

The Design and Realize of DDS Based on FPGA

【作者】 黄振华

【导师】 李正明;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 任意波形发生器已成为现代测试领域应用最为广泛的通用仪器之一,代表了信号源的发展方向。直接数字频率合成(DDS)是二十世纪七十年代初提出的一种全数字的频率合成技术,其查表合成波形的方法可以满足产生任意波形的要求。由于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)具有高集成度、高速度、可实现大容量存储器功能的特性,能有效地实现DDS技术,极大的提高函数发生器的性能,降低生产成本。本文首先介绍了函数波形发生器的研究背景和DDS的理论。然后详尽地叙述了用FPGA完成DDS模块的设计过程,接着分析了整个设计中应处理的问题,根据设计原理就功能上进行了划分,将整个仪器功能划分为控制模块、外围硬件、FPGA器件三个部分来实现。最后就这三个部分分别详细地进行了阐述。在实现过程中,本设计选用了Altera公司的EP2C35F672C6芯片作为产生波形数据的主芯片,充分利用了该芯片的超大集成性和快速性。在控制芯片上选用了三星公司的上S3C2440作为控制芯片。本设计中,FPGA芯片的设计和与控制芯片的接口设计是一个难点,本文利用Altera的设计工具QuartusⅡ并结合Verilog-HDL语言,采用硬件编程的方法很好地解决了这一问题。论文最后给出了系统的测量结果,并对误差进行了一定分析,结果表明,可输出步进为0.01Hz,频率范围0.01Hz~20MHz的正弦波、三角波、锯齿波、方波,或0.01Hz~20KHz的任意波。通过实验结果表明,本设计达到了预定的要求,并证明了采用软硬件结合,利用FPGA技术实现任意波形发生器的方法是可行的。

【Abstract】 Arbitrary Waveform Generator(AWG)is one of the most popular instruments in modern testing domains,which represents the developing direction of signal sources.Direct Digital frequency Synthesis(DDS)advanced early in 1970s is a full digital technology for frequency synthesis,its LUT method for synthesizing waveform adapts to generate arbitrary waveform.Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA)has the features of large scale integration,high working frequency and can realize large memory,so FPGA can effectively realize DDS.The EP2C35F672C6 of Corporation Altera is chosen to do the main digital processing work,which is based on its large scale and high speed.The S3C2440 MCU is chosen as a control chip.In this design,how to design the FPGA chip and the interface between the FPGA and the control chip is the problem.With the method of software and hardware programming,the design used the software QuartusⅡand language verilog-HDL solves it successfully.In this paper,the principle of DDS and basis of EDA technology is introduced firstly.The problems met in the design are analyzed and the whole function is partitioned into three parts:master chip,FPGA device and peripheral hardware.The three parts are described in detail independently.The disadvantage and things need to advance are also listed.At the end of the dissertation,the measurement result of the system is given and its error is analyzed.It is shown the AWG can output a sine wave,a triangle wave,a sawteeth wave,or a square wave within the frequency range from 0.01Hz to 20MHz with the step of 10mHz,or output an arbitrary waveform within the range from 0.01Hz to 20kHz.Through an experiment,it is testified that the design meets the requirement planed and the way to use software and hardware programming method and DDS technology to realize Functional Waveform Generator is available.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

