

Traditional Architectural Features of Small Towns Attractive Symbolic of the Evaluation and Countermeasures

【作者】 何勇

【导师】 邓涛;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 小城镇传统建筑装饰符号作为小城镇传统建筑仿制建设及修复性设计开发资源的一部分,是体现小城镇旅游价值的重要内容和形式之一。但是针对目前在忽视小城镇传统建筑特色的情况下的一些不具备或未达到旅游价值的小城镇盲目性的扩张和仿制建设,造成传统建筑惨遭严重破坏以及大量资金投入浪费而无法收回等诸多问题,致使小城镇传统建筑符号吸引力所带动的旅游经济发展的作用根本没有充分发挥出来。评价小城镇旅游价值重要性,合理分析小城镇传统建筑装饰符号吸引力在地域性旅游文化中是否具备旅游开发的条件和优势,对推动小城镇旅游经济的发展具有很大影响。小城镇传统建筑装饰符号吸引力评价,参照有关旅游地吸引力的研究成果和旅游资源、分类与评价标准,在评价小城镇传统建筑装饰符号吸引力的诸多要素因子中,通过对各要素的实地考查和问卷调查综合指数,结合记分与等级划分法和数理模型法评价,得出小城镇传统建筑装饰符号吸引力评价结果。并对各要素的评价结果及最终的小城镇传统建筑装饰符号吸引力的评价结果进行了分析,阐明了小城镇传统建筑装饰符号资源对旅游业发展的现状和存在问题。最后对小城镇旅游经济可持续发展提出了相应的建议和对策。本文主要内容包括四大部分。第一部分介绍了小城镇传统建筑装饰符号概况,明确小城镇传统建筑与装饰符号形成和发展的基本思路及特征、类型相关内容。第二部分从小城镇传统建筑装饰符号吸引力评价体系出发,通过吸引力的评价因子和评价方法,得出小城镇传统建筑装饰符号吸引力评价步骤。第三部分从理论方法到实践论,通过武汉市黄陂木兰乡传统建筑装饰符号吸引力评价研究,将评价理融于实践中相论证。第四部分从实践吸引力评价论证结果中,得出小城镇传统建筑装饰符号发展中存在的问题和今后可持续发展的建议及对策研究。通过本文研究所涉及的学科交叉性研究内容诸多,文章借鉴建筑学、心理学、符号学美学、旅游经济学等有关理论融入小城镇传统建筑符号吸引力评价研究中。通过分析小城镇传统建筑装饰符号吸引力系统方法,建立吸引力评价体系及模型研究,能为小城镇传统建筑装饰符号吸引力评价提供科学依据,同时也为小城镇旅游经济建设可持续发展提供一个有力的理论参考和实践指导意义。

【Abstract】 Traditional architectural features of small cities and towns as small towns symbolic imitation of traditional building construction and repair of a part of design and development resources,small cities and towns reflects the importance of the tourism value of the content and form.However,the current neglect of small towns in the traditional architectural characteristics of a number of cases or do not have to meet the tourism value of the expansion of small towns and imitation blindness building,resulting in traditional buildings were severely damaged and a large amount of capital input,such as waste and not be able to recover many problems,with the result that the traditional construction of small cities and towns attractive symbol of the tourism driven economic development is not fully developed.Evaluation of the importance of the tourism value of small cities and towns,a reasonable analysis of the traditional architectural features of small cities and towns attractive symbols in regional tourism and cultural tourism development in their ability to meet the conditions and advantages in promoting the tourism economy of small cities and towns have a great impact on the development.Traditional architectural features of small cities and towns attractive symbolic evaluation,taking into account relevant and attractive tourism research and tourism resources,classification and evaluation criteria,evaluation of the small cities and towns in the traditional architectural symbol of the many attractive elements of factors,and through investigate every elements and survey of the weigh the composite index,combined with the points classification evaluation and mathematical modeling,come to small cities and towns attractive symbols of traditional architectural features of evaluation results.And the elements of the evaluation results, and ultimately,the traditional construction of small cities and towns attractive decorative symbol evaluation results are analyzed to clarify the small town symbol traditional architectural features of the development of tourism resources and existing problems of the status quo.Finally,the tourist economy of small cities and towns of sustainable development put forward suggestions and countermeasures.This paper includes four major sections.The first part introduced the traditional architectural features of small cities and towns Overview symbols,clear of small cities and towns symbols of traditional architecture and decoration of the formation and development of basic ideas and features,the type of relevant content.The second part of small town appeal of the traditional architectural features symbols from the evaluation system,through the evaluation of the attractiveness factor,and evaluation methods to draw the traditional architectural features of small cities and towns evaluate the attractiveness of these symbols.The third part from theory to practice, through the Rural Wuhan Mulan Huangpi symbols attractive decorative traditional architecture evaluation study will evaluate the rationale for financial proof of the practice.The fourth part of the attraction from the practice of evaluation of demonstration results,come to small towns architectural symbol of traditional problems in the development and future sustainable development of the recommendations and countermeasures.In this paper,interdisciplinary research institute involved in a number of studies, articles from architecture,psychology,semiotics aesthetics,tourism,economics and other relevant theory into the traditional architecture of small towns attractive symbol of evaluation studies.By analyzing the traditional architecture of small towns attractive decorative symbol systems approach,the establishment of evaluation system and the attractive model,for small cities and towns attractive symbols of traditional architectural features to provide the scientific basis for evaluation,as well as the construction of the tourist economy of small cities and towns to provide a sustainable development strong theoretical and practical reference guide.


