

Study on Water Requirement and Water Use Efficiency of Pear Tree

【作者】 赵岩丽

【导师】 胡浩云; 程福厚;

【作者基本信息】 河北工程大学 , 农业水土工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以盆栽黄冠梨和田间鸭梨为试材,以盆栽控水的方法,研究了不同土壤水分条件下黄冠梨幼苗的耗水特性、生长特性和水分利用效率。同时探讨了调亏灌溉对田间鸭梨营养生长、产量和品质的影响以及鸭梨的耗水规律。试验获得的主要结果如下:(1)从不同水分条件下盆栽梨耗水量的变化来看,适宜水分处理显著大于中度和重度水分亏缺处理。随着土壤含水量的下降,黄冠梨幼苗叶水势、叶含水量、生长速率和地茎显著下降。从不同季节梨树叶片光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(Tr)的的测定结果来看,3种处理在中期的光合速率Pn远远大于生长后期的光合速率Pn,蒸腾速率变化不显著。重度干旱下生长中期的光合速率Pn相对于适宜水分下降了39.5%。(2)在鸭梨树萌芽至盛花后25天控水,显著抑制了树体营养生长,但对果实产量和品质没有显著影响,提高了水分利用效率;盛花后25天至盛花后80天该时段进行控水虽然提高了水分利用效率,但对果实发育过程及采收时产量、单果重均造成显著影响;果实采收前1个月控水显著提高了果实可溶性固形物含量和可溶性糖含量,对产量没有造成显著不良影响。因此盛果期梨树实施调亏灌溉的最佳时期是从梨树萌芽至盛花后25天和采前1个月。(3)用Penman-Monteith公式计算了梨树的蒸腾量,经过线性回归分析可以看出,适宜水分、中度和重度水分亏缺条件下盆栽梨树蒸腾量实测值与计算值呈现较好的相关性,相关系数分别为0.8942、0.8666和0.8386。

【Abstract】 Using potted Huangguan Pear and field Yali Pear as the experiment materials and Pot culture experiments studying different soil water status, this paper mainly deals with water consumption characteristic, growth development and water use efficiency. The regulated deficit irrigation was applied on field-grown yali pear trees and its effects on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality were discussed, as well as water consumption characteristic. The main results are as follows:(1) From water consumption of potted pear, adequate soil water treatment was significantly higher than moderate and severe water deficit treatment. The water potential, water content, plant growth rate and diameter of trees decreased significantly with decreases in soil water content. From the changes of photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate during the medium stage and late stage of pear trees, we can see that three kinds of treatment at the initial photosynthetic rate far greater than the growth of the late photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate did not changed significantly. Severe drought in the medium growth of photosynthetic rate decreased by 39.5% compared with adequate water Pn.(2) The filed experient showed that the water deficit from bud to full bloom 25 DAFB(days after full bloom)restrained the vegetative growth markedly, but it had no effect on fruit yield and quality, while it improved the water use efficiency; Water stress during the 25 DAFB to 80 DAFB had remarkably effect on fruit yield and fruit weight at harvest; Water deficit treatment(one month before harvest) significantly increased fruit soluble solids content and sugar content, there was no adverse effect on yield. Therefore the best period of regulated deficit irrigation were bud to full bloom 25 DAFB and one month before harvest.(3) The transpiration was calculated with Penman-Monteith formula by using the methord of stepwise regression, the results indicated that the measured transpiration and calculated transpiration was very relative, the correlation coefficient is 0.8942,0.8666 and 0.8386 respectively for sufficient soil water, moderate and severe water deficit.


