

The Research of the Signal Detection of DC Optical Current Transducer

【作者】 马大千

【导师】 刘君;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 电力系统及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 基于法拉第磁光效应的直流光学电流互感器具有广阔的发展前景,但在实用化道路上还存在一些问题,本文针对提高直流光学电流互感器的信号检测性能展开研究。本文首先设计了直流光学电流互感器的结构,对其在测量过程中引入的内部噪声及其信噪特性进行理论分析和试验,验证了其存在噪声与信号频带相重叠的问题。其次,分析和比较了微弱信号检测的各种方法,针对直流输电系统电流测量的要求,确定采用调制解调方法对直流输电线路上的直流电流进行测量,采用相关检测方法测量直流输电线路的谐波电流。再次,设计了直流光学电流互感器的直流电流测量系统,在LabVIEW环境下进行了仿真验证,并设计了直流检测实验电路和信号检测结构,仿真和试验结果表明本文所设计的直流测量系统能够满足测量要求。最后,应用相关检测法设计了特征谐波测量系统,在LabVIEW环境下进行了仿真验证,结果满足谐波检测的精度要求。

【Abstract】 The Optical Direct Current Transducer based on Faraday Magneto-optic effects have a great future,but still some problems exist in the application.In this paper,firstly it designs the structure of the Optical Direct Current Transducer and analyzes and tests the interior noise which is led into from the measurement and the signal to noise characteristic.And also it verifies the noise overlaps the signal band.Then,it analyzes and compares the methods of measurement of weak signal,to contend with the precision of current measurement in the DC transition system,it uses the method of modulate and demodulate to measure DC current on the DC line and uses the correlation detection to harmonic waves on DC line.Thirdly it designs the DC current measurement system of The Optical Direct Current Transducers, simulates and verifies by the LabVIEW software,also designs a structure of signal measurement and a test circuit of DC measurement.The results of simulation and test indicate the DC measurement system contends with measurement standard.Lastly,it designs the characteristic harmonic wave measurement system by the same principle.Also simulates and verifies on the LabVIEW software,the result contends the precision standard of harmonic waves.


