

【作者】 王俊

【导师】 孙德辉; 李永健;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本设计根据丹东市经济开发区的电力负荷资料,作出了该区地面66kV变电所的设计。设计内容包括主接线的设计、负荷计算与变压器选择、短路计算和高压电器的选择、变电所的防雷及变电所的布置等。本设计以实际负荷为依据,以变电所的最佳运行为基础,按照有关规定和规范,完成了66kV变电所的设计。设计中首先对变电站变压器的负荷计算和无功补偿进行了系统的计算,其中通过对变电所的负荷状态和自然条件来对负荷计算进行系统的计算分析,而电容器组总容量的确定是对补偿电容器进行计算的前提条件。其次确定了主变压器的台数、型式和容量。对电气主接线的选择,通过计算分析,确定了接线方式。短路计算是本次电气设计重要的环节,因为它对电气主接线、电气设备、继电保护、接地方式的选择都起到了至关重要的作用。电气设备要从母线、断路器、隔离开关、互感器等几个方面选择出最佳方案。继电保护主要分为母线保护、线路保护、电力电容器保护、变压器保护,通过比较计算选择最好的保护方式,同时采用了成套的微机继电保护装置。防雷保护是通过分析计算来确定避雷针高度以及它的保护范围。最后确定变电站的配电装置和电气平面的总布置。

【Abstract】 The design is based on the power load data of the Economic Development Zone, Dandong City and Made the second 66kV substation ground design. Design elements includes Main wiring design , load calculation and choice of power transformers , high voltage electrical short-circuit calculations and the choice of the mine and the substation, such as microprocessor-based relay protection.Firstly , I did the design of the load transformer substation and reactive power compensation system, of which the load on the substation state and natural conditions to the system load calculation and analysis, The total capacity of capacitors to determine the compensation capacitor is the prerequisite for the calculation. Secondly, the design takes into account the expansion of space and determines the number, type and capacity of the main transformer. the choice of main Electrical Connection, I determined the connection mode by calculating and analyzing. Short-circuit calculation is important to the electrical design . Because its main electrical wiring, electrical equipment, relay protection, the choice of grounding have played a vital role in the design. Electrical equipment select the best option from the generator , circuit breakers , isolating switches , transformers and other aspects . Relay Protection is Divided into generator protection relay, circuit protection, power capacitor protect ion, transformer protection. Selecting the best protection way by comparing calculation, at the same time using a set of microprocessor-based relay protection device. Lightning protection determines the height of a lightning rod and its scope of protection by analysis and calculation. At last, the design determines the general layout plane of the substation and electrical distribution device.


