

Discussion on the Crime of Money Laundering

【作者】 任崇峰

【导师】 张旭;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 洗钱罪,即对隐瞒或掩饰犯罪所得的犯罪活动的总称。随着经济和社会的发展,洗钱罪涉及的范围也越来越广,给国家安全和社会利益造成了巨大的影响,甚至给全球经济发展带来了严重威胁。在我国,洗钱罪还有一些本土化特点,由于洗钱的刑事立法起步较晚,并且受经济、社会发展的制约,反洗钱罪的刑事立法目前还不是特别成熟。加大抑制洗钱犯罪的力度,全面有效的抑制日益猖獗的洗钱犯罪,健全我国反洗钱刑事犯罪的立法工作已经是刻不容缓。有鉴于此,本文共分几个部分,分别对我国洗钱罪的立法沿革、刑法释义、构成要件、立法状况和缺陷进行阐述。在此基础上,提出几点立法完善措施:转变犯罪客体归属、扩大上游犯罪范围、增设实行行为方式、扩大犯罪主体范畴、调整主观要件认识、完善刑法罪名体系。

【Abstract】 With the economic and social development, global economic integration to speed up the process, money-laundering crimes in this relatively "young" forms of crime show the trend of the spread and development. There is emerging as a highly profitable and complex area of crime and the international community to become a major public hazard. The great crime of money laundering is not only destructive to the financial performance in areas such as erosion, is more important is it to be other crimes, especially organized crime, lubricants, is essential "lifeline." Judging from history, as early as in the last century 20’s, the U.S. mafia criminal groups, the use of the U.S. economy used in the large-scale production technology, develop their own criminal enterprises, seeking profits. And the first to take the money-laundering proceeds of crime to obtain this effective method. Then the forms of crime in the global spread of serious harm because of its increasingly becoming the focus of the fight against the world. Countries have legislation and the establishment of related international organizations, and signed a series of international treaties to strengthen the crackdown. China has always attached importance to the punishment of the crime of money laundering and prevention, money laundering legislation is also the first one, and assume the corresponding international obligations.In the Criminal Code stipulates that units and individuals known to be drug-related crime, criminal syndicate of organized crime, criminal terrorist activities, smuggling or other illegal proceeds of crime and its proceeds, in order to disguise or conceal the source and nature. Elements from the crime in terms of: first, China’s criminal law will be classified as money-laundering crimes to undermine the socialist market economic order in the chapter on crime. Note that our criminal law the crime of money laundering violations by the state of the object on the financial activities of the management system and the judicial authorities for prosecution of crimes normal activities, but the main object of the financial management of the socialist order. Second, money-laundering crimes have demonstrated for the objective to disguise or conceal the drug-related crimes, organized crime Mafia, criminal terrorist activities, smuggling, crime, corruption and bribery, destruction of the financial management of the order of crime, financial fraud and the illegal income of the nature of the revenue generated and sources of behavior. In judicial practice, the specific operation, money laundering is complex, many criminals the means, the selection of means, mainly by the local legal, financial conditions and decide the ultimate goal of money-laundering. In short, money-laundering is the criminal proceeds of their criminal activities and means of the process of legalization. Although the performance of money-laundering crimes take various forms, we can process according to money-laundering act like a different purpose of state and behavior, be divided into two stages: 1. Disposal and multi-stage; 2. Integration phase. Third, the main elements of the crime of money laundering as a general principal, including natural persons and units, that is, drug-related crime, criminal syndicate of organized crime, terrorist activities and smuggling crimes, corruption and bribery, destruction of the financial management of the order of crime, financial fraud illegal income and the revenue generated by the source and cover up and conceal the nature of the individual or unit. Fourth, the subjective elements of the crime of money laundering in the subjective aspects of the crime must be intentional, that is "knowingly." I believe that the so-called "clearly aware" means the acts of another person’s property "means" belonging to the seven types of criminal law crime precise understanding of the scope, but does not refer to criminal acts against the upper reaches of the fact that there is a genuine understanding.Based on the above for the crime of money-laundering charges History and Analysis, the author of China’s current criminal law for the crime of money laundering to make a few suggestions. First, the money laundering offense of criminal legislation for the perfect way. China’s "criminal law" only requires the three acts of crime in general stolen goods, for items such as specific drugs are provided for harboring, transfer, concealment of drugs, drug handling stolen goods and illegal possession of narcotics crimes, therefore, acquisition, possession, the use of illicit income in our country, it is not recognized as a crime of money laundering. China’s money-laundering crimes in the provisions of the behavior of the rigid and flexible too inadequate. I believe that the crime of money laundering act in the way, in order to more clearly understand the characteristics of money-laundering, the fight against money laundering more accurate crime, recommendations from the International and other most countries in the manner prescribed in the Penal Code provides that the crime of money laundering to the behavior modified and improved. Can refer to specific provisions of relevant international conventions, designed to: "Where one of the following money-laundering, Department ... ...: (1) conversion, transfer or transfer of the illegal income and income generated; (2) to conceal, cover up the illegal income and revenue generated by the nature, source, location, disposition, movement-related rights or ownership; (3) concealing, disguising the illegal income and income generated; (4) the acquisition, possession, use of the illegal income and income generated. "Second, the subject of money laundering crime to improve criminal legislation. On the subject of money laundering, there is a problem worthy of concern that the upper reaches of the perpetrator of the crime of their own to carry out the washing, can become the main money-laundering crimes. China’s money-laundering predicate offenses and the crime of the same whether the main issue, the law expressly provides that no judicial interpretation, the theory there is a big controversy on this sector. From the main countries in the world of money laundering legislation and the development trend of the status quo, the main predicate offenses of money laundering could be the main problem has been reached a consensus. China’s current criminal law is obviously not conducive to the fight against money-laundering offenses, the crime of money laundering is not conducive to the strengthening of international coordination and cooperation. Therefore, I believe that the main body of the crime of money-laundering legislation has yet to be to expand and improve on. The main crime of the most simple and perfect way is to amend the Criminal Code in the future will be the crime of money-laundering "provide" terms. Will be expanded to include the crime of money laundering predicate offenses of the guilty, is severely crack down on money-laundering crime, the maintenance of the objective of modern financial order needs. Third, the crime of money laundering predicate offenses to improve the criminal legislation. Money laundering as a "crime downstream" or "derivative crimes" is a perpetrator of "predicate offenses" or "primary crime" and their illicit proceeds derived from the conduct of the washing. The crime of money laundering predicate offenses and inseparable relationship, there is no money-laundering predicate offenses would not have existed crime. China’s current Criminal Code the crime of money laundering only limits the scope of predicate offenses as "poisonous, private, black, fear of" four, although each type of offense, including a number of specific charges, but it is from the administration of justiceA time when the world needs and the development trend of criminal legislation, China’s money-laundering predicate offenses the scope of the crime is still too narrow and should be further expanded. Money-laundering crimes but will also be limited to four categories of predicate offenses crimes, but also very useful for other related crimes against. It should be said that our society is at an important period of transformation, related to the legal system is not perfect, and the more prominent the issue of economic crime. Therefore, I believe that the current criminal law only the crime of money laundering predicate offenses qualify as "drugs, private, black, fear of" four, significantly reducing the size of the scope. This limitation is not only detrimental to the fight against money-laundering offenses, is not conducive to the other to punish and prevent crime.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】152

