

Instances of Error Changed Structures in Xiaozhuan Styles of <Shuo Wen> of Big Xu Edition

【作者】 张丽娜

【导师】 吴良宝;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 历史文献学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 東漢許慎的《說文解字》是傳世文獻中收羅小篆形體最多的一部字書,也是一份豐富而有系統的秦系文字資料。但是《說文解字》成書於東漢中期,其小篆形體來源比較复雜,且在後世流傳過程中,有不少篆文形體已經訛變了,因此,還有必要用秦漢甚至更晚的篆字材料來對《說文解字》篆文形體進行校正。本文將大徐本《說文解字》(以中華書局影印出版的清嘉慶十四年孫星衍覆刻宋本《說文解字》爲底本)中的篆文形體與秦漢時期傳世、出土的篆文進行對比,旨在考察《說文解字》篆文中的訛變形體。筆者根據統計出的50個基本訛變形體(包括訛變偏旁及單字)進行繫聯,共找出800多個訛變形體,約占《說文解字》篆文總數的9%。從我們所掌握的材料來看,《說文》篆文訛變形體來源大致可分爲:來源於隸書、筆畫訛變、傳抄刊刻訛誤等。由於部分篆文形體來源較複雜,因此,在正文中,我們沒有進行機械分類,而是按《說文》卷目的順序列出訛變形體。本文共分兩部分,前言部分包括:《說文解字》小篆訛形的判定、研究概況、研究目的以及研究方法;正文部分選取五十例訛变偏旁,每一偏旁所統屬的訛變形體按《說文解字》的卷目順序列出,隨後以表格的形式列出秦漢篆文,并加以解釋。

【Abstract】 XiaoZhuan styles were evolved from characters of Kingdom Qin at Chunqiu Period and Warring States Period.In Qin period,XiaoZhuan styles paralleled official scripts,but XiaoZhuan styles holded the main status.Xiaozhuan styles have been playing an important part in character development history.XiaoZhuan styles continued from oracle-bone inscriptions and King characters;began with official scripts of Qin period and Han period,which has important referential value to researching character asterisk structure.<Shuowen Jiezi> is a work which was written by Xu Shen of Eastern Han Dynasty collected the most XiaoZhuan styles among the literatures which have been handed down from ancient times. <Shuo wen> has 9353 XiaoZhuan styles and 1163 ChongWen.<Shuo wen>is a rich and systemic Qin Series character datum,but<Shuo wen >was finished in middle period of Eastern Han Dynasty;the origins of XiaoZhuan styles were complicated and during their spread,a lot of structures of XiaoZhuan styles have been wrongly changed.So they needed Qin and Han inscription XiaoZhuan styles to revising.Regarding to <Shuo wen>,Scholars who research XiaoZhuan styles have make some discuss,however,scholars did not make a special comparison between XiaoZhuan style works and <Shuo wen>.This paper is based on the research production which was made by predecessors and through the comparison between <Shuowen Jie zi>(called big Xun Ben <Shuo wen> for short) which was based on the Sun Xingyan’duplicated Song style:<Shuowen Jiezi> in Qing Dynasty Jiaqing the 14th year(it was published by Zhong Hua publishing house) to small seal style works in Qin and Han period,and the purpose is to research the changed structures of <Shuo wen>.To research the wrongly changed structures of <Shuo wen> is not to debase the value of< Shuo wen>,but to make <Shuo wen> serves us better.According to different causes which made error,it classified 51 basic error changed structures(including error changed Chinese character component and single word) to associate.There are totally more than 800 error changed structures and occupied 9 percent of the whole XiaoZhuan style works of <Shuo wen>.This is divided in two parts,including:an introduction of the judge, and seal fractal image and seal,research methods and research purposes, From what we know,"said the materials of my body ZhuanWen source can be divided into:from official script,stroke,and ChuanChao inadequate.after editions,etc.Because of ZhuanWen form is more complex,therefore,the source text,we have in mechanical classification, but according to the order of purpose and roll list deformation:chu, zhe,ju,yan,sang,xi,jian,juan,yu,wei,guai,jia,bei,duan,pi,che,zhao,sui,shou, xing,bi,ping,yu,ping,bi,fu,xia,zhao,bao,yan,zhao,han,zao,ke,qian,liao,qiao ,xing,hei,fei,e,guai,rong,lou,gai,hong,shu,zuo,dou,sheng,maoand so on.This is divided in two parts,the introduction section includes:the seal of my determination,research situation and research purposes and research methods,Text PianBang variable selection and fifty patients PianPang,each of which Chinese/body according to the <SHuoWenJieZ i>’s order,and then to the list table ZhuanWen Qin,and formHan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】H122
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】305

