

The Research of Layer-Sheet Over-Laying Material and Welding Technology

【作者】 刘晓书

【导师】 李德元;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 材料加工工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 耐磨材料在工业、农业的各个部门应用广泛,但其中大部分材料因磨损而失效,而且我国大量基础零件的耐磨性普遍都低于国外先进水平,所以造成了经济上的巨大损失。而且对于处于恶劣工况的零部件,磨损更是十分严重。因此,合理的采用并推广堆焊技术具有重大的经济意义。堆焊技术可以修复零件表面,在经济上降低成本,在国民生产中有着重要的应用。而堆焊材料在堆焊技术中又占有重要地位。为了适应复杂的应用环境,人们研制出了许许多多的堆焊材料。材料的形态也多种多样,如焊条、带材、丝材、粉末等。材料的成分和组织结构对使用性能和应用范围起着决定性作用。作为最新型的堆焊材料,层片条带状的堆焊材料,在国外已有很大的发展并趋于成熟,国内却缺少在这个方向上进行研究。这种堆焊材料,灵活性好,有很好的弹性,应用更为广泛。本文研制一种灵活性比较好的层片状堆焊材料,用来修复易磨损的零件表面和小型的管材类材料等。选有机硅密封胶、聚乙烯醇、环氧树脂、水玻璃、羧甲基纤维素、正硅酸乙酯等为粘结剂,与硬质材料Ni60H进行混合,做成层片状堆焊材料。首先测试层片的弹性;然后将层片在Q235钢板上进行堆焊,分析施焊后的堆焊层组织;再向堆焊材料中加入WC(碳化钨)硬质相,观察此种堆焊材料的焊后组织,最后将含不同粘结剂的堆焊材料的焊后组织进行比较,选出合适的粘结剂。结果表明以有机硅密封胶、有机硅密封胶与环氧树脂混合为粘结剂的堆焊材料具有良好的柔韧性,可以任意弯折;通过SEM(扫描电镜)照片可知,以有机硅密封胶与环氧树脂1:1为粘结剂的堆焊材料加入WC和CaF2(萤石)后的焊接组织均匀,无缺陷,WC呈细小的层片状结构,具有良好的耐磨性能。

【Abstract】 Wear resistant material was applied widely in each department of industry and agriculture. But most materials were inactivation because of wearing. And a large of wear resistance of base parts in our country was below foreign advantage level, which making huge loss in economy. And there were more wear that the parts worked in several conditions. So there was huge economic significance for using and popularize bead welding rational. Bead welding technique could repair parts surface, reduce cost in economy. There were important applications in national product. Bead welding materials occupy important position in bead welding technique. People had developed lots of bead welding materials for adapting to complex application environments. There were miscellaneous shapes of materials, such as electrode, belt material, flour and so on. The constituent and histology of material lead to decisive effect for serviceability and field of application. As the newest model bead welding materials with the form of lamellar and band which have a large development and driving to maturity in foreign, but lacking of research in domestic. This bead welding materials own good flexibility, elasticity, and extensive application.This paper reached on a lamellar state bead welding materials with good flexibility to repair the parts surface and the material of tubing mini-type for liable wear. To achieve good results in comparison, seven kinds of binder materials is prepared: sodium silicate, cellulose, silicon rubber, glass plastic, polyvinyl alcohol, silica sol, TEOS, which mixed with hard quality material Ni60H to make up of lamellar state bead welding materials. At first, test the elastic of lamellar, then build-up by welding on Q235 steel plate and analyzed the organization of bead weld bed after welding, compared the welding organizations with different binder admixture, selecting suitable binder admixture. The result show that, the bead welding materials of binder admixture mixture with organic silicon sealant and epoxy resin, which with good flexibility and could arbitrary bending; through SEM photograph it can be seen the bead welding materials of binder admixture mixture with organic silicon sealant and epoxy resin with the rate of 1:1, adding to WC and CaF2, and welding organization uniform, non-defect, WC extent lamellar structure, with good wear-resisting property.


