

【作者】 周高伟

【导师】 张若青;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在钢厂的冷轧薄板生产线中,液压辊缝自动厚度控制(AGC)系统是核心设备,其执行元件——伺服缸对系统的性能产生重要影响,实际生产中希望伺服缸在安装之前就能够对其性能准确把握,因此需要对其特性进行全面测试。在参考普通液压缸的测试标准及测试方法的基础上,本文设计了对伺服缸进行泄漏特性测试、耐压特性测试、摩擦力特性测试、动态特性测试的测试系统液压原理图,并对其中的关键元件进行了参数设计和选型,完善了现有的伺服缸特性测试系统。摩擦力特性和动态特性是伺服缸特性中有别于普通缸的两个重要特性。根据目前液压元件技术的发展情况以及测试技术的进步,摩擦力特性测试采用了以比例节流阀为控制元件的背压模拟方式加载;而相对之前的空载条件下的伺服缸动态特性测试,为进一步分析伺服缸在受到非线性的轧制力的情况下的动态特性,采用负载模拟器的思想设计了伺服缸加载系统,从而更准确地分析伺服缸的动态性能。为进一步分析加载系统性能,在Matlab环境下对加载系统进行了仿真分析,指出了系统产生多余力的原因,并分析了克服多余力的方法,最后采用并联阻尼器的方法克服多余力,同时采用PI校正拓展系统的频宽。根据伺服缸特性测试的液压原理,构建了基于PXI总线的测试系统,并对部分传感器进行了选型,选配了数据采集及模块处理设备。利用现有的实验条件,采用基于PXI总线的测试系统,对伺服缸进行了摩擦力特性测试和泄漏特性测试的实验研究,对本文提出的实验原理进行了实验验证。

【Abstract】 In the steel rolling production line, hydraulic AGC(Automatic Gauge Control) control system is a very important equipment. The active components -- servo-cylinders affect the performance of the systems, which characteristics need to be tested before installation.According to the standards and principles of normal cylinder characteristics test, the hydraulic principium systems of leakage characteristics, the compression resistance, the friction characteristics and the dynamic characteristics test of the servo-cylinder are designed. The parameters of the key components are calculated and the key componentsare selected, improving the existing test systems of the servo-cylinders.The friction characteristics and the dynamic characteristics of the servo-cylinder are two important characteristics owned by servo-cylinder which are different from normal cylinder. According to the development of hydraulic components as well as advances in test technology, the proportional throttle valve is used to simulate loading pressure to get the friction characteristics. In order to analyze the dynamic characteristics of the servo-cylinder more accurately, loading system which simulate the roll forces is designed basing on the idea of the load simulator.For further analyzing of the characteristics of the loading system, the simulation is made under Matlab environment. During the simulation, the reasons of redundant forces and the methods to overcome them are given. The method of using parallel dampers to overcome the redundant force is adopted, and the PI controller is used to expand thesystem bandwidth.Basing on the hydraulic principium system, the PXI-controller based test system is built for the servo-cylinder, and some of the key sensors, the data acquirement modules are selected.Finally, the experimental of leakage characteristics, the friction characteristics are accomplished in our laboratory, using proportional position control system and PXI controller, verifying the principles proposed in this paper.


