

【作者】 刘丹

【导师】 肖立军;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 石亨是明代中期的武将,历经正统、景泰、天顺三朝。他曾在明朝抗击瓦剌的北京保卫战等战役中立下过显赫战功,但同时也因为参与“夺门之变”和促使于谦被害而成为千古罪人。到目前为止,学术界专门研究石亨的论著尚未见到,有些成果虽涉及石亨,但寥寥数笔,且主要谈其罪行。既不客观,也不全面。石亨生活在明朝中期。从1435至1464这将近三十年的时间里,明朝发生了许多重大事件(土木之变、夺门之变等),国力由盛转衰,蒙古威胁北边。以往石亨给人最深的印象:他是参与“夺门之变”并杀害于谦的大奸臣。其实,他也有另外的一面:在正统时期身为大同守将,多次冲锋陷阵,立下了不少战功。在土木之变后的北京保卫战中,同于谦合作统领军民打败瓦剌,保卫了京师安全。石亨因功封太子太师、武清侯。不仅如此,他还颇负谋略,在用人等方面也很有见地,比同时期的诸多武将略胜一筹。以往认为,土木之变后京军受到了打击,于谦改革京营而创团营制。但有关资料表明,石亨倡建团营之奏议不晚于于谦,而且是于谦、石亨二人共同组建了团营。景泰八年,景帝病重,石亨联合徐有贞、曹吉祥等发动了“夺门之变”,帮助被软禁“南宫”的英宗皇帝重新夺回了帝位,并怂恿英宗杀死于谦。以往一般认为,在洪武十三年大都督府分为五府后,五府与兵部互相牵制,兵部掌管调兵权,五府负责兵籍等。但直到景泰年间,我们所见到的资料表明,皇帝调兵有时会绕过兵部。景泰末年的夺门之变,调兵虽未经过景泰帝和兵部,但太上皇英宗是支持的。不管有没有正式敕书,在政变成功之后政变调兵者(即石亨等人)不会被追究责任,因此当时石亨等绕过于谦而直接调兵是完全能办到的。天顺初年,石亨因“夺门”有功,得到封赏。他培植亲信,专横跋扈,最终入狱而死。他与景帝、英宗及于谦的关系值得思考,特别是他与英宗的关系,先后经历了英宗对他的赏识、利用与猜忌三个阶段。综合来看,石亨的一生是功过参半的。

【Abstract】 Shi Heng is a general of the mid-Ming Dynasty , he had gone through three dynasties:Zheng Tong、Jing Tai and Tian Shun. He once made the illustrious military exploits at the time of defending Datong and Beijing, but later he became a sinner because of the participating in the incidents of "Duo Men" and killing Yu Qian. By now, the study to him is no objective in academic circles.Shi Heng lived in the mid of Ming henry. From 1435 to 1464, a lot of significant event happened: "Tu Mu" change、"Duo Men" change and so on. The national power declines from rotating greatly.In the past Shi Heng gave person the deepest impression: he was a traitor minister In fact, he also had other one aspect:the north edge contracts unceasingly during Zheng Tong. As the door, Datong became the target that the enemy attacked. As a defending general, Shi Heng had gone down many military exploits. At the same time, he also practiced the ability having become a military officer in battle.Jing Tai county 8 years, The emperor got the very grave disease. He has launched coup detach taking advantage of this opportunity, help the Ying Zong emperor to recaptured the emperor place. And, he also instigated Yingzong to kill Yu Qian. Besides, a few scholars think that in Ming dynasty, mobilizing troops must pass the Ministry of War in feudal China, but, a few data indicate that there is also possible that mobilizing troops do not pass the Ministry of War in feudal China.During Tian Shun dynasty, Shi Heng accepted emperor’s favour and trust very much. Be relying on these, he tried to keep the regime. His method of work maked emperor feel discontented. Not too long after that, he was being arrested put in prison, soon he died in the jail. His relation with Ying Zong JingDi and Yu Qian are worth thinking. Especially the relation of him and Ying Zong . The relation hadexperienced three stages: trust、utilize and suspicious.Judging from population,There are both contribution and fault in Shi Heng’s life.

【关键词】 石亨英宗于谦夺门之变
【Key words】 Shi HengYing ZongYu Qian"Duo Men" change
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】162

