依靠重点突破、梯级推进的路径,推动加工贸易产业承接工作:第六章提出发挥政府引导作用,推进“科技兴贸”,企业注意着眼长远利益等系统对策。

【Abstract】 Since China’s reform and opening up Hubei has driven ahead opening up consistently and its processing trade has been in rapid development.The processing trade of Hubei Pdvince has played a great role in pushing forward the provincial foreign trade import & export and its industrialization,pulling the growth of national economy,promoting the attraction of foreign capital,adding up employment, enhancing processing ability and its level,driving the restructuring of industrial structure.Therefore,it is the long-term policy of Hubei Provincial government to continue promoting the development of processing trade.With the rising wave of industrial transference from the world and South-east Coastal Areas,it is the need of continuous development of China’s processing trade for processing trade to transfer from South-east Coastal Areas to Middle-west Areas,also the demand of further development of China’s economy.The processing trade of Middle-west Areas meets the rare opportunity in its development.Complying with the national economic strategy of "Great Development of Middle-west China" and "Rising of Mid-China", Hubei as the most developed province in Middle area of China seizes the opportunity and carries on the industrial transference of processing trade.It is of great significance for the long-term development of Hubei foreign trade and the steady growth of Hubei economy to conduct a systematic and deep-going research on this problem.This essay applies the relative theory on processing trade and industrial transference comprehensively,adopts the methods of theory plus excess syndrome,qualitative analysis plus quantitative analysis to analyze the present conditions and features of Hubei processing trade as well as its accelerating function to economy,explores the essential principles,typical modes and motion mechanism of carrying on industrial transference of processing trade,and finally puts forward the accordingly suggestions on Hubei carrying on industrial transference of processing trade.The guidance of the essay firstly introduces the background,purpose and significance of the selected topic.Chapter 2 applies the relative theory on processing trade and industrial transference comprehensively to approach the mechanism of carrying on industrial transference of processing trade.Chapter 3 seeks the existing problems in the industry,enterprise and management through the analysis on the present conditions of Hubei processing trade,and conducts a quantitative analysis on processing trade’s contribution on economic growth to illustrate that processing trade pulls economic growth in general.Chapter 4 has a detailed SWOT analysis on Hubei carrying on industrial transference of processing trade.Chapter 5 and 6 are the core of this paper.Chapter 5 inquires into the basic rules of carrying on industrial transference,on which basis expounds 3 types of modes as well as the motion mechanism of carrying on industrial transference.Chapter 6 puts forward the accordingly systematic suggestions on Hubei carrying on industrial transference of processing trade,such as government playing the guiding role,implementing the strategy of "Trade through Science and Technology",enterprises fixing eyes upon long-range benefit,and so on.

  • 【分类号】F752.68
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】805

