

The Analysis about the Guides’ Characters in Look Homeward, Angel

【作者】 李孟漪

【导师】 付景川;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 托马斯·沃尔夫被称为二十世纪美国最伟大的作家之一。他的一生只有短暂的三十八年,却向世人展示了他非凡的创作才华。而《天使,望故乡》被誉为是他最好的一部小说。以往的研究多从主人公形象、小说的主题思想、小说中体现的哲学观念来进行研究,本论文则是将小说中对主人公成长有重大影响的引导性人物作为研究的重点,立足于成长,通过分析小说中这些引导性人物的形象来关照主人公在不同时期的成长历程,以及特定阶段主人公特殊的精神状态,从引导性人物的角度来关注主人公成长的路线图。在《天使,望故乡》中,对主人公成长起着重要作用的人有很多,在成长的不同阶段每个人的重要性也并不一致,其中父亲、老师、兄长以及恋人在主人公成长道路上的作用不可小觑。这些人物不是作者随便设计的,小说中对主人公影响巨大的这些人物以及他们与主人公之间的联系构成了主人公尤金无法挣脱的环境背景,也控制了小说情节的发展和尤金最后出走的结局。在主人公的童年时期,对他影响最大的是他的父亲;慢慢成长后,主人公到了上学的年龄,他的主要生活环境由家庭变成了学校,此时对孩子影响最大的人也由父母变成了老师玛格丽特;随着年龄不断增长,尤金生理开始成熟,自然而然地对异性产生兴趣,此时恋人的登场是必要的;在小说的最后,尤金出走了,他远离家乡北上哈佛寻梦。他最终体悟到了自己真正的需要和追求,而让尤金在成长上产生了质的飞跃的人就是他的哥哥阿宾。本论文在研究方法上没有简单地将引导性人物的影响分为正面反面,对于所谓的负面影响并没有单纯地从对错的角度来分析,而是利用辩证的方法去看待一些引导性人物在主人公成长道路上的“负面影响”,比如父亲和恋人,学生是从一个完全不同的视角去看问题,在与“坏”的比较中,“好”获得了清晰地界定,这样不仅对小说中的人物性格有了很好的理解,同时也对小说本身会有一个全新的理解。

【Abstract】 Thomas Wolfe (1900<sub>1938) is one of the great writers of the twentieth century. He was just 38 years old when he died, but his extraordinary Talent gives the world large literary achievements. He published four novels, Look homeward Angel, Of Time and the River, The Web and the Rock, You Can’t Go Home Again. Look homeward ,Angel is seen as his best one. He just writes his own experience, but in the novel we can see their confusion and chase even the complex spiritual world of the whole American nation. His creation surpass the southern culture and the region restriction, Called as the symbol of the American mature.In the past, the researchers often focused on the leading role or the philosophy theme of the novel. In my essay the focal point is the guides and the growth of our protagonist.In the novel, the protagonist has not only one guide. During the different period the protagonist has different guide. The guide’s influence on the protagonist is quite important for the growth.ⅠFather GantFather Gant is the most important guide during Eugene’s childhood, because the family is the child first living environment. The child’s Initial Awareness originates from their parents.ⅡTeacher MargaretWhen Eugene grows up, his living environment divert to the school. The teacher becomes the most important person in his life. The teacher’s behavior effect the boy’s concept of life and values. She helps Eugene to find his location in the society. She gives Eugene the hope of the existence.ⅢLover LauraIn Eugene‘s adolescence, his body developed and he interested in girls. At this time, the lover is necessary for Eugene. Even the romance is failed at last, Eugene accepts more than love.ⅣBrother BenAt the last chapter, Eugene escapes from his family, hometown, and native region. He goes to Harvard to continue his study. He finally finds that it is art that assists him in conquering time and death. Ben is the most important guide, who helps him to find the answer to the confusion. Ben is not only Eugene’s brother but also his spiritual father.In my essay, I use dialectical methods to analysis the influence of the guides. Not simply divided them into good or bad.Look homeward ,Angel is a autobiographical, Thomas Wolfe showed us his idea of‘root’and his love to his hometown. He is not himself but a miniature of the youth at that time.The Research about Thomas Wolfe and his novel is not excessive. Even in the university few men reads Thomas Wolfe. Comment on the article of Thomas Wolfe is slow. We just have ten articles about him. So it is necessary for us to do more research on him.Thomas Wolfe accepted Sigmund Freud’s theory and Western Philosophy and used them in his novel. So it made the character of the novel more abundant. When we analyze the Characters of his novel, we can also find the source of the American young people’s confusion after the World War.

【关键词】 托马斯·沃尔夫成长引导性人物孤独逃离
【Key words】 Thomas Wolfegrowthguidelonelinessescape
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】242

