

An Essay on Enlightenment of the Late Qing Dynasty Culture

【作者】 刘宇

【导师】 吴彤;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 有学者曾经指出,没有晚清何来“五四”。“五四”新文化运动与晚清的思潮与文化之间存在着紧密的联系。一部中国近代史,即是中国思想文化的历史,也是中国的屈辱史。晚清是中国历史上一个尤为特殊的时期,这一时期中国社会纷繁复杂的状况决定了此时思想文化的变革。外国列强用坚船利炮打开了中国的大门,晚清动荡不安的社会状况早就了此时思想文化的巨大变革。封闭了几千年的中华文明此时与西方文明发生碰撞、交汇,对西方文化复杂的接受与传播过程造成了晚清思想文化的多样性与复杂性。晚清独特的文化状况为“五四”新文化运动的发生以及“五四”思想文化的形成提供了契机和基础,因此,要对“五四”新文化运动进行研究,晚清思潮、文化与晚清白话小说运动的研究是比不可少的研究环节。对“晚清”历史范畴的时间界定一直存有争议。一般来说,学术界比较认同并被广泛接受的说法是以1840年鸦片战争为起始点。对“五四”新文化运动的研究,最近的研究成果开始将从更注重思想文化研究的角度入手,同时也更注重“现代化”在中国发生的历史演变的角度。因而许多研究者和学者将“五四”新文化运动的研究向前追溯到十九世纪的中日甲午海战和戊戌变法事件,认为中国的现代化转向要向前推至1894-1995年甲午海战即已经发生。“甲午战争,一方面给中国带来了巨大的灾难,使中国的国际地位进一步沉沦,面临严重的被瓜分灭亡的危险;同时,另一方面,也给中国人民敲起了警钟,促进了民族的觉醒,成为中国民族觉醒的真正发端、近代中国民族解放运动史上一座重要的里程碑。”发生在晚清的思想文化变革,其意义是深远的,不是孤立的存在。在当时影响深广的如严复的《天演论》,林纾的对外国小说的翻译,都为中国社会各阶层广泛接触西方思想起到了桥梁作用。西方的文艺、文化、思想观念以及思想启蒙运动都在这时传播到了中国,并对中国社会影响巨大。“五四”新文化运动被认为是中国的“启蒙运动”。我们可以看到,正是戊戌变法使中国社会新的政治和思想文化的变革有了土壤。如果没有维新思潮的发生,“五四”新文化运动只能是没有地基的空中楼阁。事实上如严复《天演论》这样的著作,在“五四”时期仍然影响巨大,是“五四”新文化运动观念形成的基础之一。正是晚清复杂多变的社会变化为“五四”新文化运动的最终发生提供了一个历史契机。“晚清“新小说”为代表的文艺启蒙思潮的高涨,更是经历了1901年至1911年的十年发展和以后的衰变,在衰变的螺旋式上升中走向“五四”新文学。”本文主要分为三个部分。第一部分主要描述了晚清思想文化变革发生的社会背景;第二部分阐述“晚清”文化启蒙的情况;第三部分思考“晚清”文化启蒙的重要意义和影响。

【Abstract】 Had scholar to once point out,there is no night pure He2 Lai2"54"."54" new cultural sport and night pure current of thought and of the culture existence close of contact.A China modern history,is China thought culture of history,is also China of humiliate history.The night is pure is China the history be previous is special of period,this at that time mid-term country society numerous and complicated complications of the condition come to a decision at this time thought culture of change.Foreign country the great powers opened with the hard ship benefit cannon China of front door,night pure turbulence uneasy of society condition early at this time thought culture of huge change.Close the China civilization for several thousand years at this time with west civilization occurrence collision,hand over to remit,to west culture complications of accept with dissemination the process resulted in night pure thought culture of diverse sex and complexity.Night pure and special cultural condition is"54" new culture sport of occurrence and"54" thought culture of formation provided chance and foundation,therefore,rightness"54" new culture sport carry on research,night pure current of thought,culture and night innocent words novel sport of research is ratio can’t little of research link.Rightness the history category of "the night be pure" of time define has been contain controversy.Generally speaking,academic circles comparison approbation combine quilt extensive accept of parlance with 1840 Opium War for start point.Rightness"54" new culture sport of research,recent of research result beginning will from pay attention to angle that thought culture’s research more to commence, also in the meantime pay attention to "modernization" more in China occurrence of the history turn into of angle.As a result many researcher and scholar will"54" new culture sport of the research trace back to forward till 19 centuries of medium day A noon naval battle and E Xu political reform affairs,think China of modernization change direction to want to push forward to 1894-1995 years A noon naval battle namely already occurrence."A noon war,on the other hand brought China a huge disaster,make China of international position further drown,face severity of is divide perish of dangerous;Give on the other hand and also in the meantime China the people knock to have a Jing clock and promoted race of awakening,become China race awakening of real hair carry,modern age China race lib movement the history be previous importance of milestone."1840 ago of China,is west horse can wave" the country of gold" of the style of writing.For want to carry on capital originality a backlog of west to say,China is in an imagination of heaven.Although the as early as Kangxi year have already had great powers Ji Yu China of wealth combine to infringe upon China,because of China at that time strength of strong,end with failure senior high school.In the imagination of the west,China is a mysterious huge empire,all over the place gold,vast territory and abundant resources.Close the border a lock a country of China become west imagination of object,businessman and missionary all have never can knock to open China of front door.Society in China at that time hand down several thousand years accumulate Dian down of customs,rite,be placed in a kind of super stability of society cultural structure in,thought culture variety very small.However the Opium War of 1840 change everything.The western imperial powers opened the front door of China by hard ship benefit cannon,China society of stability the structure be also immediately broken.China of territory sovereignty and various benefits be continuously divided by the great powers,China that is at this time society,not only China the political power be tottering,in the meantime inherit title the culture for several thousand years also is suffer destructiveness of stroke.Race sense of pride and cultural dignity of China all are suffer harsh of test.China that is at this time society the rains and winds float to wave to concuss uneasy.At this kind of surging of society under the structure and form,thought culture of huge change just ferment,and end explosion come out.The occurrence is pure in the night of thought culture change,its meaning is profound,not is isolated of existence.At that time influence deep wide of such as strict reply of《theory of evolution theory》,Lin2 Shu of outward country novel of translation,all for China various strata of society extensive the west of the contact thought have bridge function.West of literature,culture,thought idea and thought enlighten sport all at this time dissemination arrive China,and to China society influence huge."54" new cultural sports are think is China of’enlighten sport".We can see,is exactly an E Xu political reform to make China society new of politics and thought culture of change had soil.If do not reform the occurrence of current of thought,"54" new culture sport can be to have no mirage of foundation.In fact such as strict reply《theory of evolution theory》so of work,at"54" period still influence huge,BE"54" new culture sport idea formation of one of the foundation.BE exactly the night be pure complications much change of society variety for"54" new culture sport of end occurrence provided a history chance."Night pure" new novel "for representative of the literature enlighten current of thought of upsurge,is also experience 1901-1911 year of decade development and later of the Shuai change,in the Shuai change of the helix the type the ascension alignment"54" modern literature."This text is main to is divided into three part.A part main description night pure thought cultural change occurrence of society background;Two parts elaborate "night pure" culture to enlighten a circumstance and it to"54" cultural sport occurrence of influence;Three parts emphasize the study "night pure" culture to enlighten with"54" new culture sport connection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】438

