

Research on Spatial Data Visualization of WebGIS Based on SVG

【作者】 刘丽

【导师】 吴开兴;

【作者基本信息】 河北工程大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 社会信息化、网络技术的蓬勃发展为WebGIS的普及和大众化提供了广阔的发展空间。传统的Web语言HTML是一种超文本标记语言,随着Web上信息类型的日益增多,它不利于表现地理空间数据。且许多WebGIS应用都依赖于特定的GIS软件,GIS软件和数据格式多种多样,难以互操作,缺乏灵活性。本文分析研究了当前WebGIS的研究现状、WebGIS的实现方法、常用构造模型,归纳总结出WebGIS的发展趋势。通过对SVG技术的研究,加强SVG应用于WebGIS的优势。为了实现GIS在互联网上的广泛传播,解决多源空间数据的集成和互操作,使用国际标准GML。具有兼容性、动态性、交互性、可缩放、平台无关等特点的SVG能满足日益增长的需求。为解决WebGIS中矢量传输和空间数据显示问题,将二者结合,考虑在WebGIS中采用GML作为服务器端多数据源的数据交换格式,实现地理信息交换、共享,以SVG做为矢量地图发布格式来实现空间信息的可视化,建立基于SVG的WebGIS模型。着重对客户端空间数据可视化进行研究,探讨了构建WebGIS平台时用到的一些关键技术。研究以GML文档存储的空间数据通过XSLT转换为SVG文档,转换成功后进行地图加载、压缩传输,实现数据可视化。最后基于SVG技术,对所建模型进行试验验证,实现空间数据可视化,并对如何实现基于SVG的WebGIS性能优化进行了研究。

【Abstract】 The informationization of society and development of network technology provide widest space for WebGIS to popular. Traditional Web language HTML is a kind of hypertext markup language. With the appearance of manifold information type, the disadvantages of HTML for representing spatial data are exposured. Many applications of WebGIS are based on special GIS software, but the software and the data format are various, it’s hard to interoperate and lack of agility.The researchful actuality, the realized method, the common structure model of WebGIS are analysed in the paper and the developing trend of webGIS is summed up.The advantages of SVG are strengthened by researching the technologies of SVG. GML is used to solve the integration and interoperatility of multi-source spatial date and to complete transmission on the Internet. With many characteristics such as compatibility, dynamic,interoperatility,scability,independence, SVG can satisfy the increasing demands.Combining the GML and SVG is able to resolve the problems of WebGIS about the vector transmission and the spatial data displaying. GML is used as the exchanging data about multi-source spatial date on the client to complete exchanging and sharing the information. SVG is used as the format of vetor maps to complete the spatial data visualization. The model of WebGIS is built based on SVG.The research about the spatial data visualization on the client is emphasized with some key technologies which are discussed to make up the plateform. The theory that the format of spatial data is transformed from GML to SVG with XSLT is researched. The map will be loaded and transmitted by compress after completing transform to complete visualization.The structural model is validated by experiment at last to complete spatial data visualization. How to realize the performance optimized of WebGIS based on SVG is set forth at the end of the paper.

【关键词】 SVGWebGISXSLTGML空间数据可视化
【Key words】 SVGWebGISXSLTGMLSpatial Data Visualization

