

On the Application of Chunking Approach to English Vocabulary Teaching in Primary Schools

【作者】 汤丽萍

【导师】 薛常明;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 词汇是语言学习中一个极其重要的组成部分,也是各项语言能力的基础,它在语言学习中起着举足轻重的作用。因此,从事第二语言学习的专家学者、外语教师和教育者们从不同角度对外语词汇学习作了深入的研究,对词汇学习做出了很大的贡献。词块法是近十年来受到国内许多专家、学者们关注的新教学方法。词块法对词汇习得的实效性已在全国一些高校、中学得到实证,并得到了许多专家和学者的充分肯定。但它在小学的起始阶段是否可行?目前很少有人用实证的方法加以研究。本论文的目的就是想通过实证的方法,探究词块法用于小学英语教学的可行性与有效性。为了验证词块法的可行性与有效性,本论文采用文献综述和实证的方法进行研究。论文首先分析了目前农村小学英语词汇学习存在的问题和成因,并通过评述“词块法”的教学理念和优势,从理论上分析了“词块法”的可行性,然后介绍了作者在龙岩市松涛小学三年级(2)班开展为期10周的英语词汇“词块法”教学实验,并取得了相关数据。实验班在前后两次测试中平均分的显著差异表明:词块法对词汇学习有明显效果,而且不同层次的学生取得的进步程度不同。语义场、神经语言学和心理语言学等理论支持了本教学实验,这些理论依据都证实了词块法在词汇学习中的可行性和有效性。词块法具有推广的价值。同时,本文也指出了本研究的局限性,提出进一步研究本课题的建议。

【Abstract】 Vocabulary is an important component of language as well as the base of linguistic abilities,Vocabulary study is of critical importance in language learning, therefore scholars,teachers and educators involved in second language learning have pursued researches into vocabulary acquisition from different aspects,and made great contribution to vocabulary learning and teaching.Chunking approach(lexical approach),as a new teaching and learning approach,has drawn many experts and scholars’ attention in the past ten years.Its validity in vocabulary acquisition has been testified by some empirical studies in different universities and middles,and fully confirmed by some experts and scholars in English teaching field.However,it is uncertain whether chunking approach is feasible to be applied to English vocabulary teaching in primary schools.Actually,few people have concerned and testified it so far.So the aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that chunking approach can be applied to English teaching in primary schools.In order to test the feasibility and effectiveness of chunking approach,this thesis adopts the literature survey and experimental method.It analyzes the current vocabulary acquisition problems existed in rural primary schools in China.And then by commenting the idea and advantage of chunking approach,it expounds the feasibility of applying it to English vocabulary teaching in primary schools.After that the thesis introduces an experiment conducted in Class Two Grade Three in Longyan Songtao Primary School for 10 weeks,and some correlated data were collected.The significant differences of the means between the pre-test and post-test indicate that the effectiveness of chunking approach is significant and progress percentages of different levels are different.Such theoretical bases as semantic field, neurolinguistics,and psycholinguistics also support the result of the experiment.At last,it is concluded that chunking approach is practicable and its application is meaningful to English teaching in primary schools.Meanwhile,the thesis also puts forward some problems to be solved in the future.

  • 【分类号】G623.31
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1194

