

The Study on the Overall Universe Which Affected by Quantum Mechanics

【作者】 雷海峰

【导师】 李晓红;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以现代物理学,特别是量子力学发展为背景,试图通过对量子力学中存在的一些显著的未解之谜的分析,来论述整体性宇宙观的必要性及进步性。文章首先简介了堪称现代物理学最高成就的量子力学中的一些至今未解的疑难问题,表明传统的、破碎性的宇宙观在这些疑难面前彻底失效。进而引出许多著名科学家试图解决这些疑难,他们不得不抛弃传统的、破碎性的宇宙观,以一种整体性的视野去理解和考量这些疑难问题并且取得了突破性的成绩,例如戴维·波姆和欧文·拉兹洛。最后,从作者自己的视野,通过对表观的宇宙和内在的宇宙两方面的思考,论述整体性宇宙观的合理性和进步性。整体性宇宙观的发展立足于现代科学的最高成就,从而进一步克服从前破碎性的、机械性的、割裂的宇宙观,能对世界统一性有一个更为合理的解释。能为人类展现一个关于宇宙的更为清晰的图景,是人类思想的一个飞跃,对于人类今后的发展具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The fragmentation of the universe who Proposed by David·Bohm, think of the human explore the world in the analysis mechanical methods of scientific research. The humanity separates nature each thing each stratification plane, then carries on the analysis, the reorganization, forms with understood to the natural assurance. Although in the past this approach has been to promote the science and the philosophy of continuous progress, even with the universal human of the psychological and cognitive status, but in today’s over-dependence on them so that they become more and more obvious of the deep-rooted bad habits exposed. Environmental pollution, ecological crisis, overpopulation, global political, economic crisis and the crisis of humanity is of such a broken way of psychological and cognitive effects caused by excessive expansion.The modern physics develop high speed, the quantum mechanics achieves a series of astonishing achievements. But when the traditional research technique direction, the scientist continues seeks the quantum mechanics mystery actually to encounter layer on layer the riddle. This forces the scientists to be able not but to transform the thinking mode, thus has adopted, the integrity omni-directional comprehensive thought which and the research technique opposes with the tradition, and in the theory explained that on has received the very good effect. Perhaps, is precisely says from this significance, was precisely the quantum mechanics advanced the integrity worldview development.First, has discussed in quantum mechanics several key questions: The quantum itself, the wave-particle duality, the supplementary principle, the survey feign Miao, the non-localization management. Has summarized these questions all sorts of difficult positions which in the traditional machinery, under the separate research technique appears, if wants to solve this difficult position, the scientist proposed the only way is transforms the humanity existing thinking mode, the innovative idea, changes the inherent research technique. The integrity worldview is arises at the historic moment under this kind of environment. It has surmounted the tradition research technique simple hosts and visitors two points, the mechanical analysis, has formed by integrity, the omni-directional three-dimensional conformity thought and the research technique. The quantum difficult appearance denied the traditional worldview in the microscopic domain validity, causes the integrity worldview concept to emerge the water surface gradually.Second, introduced David·Bohm’s implicate order theory and in the Irving·Laszlo’s universe the fifth field theory. These two kind of theories are take the integrity worldview as the backgrounds, made one kind to the world prospect to look like the persuasive description. Although also has some insufficiencies, but fully demonstrated the integrity worldview superiority. These explanations harmonious unify the world. Hidden entangles the foreword theory very well the hosts and visitors dual unification of opposites, unifies the subjective consciousness and the objective reality in hidden is entangling high dimension is solid, but this volume is entangling high dimension surmounts humanity’s sense organ to exist really, thus cannot dual divide by the hosts and visitors. Will thus span in subjective consciousness and between the objective reality the gully levels. But the fifth kind of field theory physical world, mind world and life world very good unification. Laszlo thinks between the material, if wants the incident cross-correlation to have one medium existence, but field this medium is infinitest broad and is also real exists. Therefore he thought that is fifth kind of field in the one kind of unknown universe the physical world, the mind world and the life world is connected, causes three between possibly to relate subtly into.Third, in the universe apparently and was inferior we daily saw such, is each fractionations. During each part universe is intrinsic is connected, is only because these are connected“the line”is invisible, thus is neglected by the people. Looks like carefully, we can realize this kind of connection. Universe oneself is a whole, is harmonious, the dynamical equilibrium, the coordination.The universe intrinsic in is also integrity existence. May discover through universe total information we: In the part is also containing the universe complete information, it is only as a result of the energy function, but the simple appearance is a part. The total information universe causes the entire universe to share an information, thus the universe each part of connection is also completes through this overall sharing information. But this entire sharing information is also the universe itself, thus, the universe must be an integrity existence.Moreover, the rheological property has entrusted with the universe by the life and the vigor, only then the living universe will only then evolve and develops, only will then have the communication necessity. But evolved and the development in turn had guaranteed universe own vitality and the vigor, had guaranteed universe each aspect must be a unified whole. The incomplete universe is causing partial function forfeit inevitably, such universe can be deathly stiff.Finally the integrity worldview will reappear will have the extremely significant significance to the human world development. It will develop a new ontology, for a world brand-new explanation. It also possibly causes the scientific model one kind of transformation. Overall, the omni-directional conformity type inspection will replace the beforehand scientific research method. Moreover, it will also disintegrate traditional the human center principle, will cause the humanity to oppose naturally with no longer the hosts and visitors, the two will be harmonious in a unified whole.In brief, the integrity worldview’s development will take to the people a brand-new world. Along with the human thinking way’s transformation, the extant some human crisis in light of this will perhaps dispel. Perhaps the integrity worldview is the only admission passage which the humanity further develops.

【关键词】 量子力学整体性宇宙观全息性流动性
【Key words】 Quantum mechanicsIntegrityWorldviewHolographicMobility
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】O413.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】271

